NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Lab
for Terrestrial Physics

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These are the Laboratory's publications for the year 2002. The total number of our refereed publications that actually appeared in print in 2002 was 108 (i.e., this does not include papers that were "accepted" and/or "in press"). This figure includes refereed journal articles, book chapters, and/or books authored by our civil servants, post doc's, visiting scientists, contractors, and people from other agencies co-located in our physical space who conduct joint research with us.

As in our 2002 Annual Report, publications are listed in 3 sections - Biospherics, Geodynamics & Geodesy, Laser Measurements & Technology.

Biospherics Publications

Geodynamics & Geodesy Publications

Laser Measurements & Technology Publications



2001 Publications






Printable Version

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NASA logo The Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics is located at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

Lab Chief: Dave E. Smith
Responsible NASA Official: Locke Stuart
Webmaster: Maggie Masetti

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This file was last modified on Monday, 18-Aug-2003 10:29:17 EDT