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Licensing SOLVE on the Internet

SOLVE has been the Laboratory's greatest Internet licensing success to date. It has been licensed to several government agencies and contractors and to over 155 educational and nonprofit institutions worldwide to be used for noncommercial purposes. In addition, SOLVE has been licensed to four companies for commercial use in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical fields.  More

Licensable Technologies
Licensing Process
Licensing Success Stories

Los Alamos National Laboratory benefits the US economy and taxpayers by licensing its intellectual property to private industry for commercial development. The Laboratory's Technology Transfer (TT) Division encourages licensees to commercialize licensed technology by requiring fair market consideration for all technology licenses. On behalf of the University of California, for the Department of Energy, TT leverages the Laboratory's intellectual property through its licensing program. In this way the Laboratory is able to foster strategic alliances that create a vital link with the private sector which leads to innovative and effective solutions to problems that affect both industry and the Laboratory.

New semiconductor process technology scores Presidential Award for Los Alamos team

Patent and Licensing Awards Ceremony honors Laboratory innovators (Daily Newsbulletin) [See also Los Alamos News Letter (pdf), page 6.]

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Operated by the University of California for the US Department of Energy
Office of Technology Transfer | Technology Partnerships Working Group

TT Only | Science and Technology | Library

Copyright © UC | For conditions of use see Disclaimer

Last Modified : 9/13/04