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Accepting applications for the 2004 summer MBA program (6.4Mb pdf) closing April 1, 2004

MBA students intern at Lab (pdf – see page 5)

Also: MBA students jump into the tech transfer machine at Los Alamos

Business CounselingFunding SourcesNetworkingTraining OpportunitiesMBA InternshipsResearch ParkSuccess Stories line  

Technology Commericalizaton Office

Los Alamos National Laboratory's Technology Commercialization Office (TCO) offers a broad range of services to help regional businesses and fledgling entrepreneurs. By developing new ways to use emerging Laboratory technologies to stimulate high-tech business start-ups, create job opportunities, and attract business and capital to the region, we are helping northern New Mexico's business community best serve the needs of the Laboratory and its surrounding communities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Los Alamos Research Park (pdf)

Technology Commercialization Office announces awards to eight Northern New Mexico businesses


Los Alamos National Laboratory

Operated by the University of California for the US Department of Energy
Office of Technology Transfer | Technology Partnerships Working Group

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Last Modified : 3/29/04


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