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Forestry Sciences Laboratory

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United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Scientific Publication CoverNCRS Landscape Ecology Research Unit Publication List:
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2004   2003    2002    2001     2000     1999     1998     1997     1996     1995    1994     1993    1992     1991    1990     1989

2004     Top

Gardner, Robert H.; Gustafson, Eric J. 2004. Simulating dispersal of reintroduced species within heterogeneous landscapes. Ecological Modelling. 171: 339-358.

2003     Top

Bollinger, Janine; Sprott, Julien C.; Mladenoff, David J. 2003. Self-organization and complexity in historical landscape patterns. Oikos. 100(3): 541-553.

Buckley, D. S., T.R. Crow, E.A. Nauertz, and K. E. Schulz. 2003.  Influence of skid trails and haul roads on understory plant richness and composition in managed forest landscapes in Upper Michigan, U.S.A. Forest Ecology and Management 175:509-520. View Abstract  View article

Conradt. L., P.A. Zollner, T.J. Roper, K. Frank, and C.D. Thomas. 2003. Foray search: an effective systematic dispersal strategy in fragmented landscapes. American Naturalist 161:905-915.

Euskirchen, Eugénie S.; Chen, Jiquan; Gustafson, Eric J.; Ma, Siyan. 2003. Soil respiration at dominant patch types within a managed northern Wisconsin landscape. Ecosystems. 6: 595-607.

Gustafson, Eric J.; Lietz, Sue M.; Wright, John L. 2003. Predicting the spatial distribution of aspen growth potential in the upper great lakes region. Forest Science 49(4): 499-508.

Gustafson, E.J., L.V. Rasmussen, and L.A. Leefers. 2003. Spec2Hav: User's guide. Published on Internet server, PDF , HTML.

Gustafson, E.J., P.A. Zollner, B.R. Sturtevant, H. S. He, and D. J. Mladenoff.  In press.  Influence of forest management alternatives and landtype on susceptibility to fire in northern Wisconsin, USA.  Landscape Ecology. Summary in plain language.

Gustafson, E.J., S.M. Lietz, and J.L. Wright. Predicting the spatial distribution of aspen growth potential in the upper Great Lakes region.  Forest Science 49:499-508.  View AbstractSummary in plain language

Gustafson, E.J., J. Nestler, L. Gross, K. Reynolds, D. Yaussy, T. Maxwell, and V. Dale.  2003.  Evolving Approaches and Technologies to Enhance the Role of Ecological Modeling in Decision-Making. Pages 135-164 in Ecological modeling for resource management, V.H. Dale, Editor.  Springer-Verlag, NY.

Hews, D.K. and V.S. Quinn. 2003. Endocrinology of species differences in sexually dichromatic signals. Pages 253-277. In: Fox, Stanley F.; McCoy, J. Kelly; Baird, Troy A.; eds. Lizard social behavior, Baltimore, MD: The John Hopkins University Press.

Leefers, Larry A.;  Gustafson, Eric J.; and Freeman, Phillip. 2003. Linking temporal optimzation and spatial simulation models for forest planning. Pages 165-173. In: Arthaud, Greg J.; Barrett, Tara M., eds. Systems analysis in forest resources: Proceedings of the eighth symposium, Managing forest ecosystems ; 2000 September 27-30; Snowmass Village, CO. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 

Probst, John R. and D. Donnerwright.  2003.  Fire and shade effects on ground cover structure in Kirtland's Warbler habitat.  American Midland Naturalist 149:320-334. View Article

Probst, John R.; Donner, Deahn M.; Bocetti, Carol I.; Sjogren, Steve. 2003. Population increase in Kirtland’s warbler and summer range expansion to Wisconsin and Michigan’s upper peninsula, USA. Oryx. 37(3): 365-373.

Sturtevant, B. R., P. A. Zollner, E. J. Gustafson, and D. T. Cleland. In press. Human influence on fuel connectivity and risk of catastrophic fires in mixed forests of northern Wisconsin. Landscape Ecology.

Zollner, P.A. and K. J. Crane. 2003. Influence of canopy closure and srub coverage on travel along coarse woody debris by eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus). American Midland Naturalist. 150:151-157.

2002     Top

Chen, J., M. Falk, E. Euskirchen, K.T. Paw U, T.H. Suchanek, S.L. Ustin, B.J. Bond, K.D. Brosofske, N. Phillips and R. Bi.  2002.  Biophysical control of carbon flows in three successional Douglas-fir stands based on eddy-covariance measurements.  Tree Physiology 22:169-177.

Crow, T.R., D.S. Buckley, E.A. Nauertz, and J.C. Zasada. 2002. Effects of management on the composition and structure of northern hardwood forests in upper Michigan. Forest Science 48(1):129-145.

Crow, T.R. 2002. Putting multiple use and sustained yield into a landscape context. Pages 349-365 In: Liu, Jianguo; Taylor, William W.; eds. Cambridge studies in landscape ecology: Integrating landscape ecology into natural resource management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Euskirchen, E.S., J.Chen, H. Li, E.J. Gustafson and T.R. Crow.  2002.  Modeling landscape net ecosystem productivity (LandNEP) under alternative management regimes.  Ecological Modelling 154:75-91.  View article

Gustafson, E.J. and N. Diaz.  2002.  Timber extraction, landscape pattern, and biological conservation.  Pages 244-265 In:  K. Gutzwiller (ed), Concepts and applications of landscape ecology in biological conservation.  Springer-Verlag, New York.  

Gustafson, E.J. and L.V. Rasmussen.  2002.  Assessing the Spatial Implications of Interactions Among Strategic Forest Management Options Using a Windows-based Harvest Simulator.  Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 33:179-196.  View Abstract  View Article

Gustafson, E.J., M.G. Knutson, G.J. Niemi, and M.H. Friberg.  2002.  Evaluation of spatial models to predict vulnerability of forest birds to brood parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds.  Ecological Applications 12(2):412-426.  Summary in plain language

Gustafson, E.J. and L.V. Rasmussen. 2002. HARVEST for Windows: User’s guide.  Published on the Internet by the USDA Forest Service, North Central Research Station, St. Paul, Minnesota.  URL: PDF , HTML

Gustafson, E.J. 2002. Simulating changes in landscape pattern. In: Gergel, Sarah E., Turner, Monica G. (eds): Learning Landscape Ecology A practical guide to concepts and techniques; pp. 49-61.

Gustafson, E.J., J. Nestler, and L. Gross.; et al. 2002. Evolving approaches and technologies to enhance the role of ecological modeling in decision making. Pages 135-164 In: Dale, Virginia H., ed. Ecological modeling for resource management: New York, New York: Springer-Verlag.

He, H.S., D.R. Larsen, and D.J. Mladenoff. 2002. Exploring component-based approaches in forest landscape modeling. Environmental Modelling and Software 17:519-529. View article

He, H.S., D.J. Mladenoff, and E.J. Gustafson.  2002.  Study of landscape change under forest harvesting and climate warming-induced fire disturbance.  Forest Ecology and Management 155:257-270.  View Article

Jordan, J.K., E.A. Padley, and D.T. Cleland. 2002. Landtype associations: concepts and development in Lake States national forests. Pages 11-23 In: Smith, Mary-Louise ed.; Proceedings, land type association conference: development and use in natural resources management, planning, and research; 2001 April 24-26; Madison, Wisconsin. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-294.

Mladenoff, D.J., S.E. Dahir, E.V. Nordheim, L.S. Schulte, and G.G. Guntenspergen. 2002. Narrowing historical uncertainty: probabilistic classification of ambiguously identified tree species in historical forest survey data. Ecosystems 5:539-553.

Mech, S.G. and P.A. Zollner. 2002. Using body size to predict perceptual range. Oikos 98:47-52. View Article

Potts, R.S. 2002. Conflict and communicatively rational public discourse: exploring an approach to social assessment to facilitate collaboration. Ph.D. Thesis. Missoula, MT; University of Montana; pp. 147. (Thesis)

Saunders, S.C., J. Chen, T.D.Drummer, T.R. Crow, K.D. Brosofske and E.J. Gustafson.  2002.  The patch mosaic and ecological decomposition across spatial scales in a managed landscape of northern Wisconsin, USA.  Basic and Applied Ecology 3:49-64.

Saunders, S.C., M.R. Mislivets, J. Chen and D.T. Cleland.  2002.  Effects of roads on landscape structure within nested ecological units of the northern Great Lakes region, USA.  Biological Conservation 103:209-225.  View Article

Schulte, L.A. 2002. Northern Wisconsin Forests: Pattern and Process on a Historical Landscape. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Schulte, L.A., D.J. Mladenoff, and E.V. Nordheim. 2002. Quantitative classification of a historic northern Wisconsin (U.S.A.) landscape: mapping forests at regional scales. Canadian Journal Forest Research 32: 1616-1638.

Sprott, J.C., J. Bolliger, and D.J. Mladenoff. 2002. Self-organized criticality in forest-landscape evolution. Physics Letters A 297:267-271.

Stearns, F. and G.E. Likens.  2002.  One hundred years of recovery of a pine forest in northern Wisconsin.  American Midland Naturalist 148:2-19.

Sturtevant, B.R. 2002. Forest site quality and fledging success of forest interior songbirds: does topography restrict habitat quality? Ph.D. Thesis. College Park, Maryland; University of Maryland; pp. 173.

Turner, M.G., T.R. Crow, and J. Liu. et al. 2002. Bridging the gap between landscape ecology and natural resource management. Pages 446-447 In: Liu, Jianguo; Taylor, William W. eds. Integrating landscape ecology into natural resource management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

2001     Top

Bragg, D.C.  2001.  A Local Basal Area Adjustment for Crown Width Prediction.  Journal of Applied Forestry 18:22-28.

Bragg, D.C.  2001.  Potential relative increment (PRI): a new method to empirically derive optimal tree diameter growth.  Ecological Modelling 137:77-92.  View article

Brosofske, K.D., J. Chen and T.R. Crow.  2001.  Understory vegetation and site factors: implications for a managed Wisconsin landscape.  Forest Ecology and Management 146:75-87.  View Article

Cardille, J.A., S.J. Ventura, and M.G. Turner.  2001.  Environmental and social factors influencing wildfires in the upper Midwest, United States.  Ecological Applications 11:111-127.

Cardille, J.A. and S.J. Ventura. 2001.  Occurrence of wildfire in the northern Great Lakes region: effects of land cover and land ownership assessed at multiple scales.  International Journal of Wildland Fire 10:145-154.

Corace, R.G. III.  2001.  Our other grouse, spruce and sharp-tailed.  Upper Michigan Outdoor Journal 2(4):14-15.

Corace, R.G. III.  2001.  Restoring pine barrens for avian conservation on Michigan's upper peninsula.  Society for Restoration Ecology News 14(2&3):1,14.

Euskirchen, E.S., J. Chen, and R. Bi.  2001.  Effects of edges on plant communities in a managed landscape in northern Wisconsin.  Forest Ecology and Management 148:93-108.  View Article

Gustafson, E.J., N.L. Murphy and T.R. Crow.  2001.  Using a GIS model to assess terrestrial salamander response to alternative forest management plans.  Journal of Environmental Management 63:281-292. View Abstract  View Article  Summary in plain language

Gustafson, E. J.  2001.  Simulating changes in landscape pattern.  Pages 49-61 in Learning Landscape Ecology: A Practical Guide to Concepts and Techniques, S. Gergel and M.G. Turner, (eds).  Springer-Verlag, New York.

Nauertz, E.A., and J.C. Zasada. 2001. Lycopodium: growth form, morphology, and sustainability of a non-timber forest product. In: (eds) Davidson-Hunt, Iain, Zasada, John C.; Forest Communities in the third millennium: linking research, business a, and policy toward a sustainable non-timber forest product sector. Proceedings of meeting; 1999 October 1-4; Kenora, Ontario, Canada. Gen Tech Rep. NC-217.

Schulte, L. A. and D. J. Mladenoff..  2001.  The original US public land survey records: their use and limitations in reconstructing presettlement vegetation.  Journal of Forestry  99(10):5-10. View Article

2000      Top

Brosofske, K. D.  2000.  Relationships between understory vegetation and landscape structure across multiple spatial scales in northern Wisconsin.  Ph.D. thesis, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan.  162 pp.

Cleland, D.T., L.A. Leefers, J.M. Vasievich, T.R. Crow, and E.A. Padley. The Great Lakes ecological assessment.  2000.  In: M. Jensen, P. Bourgeron, and M. Vasievich (eds) A Guidebook for Integrated Ecological Assessments.  Springer-Verlag, New York.

Cleland, D.T., L.A. Leefers, and D.I. Dickman.  2000.  Ecology and management of aspen: a Lakes States perspective.  In: Sustaining aspen in western landscapes: symposium proceedings, 13-15 June 2000, W.D. Shepperd et al. (eds.).  USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rpt. RMRS-P-18.  p. 81-99.

Crow, T. R., M. E. Baker, and B.V. Barnes.  2000.  Diversity in Riparian Landscapes.  In:  Verry, Elon S., Hornbeck, James W., and Dolloff, C. Andrew eds., Riparian Management in Forests of the Continental Eastern United States, Lewis Publisher, Boca Raton, FL, Chapter 3, p. 43-66.

Evers, D.C., J.D. Kaplan, P.S. Reaman, J.D. Parauk, and P. Phifer.  2000.  Demographic characteristics of the common loon in the upper Great Lakes.  In: McIntyre, J.W. and Evers, D.C. (eds). Loons: old history and new findings.  Proceedings of a symposium, American Ornithologist's Union, August 15, 1997, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Fauth, P.T., E.J. Gustafson, and K.N. Rabenold.  2000.  Predicting the location of source habitat for neotropical migrants in a Midwestern landscape.  Landscape Ecology 15:621-631. View Abstract  View article

Gann, V., J. Zasada, K. Schulz, K. Kahl, E. Nauertz, and W. Mattson.  2000.  Flowering, fruit set, and fruit production in Eastern Leatherwood (Dirca palustris).  In:  Illinois State Academy of Science supplement to Volume 93, 2000, April 7-8, Rock Island, Illinois, 92nd annual meeting at Augustana College.  p.16.

Gustafson, E.J., S.R. Shifley, D.J. Mladenoff, H.S. He, and K.K. Nimerfro.  2000.  Spatial simulation of forest succession and timber harvesting using LANDIS.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research 30:32-43.  View Abstract  View Article

Hamady, M. A.  2000.  An ecosystem approach to assessing the effects of forest heterogeneity and disturbance on birds of the northern hardwood forest in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.  Master’s thesis, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.  261 pp.

McCormick, R.J., T.A. Brander, and T.F.H. Allen.  2000.  Toward a theory of meso-scale wildfire modeling - a complex systems approach using artificial neural networks.  In: L.F. Neuenschwander and K.C. Ryan, (eds), Crossing the millennium: integrating spatial technologies and ecological principles for a new age in fire management  (Vol 2).  Proceedings from the Joint Fire Science Conference and Workshop, June 15-17, 1999, Boise, Idaho.  Published by the University of Idaho and the International Association of Wildland Fire.

Shifley, S.R., F.R. Thompson III, D.R. Larsen, and W.D. Dijak.  2000.  Modeling forest landscape change in the Missouri Ozarks under alternative management practices.  Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 27:7-24.  View Abstract  View article

Smith, W.P. and P.A. Zollner. 2001.  Seasonal habitat distribution of mammals in an old-growth bottomland hardwood forest. In: P.B. Hamel, and T. Foti editors. Bottomland hardwoods of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley: characteristics and management of natural function. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report-SRS-42, Southern Research Station, Asheville, North Carolina. 

Thompson, F.R., III, D.M. Finch, J.R. Probst, G.D. Gaines and D.S. Dobkin.  2000.  Multi-resource and multi-scale approaches for meeting the challenge of managing multiple species.  Pages 48-52 In: R. Bonney, D.N. Pashley, R.J. Cooper, and L. Niles, editors.  Strategies for bird conservation: the Partners in Flight planning process. Proceedings RMRS-P-16. Rocky Mountain Research Station, Ogden, Utah.

Twery, M.J., H.M. Rauscher, D.J. Bennett, S. Thomasma, S.L. Stout, J.F. Palmer, R.A. Hoffman, D.S. DeCalesta, E. J. Gustafson, H. Cleveland, J. Morgan Grove, D. Nute, G. Kim, and R.P. Kollasch.  2000.  NED-1: Integrated Analyses for Forest Stewardship Decisions.  Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 27:167-193.  View Abstract  View article

Woods, K.D. 2000. Dynamics in late-successional hemlock-hardwood forests over three decades. Ecology 81:110-126.

Woods, K.D. 2000.  Long-term change and spatial pattern in a late-successional hemlock-northern hardwood forest. Journal of Ecology 88:267-282.

Zheng, D. and Jiquan Chen.  2000.  Edge effects in fragmented landscapes: a generic model for delineating area of edge influences (D-AEI).  Ecological Modelling 132:175-190.  View Abstract  View article

Zollner, P.A., W.P. Smith, and L.A. Brennan.  2000.  Home range use by swamp rabbits (Sylvilagus aquaticus) in a frequently inundated bottomland forest.  American Midland Naturalist 143:64-69.

Zollner, P.A.  2000.  Comparing the landscape-level perceptual abilities of forest sciurids in fragmented agricultural landscapes.  Landscape Ecology 15:523-533.  View Abstract  View article

Zollner, P.A., W.P. Smith, and L.A. Brennan.  2000.  Microhabitat characteristics of sites used by swamp rabbits.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 28:1003-1011.  View Abstract

1999      Top

Bart, J., C. Kepler, P. Sykes, and C. Bocetti.  1999.  Evaluation of mist-net sampling as an index to productivity in Kirtland's Warblers.  Auk 116(4):1147-1151.

Barro, S.C. and L.E. Tyrrell. 1999.  RNA’s and perceptions of risk.  In:  Eckhoff, Janet D., ed, 2nd North American forest ecology workshop, forest ecology into the next millennium: putting the long view into practice; 1999 June 27-30; Orono, ME. Orono, ME: University of Maine, p. 67.

Bragg, D. C.  1999.  Multi-scalar spatial modeling of northern forest dynamics: foundations, theories, and applications.  Ph.D. Thesis. Utah State University, Logan, Utah.  507 p.

Brosofske, K.D., J. Chen, T.R. Crow,  and S.C. Saunders.  1999.  Vegetation responses to landscape structure at multiple scales across a Northern Wisconsin, USA, pine barrens landscape.  Plant Ecology 143: 203-218. 

Buckley, D. S., J.G. Isebrands, and T.L. Sharik. 1999. Practical field methods of estimating canopy cover, PAR, and LAI in Michigan oak and pine stands. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 16: 25-32.

Carpenter, C.A., W.N. Busch, D.T. Cleland, J. Gallegos, H. Harris, R. Holm, C. Topik, and A. Williamson.  1999.  The Use of Ecological Classification in Management. In: (R.C. Szaro, N.C. Johnson, W.T. Sexton and A.J. Malk eds) Ecological Stewardship, A Common Reference for Ecosystem Management.  Vol II.  Elsevier Science.  pp 395-430.

Chen. J., S.C. Saunders, T.R. Crow, R.J. Naiman, K.D. Brosofske, G.D. Mroz, B.L. Brookshire, and J.F. Franklin.  1999.  Microclimate in forest ecosystems and landscape ecology.  BioScience 49: 288-297.

Crow, T.R., G.E. Host, and D.J. Mladenoff.  1999.  Ownership and ecosystem as sources of spatial heterogeneity in a forested landscape, Wisconsin, USA.  Landscape Ecology 14:449-463.  View article

Crow, T.R.  1999.  Landscape ecology and forest management.  In: Wiens, J.A. and M.R. Moss, (eds.)  Issues in landscape ecology.  The International Association for Landscape Ecology, Guelph, Ontario (Canada).

DonnerWright, D.M., M.A. Bozek, J.R. Probst, and E.M. Anderson.  1999.  Responses of turtle assemblage to environmental gradients in the St. Croix River in Minnesota and Wisconsin, U.S.A.  Canadian Journal of Zoology 77: 989-1000. View Abstract

Grossman, D.H., P. Bourgeron, W.N. Busch, D.T. Cleland, W. Platts, C. Ray, C.R. Robins, and G. Roloff.  1999.  Principles for Ecological Classification.  In: (R.C. Szaro, N.C. Johnson, W.T. Sexton and A.J.Malk (eds) Ecological Stewardship, A Common Reference for Ecosystem Management.  Vol II.  Elsevier Science.  pp 353-393.

Gustafson, E. J. 1999. Harvest: a timber harvest allocation model for simulating management alternatives. In: Klopatek, Jeffrey M.; Gardner, Robert H.; (eds). Springer-Verlag, New York, New York. Landscape ecological analysis issues and applications. pp. 109-124.  View Abstract

Gustafson, E.J. and T.R. Crow.  1999.  HARVEST: linking timber harvesting strategies to landscape patterns.  Pages 309-332 In: Spatial modeling of forest landscapes: approaches and applications, D.J. Mladenoff and W.L. Baker (eds).  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.   View Abstract View Article

Haufler, J.B., T. Crow, and D. Wilcove.  1999.  Scale considerations for ecosystem management.  In: (R.C. Szaro, N.C. Johnson, W.T. Sexton and A.J. Malk (eds). Ecological Stewardship, A Common Reference for Ecosystem Management.  Vol II.  Elsevier Science.  pp 331-342.

He, H. S. and D.J. Mladenoff. 1999. Spatially explicit and stochastic simulation of forest-landscape fire disturbance and succession. Ecology 80: 81-99. View Article

He, H. S. and D. J. Mladenoff. 1999.  The effects of seed dispersal on the simulation of long-term forest landscape change.  Ecosystems 2:308-319. View Article

He, H. S., D. J. Mladenoff, and J. Boeder.  1999.  An object-oriented forest landscape model and its representation of tree species.  Ecological Modelling, 119:1-19.  View article

Jones, C.V.  1999.  Growth and establishment of eastern leatherwood (Dirca palustris) in relation to forest management history.  Master's thesis.  Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, Illinois.

Lessard, G., S. Archer, J. Probst , and S. Clark.  1999.  Understanding and managing the assessment process.  In: R.C. Szaro, N.C. Johnson, W.T. Sexton and A.J. Malk (eds) Ecological Stewardship, A Common Reference for Ecosystem Management.  Vol II.  Elsevier Science.  pp 551-562.

Lima, S.L., P.A. Zollner, and P.A. Bednekoff. 1999.  Predation, scramble competition, and the group size effect in anti-predatory vigilance. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 46: 110-116.

Mladenoff, D.J. and H.S. He. 1999. Design, behavior, and application of LANDIS, an object-oriented model of forest landscape disturbance and succession.  Pages 125-162 In: Spatial modeling of forest landscapes: approaches and applications, Mladenoff, D.J. and W.L. Baker (eds).  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom. View Article

Nauertz, Elizabeth A.  1999. Impact of various silvicultural practices on the abundance and frequency of Lycopodium species in northern hardwood forests. Master 's thesis. Michigan Technological University, School of Forestry and Wood Products, Houghton, Michigan. 164 p.

Nauertz, E.A., M. R. Gale, and J. C. Zasada.  1999.  The effects of forest management practices on the ecology and sustainability of Lycopodium species.  In:  Eckhoff, Janet D., (ed.), 2nd North American forest ecology workshop, forest ecology into the next millennium: putting the long view into practice; 1999 June 27-30; Orono, Maine. University of Maine, p. 153.

Radeloff, V., D. J. Mladenoff, H. S. He, and M. S. Boyce.  1999.  Forest landscape change in the northwestern Wisconsin pine barrens from pre-European settlement to the present.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research 29:1649-1659.

Saunders, S. C.,J. Chen, T.D. Drummer, and T. R. Crow.  1999.  Modeling temperature gradients across edges over time in a managed landscape.  Forest Ecology and Management, 117:17-31. 

Snetsinger, S.D.  1999.  Land cover change in the Great Lakes region, from pre-European settlement to present.  Master's thesis. University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Snyder, S. A., E. Tyrrell E., and R. G. and Haight.  1999.  An optimization approach to selecting Research Natural Areas in national forests.  Forest Science 45(3):458-469.

Wright, J. L.  1999.  Winter home range and habitat use by sympatric fishers (Martes pennanti) and American martens (Martes americana) in northern Wisconsin.  Master's thesis, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point.  73 p.

Zasada, J.C., R.M. Teclaw, D.S. Buckley, J.G. Isebrands. 1999. Effects of frost on hardwood regeneration in northern Wisconsin. Stringer, Jeffrey W.; Loftis, David L.; (eds.) Proceedings, 12th central hardwood forest conference, 1999 February 28-March 2, Lexington, KY. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-24, Asheville, North Carolina. pp. 17-24.

Zasada, J.C., W.J. Mattson, E.A. Nauertz, K. Schulz, C.V. Jones, D.S. Buckley, and M.G. Nair.  1999.  Dirca palustris in northern hardwood forest:  fruiting, growth, and prospects for special forest products. In:  Eckhoff, Janet D., ed., 2nd North American forest ecology workshop, forest ecology into the next millennium: putting the long view into practice; 1999 June 27-30; Orono, Maine. Orono, Maine: University of Maine. p. 229.

Zollner, P. A. and S. L. Lima. 1999. Orientational data and perceptual range: real mice aren't blind. Oikos (84): 164-166.

Zollner, P. A. and S. L. Lima. 1999. Search strategies for landscape-level interpatch movements. Ecology (80): 1019-1030.

Zollner, P.A. and S.L. Lima. 1999. Illumination and the perception of remote habitat patches by white-footed mice. Animal Behaviour 58: 489-500.  View Article

Zollner, P.A. 1999. Review of "Landscape ecology of small mammals" by Barrett, G.W. and Peles, J.D. Ethology 107:365-368.

1998      Top

Baker, M. E. and B. V. Barnes. 1998. Landscape ecosystem diversity of river floodplains in northwestern lower Michigan, U.S.A. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 28: 1405-1418.

Buckley, D. S., T. R. Crow, E. A. Nauertz, and J. C. Zasada. 1998. Impacts of silvicultural treatments and logging roads on biological diversity in northern hardwood forests. Proceedings of the 1998 NCASI central-lake states regional meeting, 1998 May 12-13, Duluth, Minnesota. pp. 233-235.

Buckley, D. S. , T. L. Sharik, and J.G. Isebrands. 1998.  Regeneration of northern red oak: positive and negative effects of competitor removal.  Ecology (79): 65-78.

Cardille, J.A.  1998.  Wildfires in the northern Great Lakes region: assessment at multiple scales of factors influencing wildfires in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan.  Master's Thesis. University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Foster, D. K. 1998. Composition, structure, and diversity of forest understories along climatic and edaphic gradients in the upper great lakes region. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison. (Ph.D. Dissertation). 146 pp.

Gustafson, E.J.  1998.  Quantifying landscape spatial pattern: what is the state of the art?  Ecosystems 1: 143-156.  View Abstract

Gustafson, E.J.  1998.  Clustering timber harvests and the effect of dynamic forest management policy on forest fragmentation.  Ecosystems 1: 484-492.  View Abstract

Gustafson, E.J. 1998. Using spatial models to link forest management, landscape pattern and wildlife response. Proceedings of the 1998 NCASI central-lake states regional meeting, 1998 May 12-13, Duluth, Minnesota. pp. 225-232.

Gustafson, E. J. and T. R. Crow.  1998.  Simulating spatial and temporal context of forest management using hypothetical landscapes.  Environmental Management 22: 777-787.  View Abstract

He, H. S. , D. J. Mladenoff, and T. R. Crow. 1998. Linking an ecosystem model and a landscape model to study forest species response to climate warming. Ecological Modelling 114: 213-233.  View article

He, H. S. , D. J. Mladenoff, V. C. Radeloff, and T. R. Crow. 1998. Integration of GIS data and classified satellite imagery for regional forest assessment. Ecological Applications 8(4): 1072-1083. View Article

Rocks, J. J.  1998.  Effect of contrasting forest harvest regimes on the performance of two northeastern temperate fern species.  Edwardsville, Illinois, Southern Illinois University.  (Thesis).  pp. 70.

Saunders, S. C. , J. Chen, T. R. Crow, and K. D. Brosofske. 1998. Hierarchical relationships between landscape structure and temperature in a managed forest landscape. Landscape Ecology 13: 381-395.  View article

Saunders, S. C.  1998.  Multiscale relationships between pattern and process in a managed forest landscape.  Houghton, Michigan , Michigan Technological University.  (Thesis).

Shifley, S.R., F. R Thompson III, D.R. Larsen, D.J. Mladenoff, and E.J. Gustafson. 1998. Utilizing Inventory Information to Calibrate a Landscape Simulation Model. Proceedings, Integrated Tools For Natural Resources Inventories in the 21st Century, Boise, Idaho, Aug. 16-20, 1998. View Article

Snow, K., D. Faber-Langendoen, and L. E. Tyrrell.  1998.  U.S. Forest Service eastern region research natural area assessment:  what targets, what protected areas, what gaps?  In: Eckhoff, Janet D., (ed.) 2nd North American forest ecology workshop, forest ecology into the next millennium: putting the long view into practice; 1999 June 27-30; Orono, Maine. Orono, Maine: University of Maine, p. 206.

Turner, M. G., S. R. Carpenter, E. J. Gustafson , R. J. Naiman, and S. M. Pearson. 1998. Land use. In: Mac, Michael J.; Opler, Paul A.; Puckett Haecker, Catherine E.; Doran, Peter D. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. Status and trends of the nation's biological resources (Book). pp. 37-61.

Tyrrell, L. E., G. J. Nowacki, T. R. Crow, D. S. Buckley, E. A. Nauertz, J. N. Niese, ; J. L. Rollinger, and J. C. Zasada. 1998. Information about old growth for selected forest type groups in the eastern United States. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-197. 507 pp.

1997      Top

Buckley, D. S., J. C. Zasada, J. C. Tappeiner II, and D. M. Stone.   1997.  Plant morphological characteristics as a tool in monitoring response to silvicultural activities.  Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-238.  pp. 37-41.

Cleland, D. T., P. E. J. Avers, W. H. McNab, M. E.Jensen, R. G. Bailey, and T. King. 1997. National hierarchical framework of ecological units. Boyce, Mark S.; Haney, Alan; (eds.) Ecosystem Management, New Haven, Connecticut Yale University Press: 181-200.

Cleland, D. T. 1997. Multifactor classification of ecological land units in northeastern lower Michigan. East Lansing, Michigan, Michigan State University. 186 pp. (Dissertation). 

Crow, T. R.  1997.  Global change and terrestrial ecosystems.  Walker, B.; Steffen, W.; eds.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.  (Book Review).  Ecoscience 4: 421.

Crow, T. R. and E. J. Gustafson.1997. Concepts and methods of ecosystem management: lessons from landscape ecology. Boyce, Mark S.; Haney, Alan; eds. Ecosystem Management, New Haven, Connecticut, Yale University Press: 54-67. 

Crow, T. R. and E. J. Gustafson. 1997. Ecosystem management: managing natural resources in time and space. Kohm, Kathryn A.; Franklin, Jerry F; (eds.) Creating a forestry for the 21st century: the science of ecosystem management, Washington, DC, Island Press: 215-228.

DonnerWright, D. M. 1997. Distribution and abundance of turtles along the St. Croix River, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Stevens Point, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. 47 pp. (Thesis).

Gilbert, J. H., J. L. Wright, D. J. Lauten, and J. R. Probst.   1997.  Den and rest-site characteristics of American marten and fisher in northern Wisconsin.  Proulx, Gilbert; Bryant, Harold N.; Woodard, Paul M.; (eds.)  Proceedings of the Second International Martes Symposium, August 1995, Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.  pp. 135-145.

Gustafson, E. J.  1997.  Harvest: a timber harvest allocation model for simulating management alternatives.  Proceedings of 1996 Society of American Foresters Convention; Diverse Forests, Abundant Opportunities, and Evolving Realities; 1996 November 9-13,  Albuquerque, New Mexico.  pp. 277-282.

Johnson, W. C., C. S. Adkisson, T. R. Crow, and M. D. Dixon.   1997.  Nut caching by blue jays (Cyanocitta cristata L.): implications for tree demography.  The American Midland Naturalist 138: 357-370.

Liechty, H. O., M. F. Jurgensen, G. D. Mroz, and M. R. Gale.   1997.  Pit and mount topography and its influence on storage of carbon, nitrogen, and organic matter within an old-growth forest.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research 27: 1992-1997.

Nauertz, E., D. Buckley, R. Teclaw, T. Strong, and J. Zasada. 1997. Effects of silvicultural treatments and forest structure on temperature at various scales in northern hardwood forests. In: Proceedings for the First Biennial North American Forest Ecology Workshop. June, 1997. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.

Probst, J. R. and D. M. DonnerWright.   1997.  Forest service research on biodiversity in the lake states.  Proceedings of the 1997 NCASI central-lake states regional meeting, December 1997, Green Bay, WI.  pp. 310-311.

Silbernagel, J., J. Chen, M. R. Gale, K. S. Pregitzer, and J. R. Probst.  1997.  An interpretation of landscape structure from historic and present land cover data in the eastern upper peninsula of Michigan.  St. Paul, Minnesota.  Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-192.  pp. 1-30.

Spetich, M. A., G. R. Parker, and E. J. Gustafson. 1997. Spatial and temporal relationships of old-growth and secondary forests in Indiana, USA. Natural Areas Journal (17): 118-130.

Stearns, F. W.  1997.  History of the lake states forests: natural and human impacts.  St. Paul, Minnesota.  Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-189.  pp. 8-29.

Stearns, F. W.  1997.  Physical environment supporting lake states forests.  St. Paul, Minnesota.  Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-189.  pp. 1-7.

Tang, S. M.; J. F. Franklin, and D. R. Montgomery.   1997.  Forest harvest patterns and landscape disturbance processes.  Landscape Ecology 12: 349-363.  View article

Tang, S. M. and E. J. Gustafson.   1997.  Perception of scale in forest management planning: challenges and implications.  Landscape and Urban Planning 39: 1-9.  View Article

Twery, M. J., D. J. Bennett, R. P. Kollasch, S. A. Thomasma, S. L. Stout, D. S. DeCalesta, J. Hornbeck, J. Steinman, G. Miller, M. Grove, H. M. Rauscher, E. J. Gustafson, H. Cleveland, J. F. Palmer, R. E. Hoffman, B. McGuinness, N. Chen, and D. Nute.   1997.  NED-1: an integrated decision support system for ecosystem management.  1997 ACSM/ASPRS Annual Convention & Exposition, 1997 April 7-10, Seattle, Washington.  pp. 331-343.

1996       Top

Anderson, O. (Barbara), T. R.Crow, S. M. Lietz, and F. Stearns. 1996. Transformation of a landscape in the upper mid-west, USA: the history of the lower St. Croix river valley, 1830 to present. Landscape and Urban Planning 35: 247-266.  View Article

Buckley, D. S., T. L.Sharik, and J. G. Isebrands. 1996. Artificial regeneration of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) on intermediate sites: relationships between damaging factors and potential competitors. In: Teclaw, Ronald M., (ed.) Sixth workshop on seedling physiology and growth problems in oak plantings (abstracts); 1995 September 18-20; Tomahawk, Wisconsin. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-187. p. 8. Abstract.

Cleveland, A. V. 1996. Using an ecological classification system to detect rare plant occurrence patterns on the Huron-Manistee National Forest. Syracuse, New York, State University of New York. 66 pp. (Thesis).

Crow, T. R. 1996. The social, economic, and ecologic significance of hemlock in the lake states. In: Mroz, Glenn, (ed.) Hemlock ecology and management. Proceedings of 1995 September 27-28; Iron Mountain, Michigan. 11-17 p.

Donovan, T. M., D. A. Clark, R. W. Howe, and B. J. Danielson. 1996. Metapopulations, sources and sinks, and the conservation of neotropical migratory birds in the midwest. In: Thompson, Frank R. III, (ed.) Management of midwestern landscapes for the conservation of neotropical migratory birds. Proceedings of 1995 December 5; Detroit, Michigan. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-187: 41-52.

Gustafson, E.J.and T.R. Crow. 1996. Simulating the effects of alternative forest management strategies on landscape structure. Journal of Environmental Management 46: 77-94.  View Article

Gustafson, E.J. and R.H. Gardner. 1996. The effect of landscape heterogeneity on the probability of patch colonization. Ecology 77(1): 94-107.  View Abstract

Gustafson, E.J. and R.H. Gardner. 1996. Dispersal and mortality in a heterogeneous landscape matrix. Proceedings, Third International Conference/Workshop on Integrating GIS and Environmental Modeling, Santa Fe, NM, January 21-26, 1996. Santa Barbara, California: National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis. CD and on INTERNET server. (Link currently unavailable)

Gustafson, E. J. 1996. Expanding the scale of forest management: allocating timber harvests in time and space. Forest Ecology and Management 87: 27-39.   View Article

Host, G.E., P.L. Polzer, D.J. Mladenoff, M.A. White, and T.R. Crow. 1996. A quantitative approach to developing regional ecosystem classification. Ecological Classifications 6(2): 608-618. View Article

Howe, R.W., G. Niemi, and J.R. Probst . 1996. Management of western great lakes forests for the conservation of neotropical migratory birds. In: Thompson, Frank R. III, ed. Management of midwestern landscapes for the conservation of neotropical migratory birds. Proceedings of 1995 December 5; Detroit, Michigan. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-187: 144-167.

Kim, C., T. L. Sharik, M. F. Jurgensen, R.E. Dickson, and D. S. Buckley. 1996. Effects of nitrogen availability on northern red oak seedling growth in oak and pine stands in northern Lower Michigan. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 26: 1103-1111.

Leefers, L.A. 1996. Analyzing old-growth designations using ecological and analytical hierarchies. In: Martell, David L.; Davis, L.S.; Weintraub, Andres, (eds)., Proceedings of a Workshop on hierarchical approaches to forest management in public and private organizations; 1992 May 25-29; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; PI-X-124. 118-124.

Mladenoff, D.J., H.S. He, and T.R. Crow. 1996. Behavior of a spatially explicit forest landscape succession model incorporating fire, windthrow, and dispersal. Supplement to Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 1996 annual combined meeting; Providence, Rhode Island; 1996 August 10-14. 77(3): 310. (Abstract).

Mladenoff, D.J., G.E. Host, J. Boeder, and T.R. Crow. 1996. Landis: a spatial model of forest landscape disturbance, succession, and management. In: Goodchild, M.F.; Steyaert, L.T.; Parks, B.O.; Johnston, C.A.; Maidment, D.R.; Crane, M.P., (eds.); GIS and environmental modeling: progress and research issues; Fort Collins, Colorado. 175-179. View Article

Mladenoff, D.J., G.E. Host, J. Boeder, and T.R. Crow. 1996. Landis: a spatial model of forest landscape disturbance, succession, and management. In: Goodchild, Michael F.; Steyaert, Louis T.; Parks, Bradley O.; Johnston, Carol A.; Maidment, David R.; Crane, Michael P., eds. GIS and environmental modeling: progress and research issues; Fort Collins, Colorado; GIS World Books. 175-179.

Post, W.M. and J. Pastor.  1996.  LINKAGES - An individual-based forest ecosystem model.  Climate Change 34:253-261.

Probst, J. R. and F. R.Thompson, III. 1996. A multi-scale assessment of the geographic and ecological distribution of midwestern neotropical migratory birds. In: Thompson, Frank R. III, (ed.) Management of midwestern landscapes for the conservation of neotropical migratory birds. Proceedings of 1995 December 5; Detroit, Michigan. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-187: 22-40.

Roloff, G.J. and J.B. Haufler. 1996. Incorporating wildlife objectives into forest planning. In: Martell, D.L.; Davis, L.S.; Weintraub, A., (eds.) Proceedings of a Workshop on hierarchical approaches to forest management in public and private organizations; 1992 May 25-29; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; PI-X-124. 125-130.

Silbernagel, J. 1996. Dialectical sequences between landscape structure and settlement: an integrated cultural and landscape approach. Houghton, Michigan, Michigan Technological University. 189 p. (Dissertation). 

Tyrrell, L.E. 1996. National forests in the eastern region: land allocation and planning for old growth. In: Davis, Mary Byrd; Eastern old-growth forests: prospects for rediscovery and recovery; Washington, D.C.; Island Press. 245-273.

Tyrrell, L. and T.R. Crow . 1996. Structural characteristics of hemlock-dominated old-growth stands. In: Mroz, Glenn, (ed.) Hemlock ecology and management. Proceedings of 1995 September 27-28; Iron Mountain, Michigan. 183-184 pp.

1995       Top

Albert, D.A. 1995. Regional landscape ecosystems of Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin: a working map and classification. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-178. St. Paul, Minnesota: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. 250 p.

Baker, M.E. 1995. The diversity of landscape ecosystems in river valleys of the Huron-Manistee National Forests, northern lower Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan, University of Michigan. 101 pp. (Thesis)

Crow, T.R. 1995. The Ecology of Woodland Creation. Ferris-Kaan, Richard, editor. (Book Review). Forest Science 42(1): 124.

Donovan, T.M., R.H. Lamberson, A. Kimber, F.R. Thompson,III, and J. Faaborg. 1995. Modeling the effects of habitat fragmentation on source and sink demography of Neotropical Migrant Birds. Conservation Biology 9(6): 1396-1407.

Donovan, T.M., F.R. Thompson, III, J. Faaborg, and J.R. Probst . 1995. Reproductive success of migratory birds in habitat sources and sinks. Conservation Biology 9(6): 1380-1395. 

Faaborg, J., M. Brittingham, T. Donovan, and J. Blake. 1995. Habitat fragmentation in the temperate zone. In: Martin, T.E.; Finch, D.M., comps. (eds.) Ecology and management of neotropical migratory birds: a synthesis and review of critical issues. New York, New York: Oxford University Press: 357-380.

Freemark, K.E., J.B. Dunning, S.J. Hejl, and J.R. Probst . 1995. A landscape ecology perspective for research, conservation, and management. In: Martin, T.E.; Finch, D.M., (eds.) Ecology and Management of Neotropical migratory Birds. New York, New York: Oxford University Press. 381-427 p. 

Host, G.E., P.L. Polzer, D.T. Cleland. 1995. Regional climatic analyses of the northern lake states - lake states national forests. NRRI Tech. Rep. NRRI/TR-95/32. Duluth, Minnesota. 1-11 p. 

Howe, Robert W., A.T. Wolf, and T. Rinaldi. 1995. Monitoring birds in a regional landscape: lessons from the Nicolet National Forest bird survey. In: Ralph, C. John; Sauer, John R.; Droege, Sam, tech. (eds.), Monitoring bird populations by point counts. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-149. Albany, California: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station. 83-92. 

Leefers, L. and D.T. Cleland. 1995.  Analysis of candidate old growth designs on the Huron-Manistee National Forests.  In J.E. Thompson (compiler), Analysis in Support of Ecosystem Management, Analysis Workshop III, Ft. Collins, Colorado, April 10-13, 1995.  pp 267-276.

Robinson, S.K., F.R. Thompson, III, T.M. Donovan, D.R. Whitehead, and J. Faaborg. 1995. Regional forest fragmentation and the nesting success of migratory birds.  Science 267: 1987-1990.

Thompson, F.R., III,J.R. Probst , and M.G. Raphael. 1995. Impacts of silviculture: overview and management recommendations. In: Martin, Thomas E.; Finch, Deborah M., (eds.) Ecology and management of neotropical migratory birds; New York, NY; Oxford University Press. 201-219.

Wolf, A.T., R.W. Howe, and G.J. Davis. 1995. Detectability of forest birds from stationary points in northern Wisconsin. In: Ralph, E. John; Sauer, John R.; Droege, Sam, tech. (eds.) Symposium on Monitoring bird populations by point counts; 1991 November 6-7; Beltsville, Maryland. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-149. Albany, Califorina: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station: 19-23.

Wolter, P.T., MD.J. Mladenoff, G.E. Host, and T.R. Crow. 1995. Improved forest classification in the Northern Lake States using multi-temporal Landsat imagery. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 61(9): 1129-1143. View Article

Zumeta, D.C. 1995. State responses to conserving biological diversity of forests: potential administrative and program structures. St. Paul, Minnesota, University of Minnesota. 252 pp. (Dissertation).

1994       Top

Avers, P.E., D.T. Cleland , and W.H. McNab. 1994. National Hierarchical framework of ecological units. In: Foley, Louise H., comp. Silviculture: From the cradle of forestry to ecosystem management, proceedings of the National Silviculture Workshop; 1993 November 1-4; Hendersonville, North Carolina. Gen. Tech. Rep. SE-88. Asheville, North Carolina: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station. 48-61.

Bailey, R.G., M.E. Jensen, D.T. Cleland, and P.S. Bourgeron. 1994. Design and use of ecological mapping units. In: Jensen, M.E.; Bourgeron, P.S., tech. (eds.) Volume 2: Ecosystem management: principles and applications. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-318. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station: 101-112.

Cleland, D.T., T.R. Crow, J.B. Hart, and E.A. Padley.  1994.  Resource management perspective: remote sensing and GIS support for defining, mapping, and managing forest ecosystems:  pp 243-264.  In:  V.A. Sample (ed.) Remote Sensing and GIS in Ecosystem Management.  American Forests, Forest Policy Center.  Island Press.  Washington, DC.  369 p.

Cleland, D.T., J.B. Hart, G.E. Host, K.S. Pregitzer, and C.W. Ramm. 1994. Ecological Classification and Inventory System of the Huron-Manistee National Forest.  USDA Forest Service, Eastern Region.  227 p.

Cleland, D.T., T.R. Crow, and E.A. Padley. 1994. Emerging issues in restoration: ecosystem management. In: Symposium on ecological restoration: proceedings of a conference; 1993 March 2-4; Chicago, Illinois. Washington, DC: Terrene Institute: 191-197.

Crow, T.R. 1994. Ecosystem management. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 75(1): 33-35.

Crow, T.R. 1994. Habitats, ecosystems, or landscape ecosystem? What's the difference? In: Jordan, James K; Uhlig, Peter, W.C., (eds.) Proceedings of the Ecosystem Management Strategies for the Lake Superior Region; 1994 May 16-19; Duluth, Minnesota. 12-15 p.

Crow, T.R., A. Haney, and D.M. Waller. 1994. Report on the scientific roundtable on biological diversity convened by the Chequamegon and Nicolet National Forests. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-166. St. Paul, Minnesota: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. 55 p. 

Crow, T.R., W.C. Johnson, and C.S. Adkisson. 1994. Fire and recruitment of Quercus in a postagricultural field. American Midland Naturalist 131(1): 84-97. 

Gustafson, E.J. and T.R. Crow. 1994. Forest management alternatives in the Hoosier National Forest. Journal of Forestry. 92(8): 28-29.

Gustafson, E.J. and G.R. Parker. 1994. Using an index of habitat patch proximity for landscape design. Landscape and Urban Planning 29:117-130.   View Article

Gustafson, E.J. and T.R. Crow. 1994. Modeling the effects of forest harvesting on landscape structure and the spatial distribution of cowbird brood parasitism. Landscape Ecology 9:237-248.  View Abstract  View article

Gustafson, E.J., G.R. Parker, and S.E. Backs. 1994. Evaluating spatial pattern of wildlife habitat: a case study of the wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo). American Midland Naturalist 131(1): 24-33.  View Abstract

Tyrrell, L.E. and T.R.Crow. 1994. Structural characteristics of old-growth hemlock-hardwood forests in relation to age. Ecology 75(2): 370-386. 

White, M.A.and; Mladenoff, D.J. 1994. Old-growth forest landscape transitions from pre-European settlement to present. Landscape Ecology 9:191-205.  View article

Zovnic, A.W. 1994. The effects of habitat on the productivity of the ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapillus) and hermit thrush (Catharus guttatus P.) in the Nicolet National forest. Green Bay, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin. 111 pp. (Thesis).

1993       Top

Cleland, D.T., J.B. Hart, G.E. Host, K.S. Pregitzer, and C.W. Ramm. 1993. Field guide: ecological classification and inventory system of the Huron-Manistee National Forests. St. Paul, Minnesota: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Huron-Manistee National Forest.1-1-G-11. 

Crow, T.R. 1993. Applying principles of landscape ecology for managing natural resources - a North American's view. In: Anko, Bostjan, (ed.) The role of landscape ecology in forestry: proceedings of the IUFRO working party landscape ecology (S1.01-05) conference; 1993 September 13-17; Radovljica-Planina-Kocevj, Slovenia. Ljubljana, Slovenia: Department of Forestry, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana: 15-22. 

Crow, T.R. 1993. Comments. In: Le Master, Dennis C.; Sedjo, Roger A., eds. Modeling sustainable forest ecosystems: proceedings of a conference; 1992 November 18-20; Washington, DC. Washington, DC: American Forests: 84-87. 

Crow, T.R., D. Mladenoff, and G. Host. 1993. Managing ecosystems at the landscape level in the eastern United States. In: Program and abstracts of the 78th annual ESA meeting: ecology and global sustainability; 1993 July 31-August 4; Madison, Wisconsin. Supplement to the Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 74(2): 203-204 (Abstract) 

Dunn, C.P. and F. Stearns. 1993. Landscape ecology in Wisconsin: 1830-1990. In: Fralish, James S.; McIntosh, Robert P.; Loucks, Orie L., comps., (eds.) John T. Curtis: fifty years of Wisconsin plant ecology. Madison, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters: 197-216. 

Freemark, K.E., J.R. Probst, J.B. Dunning, and S.J. Hejl. 1993. Adding a landscape ecology perspective to conservation and management planning. In: Status and Management of Neotropical Migratory Birds. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-229. Fort Collins, Colorado: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 346-352 p. 

Host, G.E., C.W. Ramm, E.A. Padley, K.S. Pregitzer, J.B. Hart, and D.T. Cleland, 1993. Field sampling and data analysis methods for development of ecological land classifications: an application on the Manistee National Forest. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-162. St. Paul, Minnesota: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. 47 p. 

Howell, E. and F. Stearns. 1993. The preservation, management, and restoration of Wisconsin plant communities: the influence of John Curtis and his students. In: Fralish, James S.; McIntosh, Robert P.; Loucks, Orie L., comps., (eds.) John T. Curtis: fifty years of Wisconsin plant ecology. Madison, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters: 57-66. 

Johnson, W.C., L. Thomas, C.S. Adkisson. 1993. Dietary circumvention of acorn tannins by blue jays: implications for oak demography. Oecologia 94:159-164. 

Mladenoff, D.J. and F. Stearns. 1993. Eastern hemlock regeneration and deer browsing in the northern Great Lakes region: a re-examination and model simulation. Conservation Biology 7(4): 889-900. 

Mladenoff, D.J., M.A. White, J. Pastor, and T.R. Crow. 1993. Comparing spatial pattern in unaltered old-growth and disturbed forest landscapes. Ecological Applications 2(3): 294-306. View Article

Pastor, J. and D.J. Mladenoff. 1993. Modeling the effects of timber management on population dynamics, diversity, and ecosystem processes. In: Le Master, Dennis C.; Sedjo, Roger A., (eds.) Modeling sustainable forest ecosystems: proceedings of a conference; 1992 November 18-20; Washington, DC. Washington, DC: American Forests: 16-29. 

Probst, J.R. and J. Weinrich. 1993. Relating Kirtland's warbler population to changing landscape composition and structure. Landscape Ecology 8(4): 257-271.  View Abstract  View article

Schwalbach, M.J. 1993. Landscape scale and pattern - implications for management of neotropical migrant birds and forest openings in the Hoosier National Forest, Indiana. In: Finch, Deborah M.; Stangel, Peter W., (eds.) Status and management of neotropical migratory birds; 1992 September 21-25; Estes Park, Colorado. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-229. Fort Collins, Colorado: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station: 420.

Thompson, F.R. III,J.R. Probst, and M.G. Raphael. 1993. Silvicultural options for neotropical migratory birds. In: Status and Management of Neotropical Birds; Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-229. Fort Collins, Colorado: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 353-362 p. 

Tyrrell, L.E. and T.R. Crow. 1993. Analysis of structural characteristics of old-growth hemlock-hardwood forests along a temporal gradient. In: Fralish, J.S.; McIntosh, R.P.; Loucks, O.L., eds. John T. Curtis, Fifty Years of Wisconsin Plant Ecology, Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters, Madison. 237-246 p.

1992       Top

Cleland, D.T., T.R. Crow, P.E. Avers, and J.R. Probst. 1992. Principles of land stratification for delineating ecosystems. Proc. Taking an Ecological Approach to Management. April 27-30, 1992; Salt Lake City, Utah. 40-50 p. 

Cleland, D.T. and J.B. Hart. 1992. Examples of ecosystem management in the Huron-Manistee National Forests. In: Proceedings of Ecosystem Management in a Dynamic Society Conference; November 19-21, 1991; West Lafayette, Indiana. p. 45 (Abstract) 

Crow, T.R. 1992. Population dynamics and growth patterns for a cohort of northern red oak (Quercus rubra) seedlings. Oecologia 91:192-200. 

Crow, T.R., D.N. Bengston, D.P. Bradley, D.H. Boelter, H. Kang, D.C. Lothner, L. Ohmann, H. Schroeder, and F.R. Thompson, III. 1992. Research for New Perspectives at the North Central Forest Experiment Station: a program of research in the social and biological sciences. Proceedings of Ecosystem Management in a Dynamic Society Conference; November 19-21, 1991; West Lafayette, Indiana. 53-55 p. 

Nelson, M.D. 1992. Predicting Kirtland' Warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii) habitat suitability on the breeding grounds, northern Lower Michigan. Masters Thesis, University of Minnesota. 81 p. 

Probst, J.R., D.S. Rakstad, and D.J. Rugg. 1992. Breeding bird communities in regenerating and mature broadleaf forests in the USA Lake States. Forest Ecology and Management 49: 43-60. 

Tyrrell, L.E. 1992. Characteristics, distribution and management of old-growth forests on units of the United-States-National-Park-Service - Results of a questionnaire. Natural Areas Journal 12: 198-205.

1991       Top

Alban, D.H., D.A. Perala, M.F. Jurgensen, M.E. Ostry, and J.R. Probst, 1991. Aspen ecosystem properties in the upper Great Lakes. Stn. Res. Pap. NC-300. St. Paul, Minnesota: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. 47 p. 

Crow, T.R. 1991. Landscape ecology - principles and practices for forested landscapes. In: Proceedings, 12th annual forest vegetation management conference; 1991 May 14-16; Redding, California. Redding, California: Shasta County Opportunity Center: 16-21. 

Crow, T.R. 1991. Landscape ecology: the big picture approach to resource management. In: Decker, Daniel J.; Krasny, Marianne E.; Goff, Gary R,; and others, comps., (eds.) Challenges in the conservation of biological resources: a practitioner's guide. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. 55-65 p. 

Crow, T.R., G.D. Mroz, and M.R. Gale. 1991. Regrowth and nutrient accumulations following whole-tree harvesting of a maple-oak forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 21(9): 1305-1315. 

Johnson L.B.; Host, G.E.; Jordan, J.K.; Rogers, L.L. 1991. Use of GIS for landscape design in natural resource management: Habitat assessment and management for the female black bear. In: Proceedings GIS/LIS '91 (v. 2). October 28 - November 1, 1991; Atlanta, Georgia. 

Probst, J.R. 1991. Kirtland's warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii). In: Brewer, Richard; McPeek, Gail A.; Adams, Jr., Raymond J., eds. The Atlas of Breeding Birds of Michigan. Michigan State University Press, East Lansing. 414-417 p. 

Probst, J.R. and T.R. Crow. 1991. Integrating biological diversity and resource management: an essential approach to productive, sustainable ecosystems. Journal of Forestry 89(2): 12-17.

Stearns, F. 1991. Oak woods: an overview. In: Burger, George V.; Ebinger, John E.; Wilhelm, Gerould S., (eds.) Proceedings of the oak woods management workshop. Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois. 1-7 p. 

Tyrrell, L.E. 1991. Patterns of coarse woody debris in old-growth hemlock- hardwood forests of northern Wisconsin and western upper Michigan. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison. 185 p.

1990      Top

Crow, T.R. 1990. Conservation biology and landscape ecology: new perspectives for resource managers. In: Are forests the answer? Proceedings of the 1990 Society of American Foresters national convention; 1990 July 29-August 1; Washington, DC. SAF Publ. 90-02. Bethesda, Maryland Society of American Foresters. 47-54 p. 

Crow, T.R. 1990. Biological diversity and forest planning. In: Brockway, Dale G., ed. Building a forest resource constituency: Proceedings of the Northeastern forest resource planners association 11th annual conference; 1989 June 4-7; Grand Rapids, Michigan. Northeastern Forest Resource Planners Association. 78-81 p.

Crow, T.R. 1990. Biological diversity and silvicultural systems. In: Proceedings of the National silvicultural workshop: silvicultural challenges and opportunities in the 1990's; 1989 July 10-13; Petersburg, Alaska. Washington, DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 180-185 p. 

Crow, T.R. 1990. Old growth and biological diversity: a basis for sustainable forestry. In: Old growth forests...What are they? How do they work? Proceedings from the conference on old growth forests; 1990 January 20; Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Scholars' Press Inc. 49-62 p.

Crow, T.R. 1990. Biological diversity from a landscape perspective. In: 52nd Midwest fish & wildlife conference; 1990 December 2-5; Minneapolis, Minnesota. p. 118 (Abstract)

Crow, T.R. 1990. Tilia americana L.: American basswood. In: Burns, Russell M.; Honkala, Barbara H., Tech coords. Silvics of North America: Volume 2, Hardwoods. Agric. Handb. 654. Washington, DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 784-791 p.

Crow, T.R. 1990. Ulmus thomasii Sarg.: Rock elm. In: Burns, Russell M.; Honkala, Barbara H., Tech coords. Silvics of North America: Volume 2, Hardwoods. Agric. Handb. 654. Washington, DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 821-825 p.

Host, G.E., H.M. Rauscher, J.G. Isebrands, D.I. Dickmann, R.E. Dickson, and others. 1990. The microcomputer scientific software series 6: the ECOPHYS user's manual. Gen Tech. Rep. NC-141. St. Paul, Minnesota: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. 50 p. 

Isebrands, J.G., H. M. Rauscher, T.R. Crow, and D.I. Dickmann. 1990. Whole-tree growth process models based on structural-functional relationships. In: Dixon, Robert K.; Meldahl, Ralph S.; Ruark, Gregory A.; Warren, William G., comps., eds. Process modeling of forest growth responses to environmental stress. Portland, Oregon. Timber Press. 96-112 p. 

Mladenoff, D.J., M.A. White, J. Pastor, and T.R. Crow. 1990. Old-growth forest fragmentation in a forested landscape: lessons for biodiversity management. In: 52nd Midwest fish & wildlife conference; 1990 December 2-5; Minneapolis, Minnesota. p. 122 (Abstract) 

Niemi, G.J. and J.R. Probst. 1990. Wildlife and fire in the upper midwest. In: Sweeney, James M., (ed.) Management of dynamic ecosystems: Proceedings of a symposium held at the 51st Midwest fish and wildlife conference; 1989 December 5; Springfield, Illinois. West Lafayette, Indiana: The Wildlife Society North Central Section. 31-46 p. 

Probst, J.R. 1990. Integrating management for game, furbearer, nongame and plant species. In: 52nd Midwest fish & wildlife conference; 1990 December 2-5; Minneapolis, Minnesota. p. 123 (Abstract) 

Rauscher, H.M., J.G. Isebrands, G.E. Host, R.E. Dickson, D.I. Dickmann, and others. 1990. ECOPHYS: An ecophysiological growth process model for juvenile poplar. Tree Physiology 7(1-4): 255-281. 

Tyrrell, L. and T.R. Crow. 1990. Comparing structural characteristics of old- growth hemlock forests: a look at outer island, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. In: Brander, Robert B.; Ludwig, Margaret D., eds. Proceedings of the 12th research conference, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore; 1990 October 24-25; Bayfield, Wisconsin. Omaha, Nebraska: U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, Midwest Regional Office, Division of Natural Resources. 4-5 p.

1989      Top

Baker, R.J. 1989. Population viability and the Kirtland's warbler. In: At the crossroads-extinction or survival: Proceedings, Kirtland's warbler symposium; 1989 February 9-11; Lansing, Michigan. 12-27 p. 

Crow, T.R. 1989. Landscape ecology: an eclectic science for the times. In: Rink, G.; Budelsky, C.A., (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th central hardwood conference; 1989 March 5-8; Carbondale, Illinois. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-132. St. Paul, Minnesota: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. 30-34 p. 

Crow, T.R. 1989. Managing natural areas in the face of climatic change. In: Malanson, George P., comp., ed. Natural areas facing climate change. The Hauge, The Netherlands: SPB Academic Publishing bv. 87-89 p. 

Crow, T.R. 1989. Biological diversity: why is it important to foresters? In: Johnson, James E., (ed.) Managing north central forests for non-timber values: Proceedings of the 4th Society of American Foresters region 5 technical conference; 1988 November 29-December 1; Duluth Minnesota. SAF Publ. 88-04. Bethesda, Maryland: Society of American Foresters. 35-42 p. 

Probst, J.R. and K.R. Ennis. 1989. Multi-resource values of Kirtland's warbler habitat. In: At the crossroads-extinction or survival: Proceedings, Kirtland's warbler symposium; 1989 February 9-11; Lansing, Michigan. 69 p. 

Probst, J.R and J. Weinrich. 1989. Predicting Kirtland's warbler populations by habitat conditions. In: At the crossroads-extinction or survival: Proceedings, Kirtland's warbler symposium; 1989 February 9-11; Lansing, Michigan. 61-62 p. 

Tyrrell, L. and T.R. Crow. 1989. Old-growth in the Lake States: what is it? why is it important?. The Bulletin of the Botanical Club of Wisconsin. 21 (2-4): 37-40.



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