Here are some of the most common problems you might encounter in
The Home Zone.
"Everything seems to be working fine but I can't hear any sound!"
Possible Solutions:
- Check that your computer has a sound card.
- Check that sound is enabled. The control panel is where you
would control how audio and sounds are made accessible from your
- Check that the volume control is set above the minimum.
"I clicked on Cool Stories, but when that page came all I could
see was a picture telling me I need something called a Plug-In.
What's that?"
Possible Solutions:
- A Plug-In is a small helper application that Helps you
experience multimedia content. Simply go to the Download
Plug-Ins page to link to the Web site that has this application
for you to download onto your computer.
"I was playing the HomeBuilder Game when suddenly, my machine froze
and I couldn't play anymore."
Possible Solutions:
- You may not have enough RAM in your machine. Ask an instructor
or experienced friend to check if there is enough RAM on your
computer. Adding more memory should solve this problem.
"I tried to use the Calculator but it wouldn't work."
Possible Solutions:
- Be sure you
haven't inserted comas or other punctuation marks for numbers.
For example: Use 50000 instead of 50,000
"In MindBuilder under Money - I see this 'Choose another section'
device, but I don't know how to use it."
Possible Solutions:
- Click on the
down-arrow, then run your pointer down to the selection you wish
to view. When it's highlighted, release your mouse.
- Now
click on the "Go" button, to go to that page.
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