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Department of the Interior Home Page


Diana Ostenson

This page last updated:

Sandra Jo Thrasher

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How To Submit A Request

How to prepare your MRM FOIA request
  • Please put your request in writing and include a fee authorization. State the maximum amount you are willing to pay. See 43 CFR § 2.20 for further information on costs.
    • If you are requesting a fee waiver, cite the specific FOIA fee waiver for which you qualify and state how the request meets the waiver requirements. The criteria that DOI uses in deciding whether to grant a fee waiver may be found in DOI’s FOIA regulations at 43 CFR § 2.21.
    • Specify your fee category: commercial use, news media, educational institution/noncommercial scientific institution, or other. (See 43 CFR § 2.14)
  • Specify the format in which you want the information provided, i.e., hard copy, magnetic tape, tape cartridge, diskette, compact disk. Provide a contact name and telephone number. Specify documents and reports by name and/or number, if you know this information.
  • In general, describe the requested records in enough detail so that they can be located with a reasonable amount of effort. Be as specific as possible in identifying the records you are seeking. Any facts or clues which you can furnish about the time, place, persons, events, subject(s), or other details of the information or records you seek will be helpful to our personnel in deciding where to search and which records are responsive to your request. We also recommend including the words "FOIA REQUEST" on the request letter and the envelope. The MRM does not require a special form for submitting a FOIA request.
  • Lease numbers and Accounting Identification Numbers (AID) are particularly relevant to many MRM record searches. Include these, if you know them.
  • The suggestions can save you and the MRM time and money, as well as improve your prospects for getting the information you request.
  • DOI FOIA regulations, which govern MRM FOIA releases, can be found at 43 CFR 2.

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In accordance with 43 CFR § 2.20(a)(1), we assess user fees to fulfill a FOIA request. Personnel charges cover our costs to conduct document searches and to review, identify, and delete privileged and confidential information. Other charges cover the direct costs of providing the material. Standard charges are:

      • Professional support $18.60/hour
      • Clerical support 9.20/hour
      • Photocopies .13/page
      • Microfiche .08/page
      • Computer/mag tapes $25.00/each
      • CD-ROM 6.00/each
      • 8 mm. 10.00/each
      • Computer Diskettes 1.25/each
      • Computer (CPU) time $35.00/minute ($25.00 minimum)

Fees for overdue bills include a $35 administrative charge plus interest at the prevailing Treasury rate.

How to send a FOIA Request to MRM:

Please mail your request to:

Diana Ostenson (FOIA Officer)
MRM FOIA Officer
Minerals Management Service
Minerals Revenue Management
PO Box 25165, Mail Stop 340B2
Denver, CO 80225-0165

You may fax your request to us at (303) 231-3781.

Please remember to write "FOIA Request" on the envelope or fax cover sheet.

Sample Letter
Electronic FOIA Request