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National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

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Technical Information and Data

Item: Overview
Item: Technical Documents and Survey Data
Item: Summary Data Quality Reports
Item: Numbered Memos
Item: User's Guide
Item: BRFSS Forms

BRFSS Contents

Item: Prevalence Data
Item: Trends Data
Item: Historical Questions
Item: SMART: Selected Metropolitan/
Micropolitan Area Risk Trends
Item: BRFSS Maps
Item: About the BRFSS
Item: FAQs
Item: Publications
Item: Questionnaires
Item: State Information
Item: Technical Info and Data
Item: Training
Item: Site Map
Item: Related Links

Technical Information and Data

Would you like to use our data?
States conducting surveillance, by year.

Technical Documents
and Survey Data

Available Survey Data
2003| 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 |
 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984


Survey Data Info Data Files SAS Resources
A word about file formats: The BRFSS Survey Data are available in several different file formats. Each type available from this page is described below.
Icon Representing RTF Files Rich Text Format File (RTF). This format contains plain text and allows for basic formatting. Use a word processor to view and edit these files.
Icon Representing ZIP Files Zip Archive File (ZIP). This format contains one or more files within it and is compressed to minimize the file's size. Use any zip utility to unzip these archives.
Icon Representing EXE Files Self-Extracting Archive File (EXE). The executable files available on this page automatically unzip an archive file without needing to invoke a Zip file utility.
Icon Representing SAS Files SAS Instruction File (SAS). This format contains plain text which can be edited with a text editor. The instructions are intended for statistical analysis software developed by SAS Institute, Inc.
Icon Representing PDF Files Portable Document File Format (PDF). This format allows formatting that enables full document navigation. You will need Acrobat Reader (a free application) to view and print this document.

Survey Data Information

2001 BRFSS Overview

Provides information on the background, design, data collection and processing, statistical and analytical issues.

Icon Representing RTF Files 38K

2001 BRFSS Codebook

Codebook for the file showing variable name, location, and frequency of values for all reporting areas combined.

Icon Representing RTF Files 1.05MB

Calculated Variables in Data Files

Description of risk factors by data variable name.

Icon Representing RTF Files 74K

Comparability of Data

Comparability of data across reporting areas.

Icon Representing RTF Files 76K

BRFSS Modules Used

Arranged by state or by category.

By State

By Category

Data Quality Report Handbook

Icon Representing PDF Files 820K

Format Assignments for 2001

Icon Representing RTF Files 898K

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Data Files

There are 212,510 records for 2001. The Selected Cities data files contain only the variables added to the BRFSS 2001 data file. These files are provided in both ASCII and dBase formats and need to be merged with the BRFSS 2001 data file.

2001 BRFSS Data (ASCII)
Data Revised August 13, 2002

This file is in ASCII format. It has a fixed record length of 788 positions.

Icon Representing Zip Archive File 18.4Mb 

Icon Representing Self-Extracting Archive File 18.4Mb

2001 BRFSS Data (DBF Format)
Data Revised August 13, 2002

This file is in dBase format. Please note: variable names have been changed for the dBase files. This file contains 291 variables. Because dBase does not accept leading underline (_) characters, variable names with leading underlines have been changed to begin with an 'A.' so, _STATE is A_STATE in the dBase file.

Icon Representing Zip Archive File 26.1Mb 

Icon Representing Self-Extracting Archive File 26.1Mb

Variable Layout

Format information on variable name by column position.

Icon Representing RTF Files 22.5K

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SAS Resources

The following files are included for use with SAS software developed by SAS Institute, Inc. The SAS files are programs that can be read using any text editor. Save SAS files as plain text files.

SAS for Windows program used to generate the 2001 format library.

Icon Representing SAS File 89K


Format library used with the 2001 BRFSS SAS Data File.

Icon Representing SAS File 324K

SAS for Windows program to convert the ASCII file into a SAS dataset.

Icon Representing SAS File 31K

SAS for Windows format assignment statements.

Icon Representing SAS File 10K

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Available Survey Data
2003| 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 |
 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984

 Using BRFSS Data & Information
Generally, data and materials produced by federal agencies are in the public domain and may be reproduced without permission. Please refer to CDC's Suggested Citation.


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This page last reviewed October 14, 2004

United States Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Division of Adult and Community Health