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National Digital Forecast Database Information

Development Status header

Development Status
IFPS has been implemented at all conterminous U.S. forecast offices and Puerto Rico, and we plan to continue the implementation of  IFPS at Guam and Hawaii during October 2004, and at the offices in Alaska during June 2005.

The products generated locally with IFPS as two dimensional gridded forecasts at a 5 km horizontal resolution are joined into national and regional scale mosaics at the national NDFD server. 

New areas of development include:

NDFD Experimental Elements Transitioning to Official:

  • Maximum Temperature
  • Minimum Temperature
  • Probability of Precipitation (12 hour)

Transition Date:  December 1, 2004

Schedule of Availability of Experimental NDFD Elements.

For the following elements:

  • Weather
  • Sky cover
  • Wind direction and wind speed
  • Significant wave height
  • Quantitative precipitation forecasts (QPF)
  • Snow Amount
  • Temperature
  • Dewpoint

December 15, 2004:  An announcement will be made to inform customers which of these nine experimental elements will transition to official products on January 15, 2005.

National Weather Service
Office of Climate, Weather, and Water Services
Design by Rick Leach
Page Problems:
Last modified: October 12, 2004

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