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Processed Foods Index Page

NEW REPORTS--NAFTA 10 Years Later: Processed Foods andBeverages

Snack Food Export Report & Data Chart

Current Exports NAICS & HS Codes
Food Manufacturing NAICS 311
Meat Products (except poultry) NAICS 311611
Animal Fats, Oils & by products NAICS 311613
Poultry, Prepared or Preserved NAICS 311615
Dairy Products NAICS 3115
Fruits & Vegetables, Preserved NAICS 311421
Grain & Oilseed Products NAICS 3112
Bread & Bakery Products NAICS 31181
Chocolate & Confectioneries NAICS 31132
Non chocolate Confectioneries NAICS 31134
Starch & Vegetable Fats & Oils NAICS 31122
All other food manufacturing NAICS 31199
Salted Snack Foods NAICS 31191
Snack Foods* *
Sugar & Confectionery Products NAICS 3113
Pasta  NAICS 311823
* *
Dog and Cat Food NAICS 311111
Current Imports NAICS & HS Codes
Food Manufacturing NAICS 311
Meat Products (except poultry) NAICS 311611
Animal Fats, Oils & by products NAICS 311613
Poultry, Prepared or Preserved NAICS 311615
Dairy Products NAICS 3115
Fruits & Vegetables, Preserved NAICS 311421
Grain & Oilseed Products NAICS 3112
Bread & Bakery Products NAICS 31181
Chocolate & Confectioneries NAICS 31132
Non chocolate Confectioneries NAICS 31134
Starch & Vegetable Fats & Oils NAICS 31122
All other food manufacturing NAICS 31199
Salted Snack Foods NAICS 31191
Snack Foods* *
Sugar & Confectionery Products NAICS 3113
Pasta  NAICS 311823
* *
Dog and Cat Food NAICS 311111
Industry News
Read the New Processed Foods Industry Outlook!
Read the New Pet Food Industry Overview!
U.S. Industry Outlook - Access Previous Editions of the Processed Food and Beverage Reports
Census Reports
Statistics for Industry
Value of Product Shipments
Monthly Retail Sales
Annual Retail Trade Survey 92-99
Census Food Reports
Soybean Processing
Other Oilseed Processing
Fats and Oils Refining and Blending
Sugarcane Mills
Cane Sugar Refining
Beet Sugar Manufacturing
Fluid Milk Manufacturing
Creamery Butter Manufacturing
Cheese Manufacturing
Dry, Condensed, and Evaporated Diary Product Manufacturing
Ice Cream and Frozen Dessert Manufacturing
Dry Pasta Manufacturing
Tortilla Manufacturing
Roasted Nuts and Peanut Butter Manufacturing
Other Snack Food Manufacturing
Spice and Extract Manufacturing
Perishable Prepared Food Manufacturing
Tariff Rates
For U.S. tariffs on food, view chapters 16-21 of the Tariff Schedule.  For more information, visit the TIC or call 1-800-USA-TRADE.
NAICS Information
The NAICS is replacing the SIC system. Click to learn more.  Or View a conversion chart between the SIC and NAICS codes.

*This table includes NAICS 31191 (except peanut butter) as well as cookies, crackers, chocolate and non-chocolate candy, jerky-type meat items, and sweet bakery goods.

For more information, contact Megan Crowe at: Megan_Crowe@ita.doc.gov or call: (202) 482-2250 or

contact Corey Wright at Corey_Wright@ita.doc.gov or call: (202) 482-2844

Last Updated on 9-24-04 by JF.  

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