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Trade Events


Export your way to higher profits, increased market share, and expanded product lines. You can find new distributors, partners, and direct buyers by participating in the many efficient yet inexpensive export promotion events. Your company can find new or expanded markets with minimum effort. Let our experienced Overseas Trade Show Specialists market your company abroad. It's easy to get started--just click below to see details about a particular event.

View Pictures of Past Trade Event booths!


Golf Europe (sporting goods-golf) - October 3-5 - Munich, Germany
Read more about this event in pdf.

Winter ISPO (sporting goods-golf) - February 6-9 - Munich, Germany
Read more about this event in pdf.

Golf Expo (golf) - April 7-9 - Milan, Italy
Read more about this event in pdf.


To participate in a U.S. Department of Commerce trade event, all products must contain at least 51% U.S. content by value of the good/service. Click on event type under "Conditions of Participation" below for more details.

Event Type Conditions of Participation
U.S. Product Sample/Literature Centers & U.S. Title Displays showcase U.S. companies' samples/books and product literature at exhibits in international trade shows. These Centers/Displays represent an inexpensive and proven successful marketing tool for firms to obtain valuable exposure in international markets.  U.S. Product Sample/Literature Center & U.S. Title Display
A U.S. Pavilion is a group of exhibitor booths, organized by the Department of Commerce and featuring U.S.-origin products, at an international trade fair. The booths generally have a unified red-white-and-blue theme.  Read about the  "Exhibitor Booth and Service Package." U.S. Pavilion
A Trade Mission is a group business trip (of 5 or more companies) organized and led by U.S. Government official(s) involving pre-arranged meetings with potential business partners in one or several foreign markets to take advantage of specific overseas market opportunities for U.S. products. Missions typically target specific industries in selected countries. Mission participants meet with Commercial Service staff, receive in-country business counseling and have specially arranged business appointments. Trade Mission


This page was last updated on 9-24-04 by JF

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