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Synopsis and Solicitation Grouped by Classification Code

Classification Code '19' Recent Postings: 9

19 -- Ships, small craft, pontoons & floating docks
Agency:Department of Transportation
Office:Maritime Administration (MARAD)
Location:SAR Acquisition
red arrowPosted:Oct 01, 2004 Type:Amendment 03Title:19 -- SS VANDENBERG OIL REMOVAL SOL:DTMA2B04018
red arrowPosted:Sep 30, 2004 Type:Amendment 02Title:19 -- SS VANDENBERG OIL REMOVAL SOL:DTMA2B04018
red arrowPosted:Sep 20, 2004 Type:Amendment 01Title:19 -- SS VANDENBERG OIL REMOVAL SOL:DTMA2B04018
red arrowPosted:Sep 09, 2004 Type:Solicitation 01Title:19 -- SS VANDENBERG OIL REMOVAL SOL:DTMA2B04018
red arrowPosted:Aug 10, 2004 Type:SynopsisTitle:19 -- SS VANDENBERG OIL REMOVAL SOL:DTMA2B04018

Location:WR Acquisition
red arrowPosted:Jul 23, 2004 Type:Amendment 01Title:19--One Patrol Boat with options for a spare engine and a pair of spare propellers. SOL:DTMA4R04010
red arrowPosted:Jul 18, 2004 Type:SynopsisTitle:19--One Patrol Boat with options for a spare engine and a pair of spare propellers. SOL:DTMA4R04010
red arrowPosted:Jul 18, 2004 Type:Solicitation 01Title:19--One Patrol Boat with options for a spare engine and a pair of spare propellers. SOL:DTMA4R04010
red arrowPosted:Jun 29, 2004 Type:SynopsisTitle:19--One patrol boat, thirty-two feet in length, made of aluminum. SOL:DTMA4Q04034
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