Alien Migrant Interdiction - Cuban Migrant Images

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Cuban Migrant Interdiction Images

A Coast Guard Patrol Boat alongside a U.S. Navy Landing Ship, both with several hundred people on deck.
Picture 1
A Coast Guard patrol boat travelling at high speed, with large numbers of people on deck.
Picture 2

A Coast Guard Medium Enudrance Cutter approaches several rafts made of various materials with Cuban migrants on board.
Picture 3

A Coast Guard utility boat approaches a sinking pleasure craft whose bow is sticking out of the water.
Picture 4

A 110' Patrol Boat delivers Cuban migrants to a US Navy LSD during Operation ABLE VIGIL in 1994. A 110' Patrol Boat carrying Cuban migrants during Operation ABLE VIGIL in 1994. Cuban rafts interdicted during Operation ABLE VIGIL in 1994. A Coast Guard small boat responds to a capsized smuggling vessel in Dec. 1998.  14 migrants were dead or missing.
An overhead picture of a Medium Endurance Cutter carrying several hundred migrants.  Large tents used for shelter cover the bow and stern.
Picture 5
A Coast Guard patrol boat along side a homemade raft.
Picture 6
Several Cuban migrants under a tent during meal time (on a Coast Guard cutter).
Picture 7
A Coast Guard patrol boat rescuing migrants from a small, sinking boat.
Picture 8
A small vessel found sinking off the Bahamas in December '99.

A long speed boat with migrants onboard, with a Coast Guard small boat alongside.
Picture 9

A picture of a yellow speed boat stopped by the Coast Guard with migrants.
Picture 10

A picture of a white pleasure craft with a Coast Guard small boat alongside.
Picture 11

A picture of several tools and knives used as weapons by Cuban migrants.
Picture 12

A vessel outfitted for high speed smuggling Cuban migrants, interdicted in May '00. A pleasure craft interdicted by the Coast Guard smuggling Cuban migrants in May '00 A smuggling vessel interdicted by the Coast Guard. Weapons confiscated from Cuban migrants.

A pleasure craft with three large engines.
Picture 13

Three large engines, each rated for 225 horsepower, fitted onto the stern of a vessel.
Picture 14

A group of migrants armed with sticks, rocks, and pipes threatening a Coast Guard boat.
Picture 15

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Picture 16

A "go fast" outfitted for smuggling Cuban migrants. Three engines fitted on board a vessel smuggling Cuban migrants.  A group of migrants that attacked the Coast Guard with rocks, sticks and machetes. A pleasure craft interdicted with Cuban migrants onboard in March, '01.

Picture 17

Picture 18

12 migrant in a 1951 Chevy truck, interdicted in June '03. 11 migrants in a 1959 Buick sedan, interdicted in Feb '04.

AMIO Images
(Ecuadorian, Haitian, Cuban, PRC, Dominican)

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Updated on 02/06/2004