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NREL's Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Research Organization

NREL's hydrogen and fuel cells research efforts are organized to support the Department of Energy's (DOE's) Hydrogen, Fuel Cells & Infrastructure Technologies Program. Because the fundamental science behind hydrogen and fuel cell systems crosscuts NREL's renewable energy technologies, many of the Research Centers at NREL contribute to this work.

NREL's hydrogen and fuel cell research is coordinated through the Hydrogen Technologies and Systems Group of the Center for Electric & Hydrogen Technologies & Systems. The group partners with the core research areas at NREL, DOE, and other national labs to implement the National Hydrogen Energy Vision for America's clean and secure energy future.

NREL's hydrogen and fuel cells research is managed through seven technical tasks. Technical task leaders work closely with NREL's Technology Manager for its Hydrogen, Fuel Cells & Infrastructure Technologies Program and with NREL's Group Manager for its Hydrogen Technologies and Systems Group to guide and prioritize NREL's hydrogen and fuel cells research efforts. The research staff is drawn from the Centers for Electric & Hydrogen Technologies & Systems, Basic Sciences, Transportation Technologies & Systems, and Buildings & Thermal Systems, the National Bioenergy Center, the National Center for Photovoltaics, and the National Wind Technology Center.

NREL's hydrogen and fuel cells research organization diagram shows the interaction between the NREL Hydrogen Technologies and Research Group and NREL's Hydrogen, Fuel Cell and Infrastructure Technologies Program Tasks.
  • NREL's Hydrogen Production & Delivery Task focuses on advanced technologies for producing hydrogen from renewable energy sources.
  • NREL's Hydrogen Storage Task focuses on advanced carbon-containing materials for compact, lightweight, high-density hydrogen storage.
  • NREL's Fuel Cells Task simulates fuel cell systems via computer aided engineering to identify critical design issues that will contribute to the development of robust and durable fuel cell systems. NREL is also researching and developing specialized materials for high temperature fuel cell membranes.
  • NREL's Analysis Task provides analyses across DOE's Hydrogen Program including technoeconomic analysis, life cycle assessment, vehicle system analysis, and hybrid power systems analysis.
  • NREL's Technology Validation Task focuses on coordinating and supporting hydrogen fuel cell vehicle fleet and infrastructure demonstration and validation projects.
  • NREL's Education Task focuses on developing and expanding education opportunities, materials, and curricula for K-12 teachers and managing DOE's Hydrogen, Fuel Cells & Infrastructure Technologies Program Web site.
  • NREL's Safety, Codes & Standards Task is working to facilitate the creation and adoption of codes and equipment standards for hydrogen systems. In addition, researchers are developing hydrogen sensors to detect leaks and monitor gas purity to facilitate hydrogen safety.

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