Cultural Resources / Recreation / Wilderness

Cultural Resource Program

Archaeological Site in Southeastern Utah BLM identifies and manages a wide of variety of cultural resources on Utah’s public lands. The BLM conserves and protects scientific archaeological sites which chronicle the thousands of years of land use history in Utah. BLM strives to protect and preserve representative samples of the array of cultural resources on public lands for the benefit of present and future generations.

In addition, the BLM actively promotes the use of cultural resources for scientific study, classroom education as well as tourism.

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Archaeology  /  Paleontology  /  Education

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Cultural Resource Use Permit Information 


Utah Rock Art Photos & Info 

Investigating Archaeology--An Archaeology Education Program for 4th through 12th Grades 
Teach the Past and Touch the Future-
Archaeology--Pottery and baskets--Potsherds and arrowpoints--Railroads, horseshoes, bottles--
Ancient cave dwellers and the Anasazi--Excavation and ethnography--The "detectives of the past"--Archaeologists
If you would like to teach children about Utah’s rich archaeological heritage, you need Intrigue of the Past! If you’re a classroom teacher, interpreter, museum docent, youth group leader, home schooler, or just interested in teaching archaeology, join us for a workshop. You’ll receive an activity guide with 34 exciting lessons and learn how to use it. You can help children discover the excitement of archaeology!

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Paleontology Permit Information 

Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry The BLM managed site will be open Mondays through Thursdays (not weekends) from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. from February 4, 2002 until February 28, 2002.

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National Cultural Heritage Page 

Investigating Archaeology--An Archaeology Education Program for 4th through 12th Grades 
Teach the Past and Touch the Future-
Archaeology--Pottery and baskets--Potsherds and arrowpoints--Railroads, horseshoes, bottles--
Ancient cave dwellers and the Anasazi--Excavation and ethnography--The "detectives of the past"--Archaeologists
If you would like to teach children about Utah’s rich archaeological heritage, you need Intrigue of the Past! If you’re a classroom teacher, interpreter, museum docent, youth group leader, home schooler, or just interested in teaching archaeology, join us for a workshop. You’ll receive an activity guide with 34 exciting lessons and learn how to use it. You can help children discover the excitement of archaeology!


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Bureau of Land Management
Utah State Office
PO Box 45155
Salt Lake City, Utah 84145-0155
Phone: (801) 539-4001
Fax:      (801) 539-4013

Created by Utah Bureau of  Land Management
Last Updated:  August 06, 2003
