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Earth Hazards: Volcanoes

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- Text adapted from "Volcanoes" by Robert I. Tilling

Volcanoes destroy and volcanoes create. The catastrophic eruption of Mount St. Helens on May 18, 1980, made clear the awesome destructive power of a volcano. Yet, over a time span longer than human memory and record, volcanoes have played a key role in forming and modifying the planet upon which we live. More than 80 percent of the Earth's surface--above and below sea level--is of volcanic origin. Gaseous emissions from volcanic vents over hundreds of millions of years formed the Earth's earliest oceans and atmosphere, which supplied the ingredients vital to evolve and sustain life. Over geologic eons, countless volcanic eruptions have produced mountains, plateaus, and plains, which subsequent erosion and weathering have sculpted into majestic landscapes and formed fertile soils.

Ironically, these volcanic soils and inviting terranes have attracted, and continue to attract, people to live on the flanks of volcanoes. Thus, as population density increases in regions of active or potentially active volcanoes, mankind must become increasingly aware of the hazards and learn not to "crowd" the volcanoes. People living in the shadow of volcanoes must live in harmony with them and expect, and should plan for, periodic violent unleashings of pent-up volcanic energy.

Read more about volcanoes from Learning Web's teaching packet, "Volcanoes!"

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Featured Sites

USGS siteVolcanoes
This 45-page booklet presents a summary of the nature of the earth processes that create common types of volcanoes around the world, along with an introduction to the techniques of volcano monitoring research.

USGS siteUSGS Volcano Hazards Program
Contains background information on volcanoes, history, real-time reports, and education page.

USGS siteCascades Volcano Observatory
Enriched with background information, photo archives, glossary, fun activities, and real-time video cams.

USGS site Books & Other Publications
These pages contain listings of online USGS books, reports, and pamphlets.

USGS site Geologic Information
Geologic and mineral resource surveys and mapping for the Department of the Interior.

USGS site USGS Geology in Parks
Learn geology basics from touring the national parks.

USGS site Media for Science
Photo collections of maps, natural disasters, and activities at the USGS.

USGS site Eruptions of Hawaiian Volcanoes: Past, Present, and Future
The volcanic history of the Hawaiian Islands with dramatic, color photographs and diagrams and informative text on Hawaiis active shield volcanoes, Mauna Loa and Kilauea.

USGS site Volcanic and Seismic Hazards on the Island of Hawaii
This booklet provides information for the residents of Hawaii so they may effectively deal with the special geologic hazards of the island.

USGS site Man Against Volcano: The Eruption on Heimaey, Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland
This 28-page booklet discusses the impact of the 1973 volcanic eruption of Eldfell on the island of Heimaey. (In PDF format.)

USGS site Monitoring Active Volcanos
How scientists track volcanic movements.

USGS site Volcanoes of the United States
This 44-page booklet describes the principal volcanoes in Hawaii, Alaska, and the Cascades Mountain Range that have erupted during the last few hundred years. Also summarizes recent events at active calderas in California and Wyoming.

USGS site Fire and Mud: Eruptions and Lahars of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines
Know all about the eruption history, impacts of the eruption, rocks, and lahars of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines.

USGS site Eruptions of Mount St. Helens: Past, Present, and Future
Highlights the eruptive history of this composite volcano, reviews its activity since its awakening in 1980, and speculates about its behavior in the future.

USGS site Eruptions of Mount St. Helens: Past, Present, & Future
Highlights the eruptive history of this Mount St. Helens.

USGS site USGS Volcano Hazards Program
A comprehensive overview of the U.S. Geological

USGS site Photo Glossary of Volcano Terms
A picture speaks a thousand words. Learn volcano terms with images and photos.

USGS site Cascades Volcano Observatory
Focuses on hazards, activity, history, and monitoring of volcanoes, with emphasis on volcanoes of the Western United States.

USGS site Volcano and Hydrologic Hazards, Features, and Terminology
Contains detailed background info and photos of volcanic features and terms.

USGS site Current Volcanic Activity
Contains a list of sites with real-time volcano monitoring.

USGS site Photo Archives of Volcanoes
Numerous photos of various volcanoes, live images, eruption features, volcanic monitoring equipments, and more...

USGS site VolcanoCams Around the World
"Live" views of volcanoes from around the world, including Europe and Japan.

USGS site Hazards Fact Sheets
Documentations and reports of natural disasters.

USGS site What Are Volcano Hazards?
Understand how volcanoes endanger us.

USGS site Earthquakes and Other Natural Hazards
Learn about earthquakes and other hazards and find out how to prepare for these hazards.

USGS site Science Challenge Questions and Answers
A collection of 196 questions and answers addressing earth and planetary science topics.

USGS site Animated Map
This map shows the combined effect of all six hazards--earthquake, volcanic, landslides, flooding, hurricane, and tornado. Watch as the distribution of each is added to the previous hazards.

USGS site Geographic Distribution of Major Hazards in the US
Six theme maps showing high risk or relatively frequent actual occurrences of hazards (floods, earthquakes, landslides, hurricanes, tornadoes, and volcanic eruptions.)

USGS site Hazards
Links to various hazards reports, including earthquake, volcanoes, flood, landslides, wildfire, wildlife diseases, geomagnetism, and coastal storms and tsunamis.

Non-USGS site Windows to the Universe
Fun and intriguing site about the earth and space sciences.

Non-USGS site Park Geology Teacher's Features
Teaching geology with national park examples.

Non-USGS site Park Geology Tour of National Parks
Learn geology through online tour of national parks.

Non-USGS site Geologic animations
Animations include plate tectonics, gas, oil, and more.

Non-USGS site Earth Science Classroom Activities
Classroom activities on geology-related subjects for grades k-3.

Non-USGS site The EarthPulse Center
Interactive learning tool for earthquake location, magnitude, distribution and forecasting.

Non-USGS site Geo Mysteries with Rex, the Dino Detective
Fun and interactive geologic site for kids.

Non-USGS site Earthforce
Informative site about forces that cause eruptions, quakes, and floods.

Non-USGS site Photo Gallery of Mount St. Helens
View over 190 photos of Mount St. Helens' landscape and wildlife before and after eruption.

Non-USGS site E-cards of Natural Disasters
Send e-cards on images of volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and landslides.

Non-USGS site American Geological Insititute Education
Produce innovative inquiry-based curriculum for K-12 earth science education.

Non-USGS site Athena, Earth and Space Science
K-12 education page for teachers and students.

Non-USGS site A Teacher's Guide to the Geology of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Contains information and classroom activities about plate tectonics, volcanoes, hot spots, mantles, lava, and more.

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