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Sexuality and Disability

Some women with disabilities have not explored their sexuality, while many others lead active and satisfying sex lives. Different things may affect their sexuality. Our society tends to measure women by appearance and desirability to men. Many health care providers also are misinformed about the sexual potential of women with disabilities, and do not encourage them to have normal sex lives. These attitudes can affect how women perceive their sexuality, and their confidence in finding a romantic partner. Women with disabilities report that these attitudes are a huge barrier in realizing their sexual potential. Physical barriers such as weakness, vaginal dryness, lack of balance, or hip or knee pain, also can cause sexual problems. Many older women with disabilities report that they did not receive enough education about sexuality and reproductive health, so they may have not understood sexual function, were not always able to fully express their needs, or were embarrassed by the subject.

More medical research and work with doctors and health care providers can help find ways for women with disabilities to overcome barriers to sexual functioning. More importantly, women with disabilities should be reassured of their self-worth, and helped to know that sexuality is still an important aspect of their lives.

Last updated: August 2004


  1. Federal resource  New Freedom Initiative: Fulfilling America's Promise to Americans with Disabilities - On February 1, 2001, President George W. Bush announced the New Freedom Initiative as part of a nationwide effort to remove barriers to community living for people with disabilities. This Internet site is a source for information about the initiative's specific proposals that directly involve the Department of Health and Human Services and information about Executive Order 13217, "Community-Based Alternatives for Individuals with Disabilities," issued on June 18, 2001.

  2. A Woman's Guide to Sexuality (Copyright © PPFA) - This guide provides help to women of all ages to make well informed decisions about their sex lives.

  3. Epilepsy and Pregnancy Issues (Copyright © Epilepsy Foundation) - This fact sheet discusses issues such as lower fertility rates, possible drug interactions, and birth defects related to women with epilepsy, trying to conceive.

  4. Epilepsy and Sexual Relations (Copyright © Epilepsy Foundation) - This information sheet answers some common questions epileptics may have regarding sexual relations with their condition. Some of the topics discussed are seizures and pain during intercourse as well as how to talk to your doctor about it and seek therapy if needed.

  5. Sexual Activity and Heart Disease or Stroke (Copyright © AHA) - This publication answers questions about sex after stroke. It is a helpful aid for those who are uncomfortable discussing this sensitive topic and can offer hope for a healthy sex life after stroke.

  6. Sexual Functioning (Copyright © Center for Research on Women with Disabilities) - This fact sheet contains statistical information on sexual functioning and women with disabilities from the National Study of Women with Physical Disabilities.

  7. Sexual Health and Fertility After Brain and Spinal Cord Impairment: Sexual Health (Copyright © VHHSC) - This publication discusses sexuality as an integral part of a human being and its importance in the lives of those with disabilities. It offers encouragement to those people with disabilities who may feel uncomfortable discussing this topic.

  8. Sexuality Information (Copyright © Center for Research on Women with Disabilities) - This fact sheet contains statistical information concerning sexuality and women with disabilities from the National Study of Women with Physical Disabilities


  1. Alan Guttmacher Institute

  2. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) Resource Center

  3. Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Federal resource = Indicates Federal Resources

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