Rep. Henry Waxman - 30th District of California

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In Washington, D.C.
2204 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-3976 (phone)
(202) 225-4099 (fax)

In Los Angeles
8436 West Third Street, Suite 600
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(323) 651-1040 (phone) (818) 878-7400 (phone) (310) 652-3095 (phone) (323) 655-0502 (fax)

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In the News


Congressional Quarterly's Politics in America 2004
The Almanac of American Politics 2004
May 2004 | Scientific American
Science's Political Bulldog
May 2003 | National Journal
Waxman's Latest Crusade
Congressional Quarterly's Politics in America 2002
The Almanac of American Politics 2002
The Congressional Minyan 2000
The Jews of Capitol Hill

October 17-30, 2002 | Topanga Messenger
The Waxman Cometh: Meet our new Congressman*

March 2, 2002 | CQ Weekly
Risk Enough for All In Walker v. Cheney
February 21, 2002 | Washington Post
Congressional Man of Letters: Henry Waxman Puts His Own Stamp on Enron Probe
.pdf document
February 6, 2002 | San Diego Union~Tribune
Waxman Takes on Bush White House
January 18, 2002| Forward
Henry Waxman, Democratic Gadfly, Takes on Enron
August 16, 2001| Washington Post
Focus Falls on a Reluctant Warrior
August 17, 2001 | Los Angeles Times
Rep. Henry Waxman Takes to His New Role as Gadfly
January 26, 2001 | Jewish Journal
Undefeated Champion: Rep. Henry Waxman wants to help Democrats
December 11, 1999 | National Journal
Making Their Mark: A Look at Lawmakers Who Were Winners, Losers, or Surprises During the First Session of the 106th Congress
May 28, 1998 | Los Angeles Times
No Butts About It, Kids; Smoking Is So Not Cool

May 6, 1998 | Washington Times
GOP feels bite of `bulldog´ Waxman .pdf document

May 2, 1998 | Congressional Quarterly Weekly
An Infuriating Effectiveness
September 24, 1997 | The Hill
As Democratic point man in Burton probe: Waxman masks partisanship with cordiality
.pdf document

September 6, 1997 | National Journal
Two Dems Are on Familiar Battlefield
.pdf document

August 26, 1997 | Los Angeles Times
Stalwart Liberal with a Thick Skin
.pdf document

June 14, 1997 | National Journal
Decision Makers: The Washington 100

April 25, 1997 | Heritage Southwest Jewish Press
Henry Waxman cuts `big tobacco´ down to size
.pdf document
March 21, 1997 | Los Angeles Times
Waxman Leads Democrats´ Counterattack
March 1, 1997 | National Journal
Democrats Look to a Rescue Man
November 3, 1995 | Los Angeles Times
Waxman's Out of Power, Not Out of Fight .pdf document
September 17, 1995 | Los Angeles Daily News
Waxman Stands by Liberal Credo
December 4, 1994 | Los Angeles Times Magazine
The Liberal Lion in Winter:
The Democrats´ legislative genius, Los Angeles Congressman Henry A. Waxman is back on defense

November 28, 1994 | Los Angeles Times
Lonely Liberal Vows to Fight GOP Tide

May/June 1993 | Public Citizen
With Friends Like These... You Still Need to Fight

April 25, 1990 | Los Angeles Times
What Makes Henry Tick? Private, Persistent and Powerful, Rep. Waxman Was
Networking Long Before the Strategy Became Chic
March 11, 1989 | National Journal
Watch Out for Waxman
September 14, 1984 | New York Times
This Odd Couple Focuses on Health
December 14, 1982 | Washington Post
Tactics of an Ace in the Congressional Air Wars
.pdf document