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NWS Office, Melbourne, Florida


Local forecast
by "City, St"
or zip code

Forecasts of weather conditions relevant to fire weather are produced twice daily by the National Weather Service in Melbourne, Florida.  The morning forecast is produced at 7:30 am, and the afternoon forecast is produced at 2:00 pm.  Additional updates may be made if conditions warrant. A Smoke dispersion forecast for the overnight period is prepared by noon.

These forecasts are made available here and are also available at the web site for the Florida State Division of Forestry.   The DOF site will contain the latest morning or afternoon forecast from several NWS offices.

NWS Forecast Dispersion Index DOF Site Codes

Other Links of interest

Request a Spot Forecast (For Official Use Only)

NWS Red Flag Warning -vs- Division of Forestry Red Flag Alert

Situation Reports from the Florida State EMA

Drought Indices (Keetch,Byrum) by County, and other Information

Florida Fire Management Information System

NOAA "Hot Spot" Satellite Imagery Archive

Narrative reports from the Florida Forest Protection Bureau

Daily coded Fire Reports from the Florida Division of Forestry

National Fire Weather Outlook from SPC

 National Weather Service
 Melbourne, Florida
 421 Croton Road
 Melbourne, Florida 32935
 Page last modified November 14, 2003
 by Dave Jacobs

Privacy Policy










DI                        DAYTIME                            NIGHTIME

>100                    very good                           very good
61-100                 good                                   very good
41-60                   average                              very good
21-40                   fair                                      very good
13-20                   generally poor                    good
7-12                     poor                                   above average
<6                        very poor                            poor






D Jacobs         10/27/03