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Congressman Adam B. Schiff

Congressman Adam B. Schiff represents California's 29th Congressional District, including the communities of Alhambra, Altadena, Burbank, Glendale, Griffith Park, Monterey Park, Pasadena, San Gabriel, South Pasadena, and Temple City.

As an elected representative, Congressman Schiff has focused on bolstering national security, strengthening our communities, and introducing a "Kids First" agenda of initiatives to improve education, safety, and health care for our kids.

Schiff is a member of the House Judiciary Committee and its Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security and Subcommittee on the Constitution. He is also a member of the House International Relations Committee and its Subcommittee on International Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Human Rights and Subcommittee on the Middle East and Central Asia.

In March 2003, Schiff co-founded the Democratic Study Group on National Security in an effort to explore emerging national security issues with other Members of Congress. The group has hosted a wide range of speakers on topics such as international terrorism, postwar planning, defense, military transformation, shifting alliances, Afghanistan, Iraq, homeland security, non-proliferation, Iran, Korea, the United Nations, and missile defense.

Congressman Schiff's efforts in Congress have drawn national and local attention. Elected in November 2000 after the most costly House race in U.S. history, Congressman Schiff co-founded Freshmen for Reform with a Republican colleague to build support for the House version of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform legislation banning unregulated campaign donations. His efforts to organize Republican and Democratic freshmen support for the bill provided key votes needed for passage, and on March 27, 2002, President Bush signed the bill into law. In 2002, Congressman Schiff was elected to serve a term as President of the Freshman Class of Democrats and was again elected in 2003 to serve as Sophomore Class President. In 2001, Roll Call newspaper designated Schiff as one of ten Freshman House members to watch.

Congressman Schiff has received many awards from local organizations for his commitment to our community. He was chosen as the 2004 Person of the Year by the Los Angeles County, Metropolitan Transportation Authority Citizens' Advisory Council for his pioneering work on the Gold Line. In June 2004, he received the Halo Award from Villa Esperanza Services. In April 2004, Schiff was acknowledged by the School of Design for the Developmentally Disabled and was awarded Honorary Angel Wings by The Soldier's Angels for his Recognition and Support of our nation's troops. Congressman Schiff has been awarded the Donald R. Wright Distinguished Service Award by the Pasadena Bar Association, and the Armenian National Committee of America's 2003 Freedom Award. Schiff was designated Legislator of the Year for 2001 by the Burbank American Legion Post and was honored with the Good Guy Award for 2001 by the National Women's Political Caucus of Greater Pasadena.

Prior to his election to the House of Representatives, Congressman Schiff completed a four-year term as State Senator for California's 21st State Senate District, chairing the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Senate Select Committee on Juvenile Justice and the Joint Committee on the Arts. He led legislative efforts to guarantee up-to-date textbooks in the classroom, overhaul child support, and pass a patient's bill of rights. Before serving in the Legislature, Schiff served with the U.S. Attorney's Office in Los Angeles for six years, most notably prosecuting the first FBI agent ever to be indicted for espionage.

Adam Schiff, born June 22, 1960, is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Law School. Adam, and his wife, Eve (yes, it's true), have two children, a daughter, Alexa Marion, born in July 1998, and a son, Elijah Harris, born in July 2002.

Bolstering National Security
Congressman Schiff has initiated measures to protect Americans and make our communities safer. He has introduced and secured passage of key portions of the DNA Database Enhancement Act to expand and improve the use of DNA analysis in criminal investigations and to maximize the ability of law enforcement to obtain "cold hits" - potentially solving thousands of unsolved murders, rapes, and other crimes. Schiff's proposals passed the House of Representatives in the 108th Congress as part of the "Advancing Justice Through DNA Technology Act."

Congressman Schiff has also introduced the Identity Theft Penalty Enhancement Actto crack down on identity theft and to protect the good credit and reputations of hardworking Americans by giving prosecutors greater power in convicting and sentencing identity thieves. He secured passage of this legislation in the House of Representative in June, 2004.

Congressman Schiff founded the bipartisan Congressional Caucus on the Judicial Branch, which he co-chairs with Rep. Judy Biggert (R-IL). The Caucus is devoted to improving the relationship between the legislative and judicial branches and working on issues that directly impact the Judiciary. United States Supreme Court Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist took part in a discussion with Members of Congress during the inaugural event.

In October 2003, Schiff also co-founded the bipartisan Congressional International Anti-Piracy Caucus with Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) and Senators Gordon Smith (R-OR) and Joseph Biden (D-DE) to stem the growing problem of intellectual property theft.

Congressman Schiff also serves as the Chair of the Democratic Safe Neighborhoods Task Force of the Democratic Caucus. In this role, he has led efforts to strengthen crime prevention measures in our communities and to ensure that our first responders are prepared to deal with the threat of terrorism.

Congressman Schiff has fought to prevent weapons of mass destruction from falling into the hands of terrorists. He has introduced the Russian Federation Debt Reduction for Nonproliferation Act, The Cooperative Threat Reduction Implementation Act, and a Global Nuclear Cleanout bill to aid in the removal of potential nuclear weapons materials from vulnerable sites around the world. Congressman Schiff is also a proud member of the Air Force Association Pasadena Area Chapter 115.

Congressman Schiff has introduced the Stabilization and Reconstruction Civilian Management Act of 2004, which would improve the U.S. Government's capability to plan for and respond to post-conflict situations and other complex international contingencies.

As a member of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, Congressman Schiff is a strong supporter of legislation calling for United States recognition of the Armenian Genocide and has authored several bills on this subject.

Strengthening Our Communities
Congressman Schiff hosts a variety of constituent service events each year including homebuyer fairs, senior town hall meetings, immigration workshops, health care summits, and grants workshops.

Congressman Schiff has worked to provide access to public transportation and encourage the use of low-emission vehicles. Seen by many as the "Father of the Gold Line," Congressman Schiff has worked for several years - first as a State Senator and now in Congress - to improve mass transit opportunities for the San Gabriel Valley. On-time and under-budget, the Metro Gold Line opened in July 2003. It now serves as a model for the rest of the state on how to deliver cost-effective, environmentally friendly transportation solutions.

Congressman Schiff also introduced the Rim of the Valley Corridor Study Act to enlist the National Park Service in protecting open space in Southern California. He has also spearheaded governmental efforts to respond to the public health threat of the Chromium 6 that has contaminated drinking water supplies.

Kids First Agenda
Congressman Schiff has introduced a comprehensive children's agenda - the "Kids First" Initiative - to promote reading skills, smaller classrooms, health care, and science and arts education. To expand educational opportunities and strengthen the reading skills of children enrolled in Head Start, he introduced the Reading Readiness Act. Schiff also supports legislation to improve access to health and dental care for children and is working to make online enrollment easier for families with uninsured children. In Congress, he led the effort to allow California's counties to use federal funds to cover uninsured kids.

A strong proponent of the science and technology field, Schiff launched the Congressional Science Forum for local high school students featuring insightful lectures by the leading scientists in our region and hosts an annual NASA astronaut visit for elementary schools in the district. Schiff also participates regularly in activities with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on various issues including new ways to inspire students to pursue a career in space science.

As a member of the Congressional Arts Caucus, Schiff hosts an annual Congressional Arts Competition to recognize talented student artists in our area. In April 2004, Schiff introduced legislation to create a National Science Competition to inspire and encourage high school students to pursue a career in the sciences.

A member of the bipartisan House Education Caucus comprised of former educators, Congressman Schiff has fought to expand opportunities for students. He has strongly supported an increase in federal aid for students in public colleges and has cosponsored legislation to refocus national education policy on helping states and local school districts raise academic achievement levels. In addition, Schiff sponsors a "Paying for College Workshop" for high school students and their parents to help explain the financial aid process and identify resources to access additional assistance. Congressman Schiff has secured federal assistance for several local after-school programs and is proud to serve on the National Board of Big Brothers, Big Sisters of America.

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