Shipwrecks Before 1939:

Information for shipwrecks up to 1939 are based primarily on Treasury Department "Report of Casualty" records, accounts from Lewis & Dryden's Marine History of the Pacific Northwest, H.W. McCurdy's Marine History of the Pacific Northwest, and B. D. Berman's Encyclopedia of American Shipwrecks. If a wreck has no source designation for this period, the information was probably taken from these sources. See bibliography for complete citations.

Shipwrecks after 1939:

Information has come from a variety of sources. See bibliography for complete citations. The following is a key to the abbreviations that appear in the search tables:

ADN = Alaska Daily News
ADT = Alaska Daily Times
AFJ = Alaska Fisherman's Journal
Air AK = Alaska Air (a journal)
Alaska Maritime = Gibbs, J. Alaska Maritime
AM = Alaska Maritime
AK Bear = Alaska Bear (a journal)
AK Fish = Alaska Fisherman (a journal)
AK Fish News = Alaska Fishing News (a journal)
AK Life = Alaska Life Magazine
AK Mag = Alaska Magazine
AK Maritime = AM
AKPer List = Source List from the Alaska Periodical Index
AK Philatelist = Alaska Philatelist (a journal)
AK Sports = Alaska Sportsman Magazine
AK Weekly = The Alaska Weekly (a journal)
Alaskana = Alaskana (a journal)
AT = Alaska Times

Berm = Berman, B.D. Encyclopedia of American Shipwrecks.
Burwell Sea Chest articles = Various articles written by Mike Burwell for the Sea Chest,
journal of the Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society

CG Records = various records from the U.S. Coast Guard
CG WW II List = CG List of WW II losses
Cloe = Cloe, J.H. The Aleutian Warriors, Part 1.
Cloe and Monaghan = Cloe, J.H. and M.F. Monaghan.
Top Cover for America: The Air
Force in Alaska, 1920-1983.
Cohen = Cohen, S. The Forgotten War. Volumes I-IV.
Cordova Times = a newspaper
CR = Custom's Report of Casualty record

DeArm Sitka Chron = DeArmond, R.N. A Sitka Chronology: 1867-1987.
DHF = Dutch Harbor Fisherman (a newspaper)
Dillon, Lost At Sea = Dillon, P. Lost At Sea: An American Tragedy.
DSC = DeArmond
Sitka Chronology
Dutch HF = DHF

EPA Cook Inlet List = Shipwreck list compiled by the EPA in 1976.

Freeman = Freeman, E. Those Navy Guys and Their PBY’S.

Garfield = Garfield, B. The Thousand-Mile War: World War II in Alaska and the Aleutians.

Helbock and Dimpsey = Helbock, H.W. and D.S. Dimpsey. Naval Postmarks of Territorial Alaska.
Holm = Holm, D. 1941. "Ghosts of Alaska Commerce."
Homer News = a newspaper
HN = Homer News
Homer Notes = Author's notes from a mariners' memorial in Homer, AK

Int'l Reg. # 1 = Alaska shipwreck list, from International Registry of Sunken Ships Web site.
Int'l Reg. # 2 = Alaska shipwreck list, from International Registry of Sunken Ships Web site.

KDM = Kodiak Daily Mirror (a newspaper)
Ketch AK Chron = Roppel, P. 1996.
An Historical Guide to Revillagigedo and Gravina Islands Alaska.
Kodiak Mirror = KDM

Malin North Coast Map = Malin, R.O. "Map of the Northwest Coast".
MCC = Newel, G., ed. The H.W. McCurdy Marine History of the Pacific Northwest.
MCC II = Newel, G., ed.
The H.W. McCurdy Marine History of the Pacific Northwest. 1966 to 1976.
Morrison = Morrison, S.E. Aleutians, Gilberts, and Marshalls, Vol. IV, History of United States 
Operations in World War II.
MV = Merchant Vessels of the United States (various years)

NASS = Nautical Archaeology Shipwreck Survey, computer printout, Prince William Sound
Community College, 1986.
Nat. Fish. = National Fisherman (a journal)
National Fisherman = a journal
NAWRL = National Archives, Pacific Alaska Region, Vessel Casualties and Violations Case Files List
NTSB Report = National Transportation Safety Board Reports
NYT = New York Times

PAS = Gibbs, J. Peril At Sea.
Pet Pilot = Petersburg Pilot (a newspaper)

Quarterly = Journal of the Alaska State Troopers

Roppel Hist Guide = Ketch AK Chron
Roscoe = Roscoe, Theodore. United States Destroyer Operations in World War II.

Sander's Map = Sanders’ Shipwreck Map of Southeast Alaska. Southeast Graphic Media, 1988.
Seattle T = Seattle Times (a newspaper)
Sew Ph Log = Seward Phoenix Log (a newspaper)

USCG = U.S. Coast Guard Internet news releases
USCG News = U.S. Coast Guard Internet news releases

Valdez Breeze = a newspaper

We AK = We Alaskans, Sunday news magazine of ADN
Webber = Webber, B. Silent Siege. Japanese Attacks Against North America in World War II.
Working the Edge = Walker, S. Working the Edge. St. Martin’s Press, 1991.
Wrangell Sentinel = a newspaper


Alaska Packers Association. 1982. Alaska Shipwrecks, 1741-1939. Government Reports on Alaska Wrecks, 5 vols. Microfilmed for the Alaska State Library by Commercial Microfilm Service, Bellevue, WA.

Andrews, C.L. 1916. Marine Disasters of the Alaska Route. The Washington Historical Quarterly 7(1):21-37.

Bayne, R. 1985. Divers Seek Lost Ships Under Alaska's Coastal Waters. Anchorage, AK: The Great Lander, 30 January 1985, pp. 2-3.

Berman, B.D. 1972. Encyclopedia of American Shipwrecks. Boston: Mariners Press Inc., 308 pp.

Black, L.T. 1983. Record of Maritime Disasters in Russian America, Part one: 1741-1799. In: Proceedings of The Alaska Marine Archaeology Workshop May 17-19, 1983, Sitka, Alaska. Fairbanks, AK: University of Alaska,

Alaska Sea Grant College Program. Sea Grant Report 83-9, Sept. 1983, pp. 43-58.

Black, LT. and D. Desson. 1986. Early Russian Contact. Alaska Historical Commission Studies in History No. 191, Anchorage, AK, 50 pp.

Bockstoce, J.R. 1977. Steam Whaling in the Western Arctic. New Bedford, MA: New Bedford Whaling Museum.

Bockstoce, J.R. 1986. Whales, Ice, and Men: The History of Whaling in the Western Arctic. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 400 pp.

Caldwell, F.E. 1986. Land of The Ocean Mists: The Wild Ocean Coast West of Glacier Bay. Edmonds, WA: Alaska Northwest Publishing Co., 223 pp.

Cloe, J.H. 1990. The Aleutian Warriors, Part 1: A History of the 11th Air Force & Fleet Wing 4. Missoula, MT: Anchorage Chapter, Air Force Association & Pictorial Histories Publishing.

Cloe, J.H. and M.F. Monaghan. Top Cover for America: The Air Force in Alaska, 1920-1983. Missoula, MT: Anchorage Chapter, Air Force Association & Pictorial Histories Publishing 1984.

Cohen, S. The Forgotten War. Volumes I-IV. Missoula, MT: Pictorial Histories Publishing, 1981.

De Armond, R.N. 1980. Down Through The Years. The Alaska Journal 10(4): 17-21.

De Armond, R.N. 1987. The Raging Winds of April. Alaska Magazine 53(11): 36-38.

DeArmond, R.N. 1993. A Sitka Chronology: 1867-1987. Sitka Historical Society.

Dilliplane, T.L. and D. Rigg. 1984. People of the Kaisei-Maru. Heritage No. 19 (April):1-2. Anchorage, AK: State of Alaska, Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation. Monthly Newsletter of the Alaska Office of History and Archaeology.

Dillon, P. 1998. Lost At Sea: An American Tragedy. New York: Dial Press.

Freeman, E. Those Navy Guys and Their PBY’S. Spokane, WA: Kedging Publishing, 1992.

Garfield, B. The Thousand-Mile War: World War II in Alaska and the Aleutians. Fairbanks, AK: University of Alaska Press, 1995.

Gibbs, J.A., Jr. 1950. Pacific Graveyard. Oregon Historical Society. Portland, OR: Binfords & Mort, Publishers, 192 pp.

Gibbs, J.A., Jr. 1957. Shipwrecks of the Pacific Coast. Portland, OR: Binfords & Mort, Publishers, 312 pp.

Gibbs, J.A., Jr. 1971. Disaster Log of Ships. Seattle: Superior Publishing Company.

Gibbs, J.A., Jr. 1986. Peril At Sea. West Chester, PA: Schiffer Publishing,

Gibbs, J.A., Jr. 1997. Alaska Maritime. West Chester, PA: Schiffer Publishing.

Haycox, S. 1983. Star Fleet Disaster: Marine Safety on The Alaska Packer's Association "Star" Line, 1893-1929. In: Proceedings of The Alaska Marine Archaeology Workshop May 17-19, 1983, Sitka, Alaska. Fairbanks, AK: University of Alaska, Alaska Sea Grant College Program. Sea Grant Report 83-9, Sept. 1983, pp. 95-108.

Hekrdle, K.D. 1986. Dangerous Passage: Gold Rush Shipwrecks of 1898. Alaska Historical Commission Studies in History No. 194, June 1986, Anchorage, AK.

Helbock, H.W. and D.S. Dimpsey. 1978. Naval Postmarks of Territorial Alaska. Las Cruces, NM: R.W. Helbock.

Hilson, S.E. 1975. Exploring Alaska and British Columbia. Auburn, WA: Van Winkle Publishing Co., 107 pp.

Hilson, S.E. 1981. Exploring Puget Sound and British Columbia. Auburn, WA: Publishers Enterprises, 117 pp.

Holm, D. 1941. Ghosts of Alaska Commerce. The Alaska Sportsman 7(9): 20-22, 24-27.

Howay, F.A. 1973. A List of Trading Vessels in the Maritime Fur Trade, 1785-1825. Edited by Richard A. Pierce. Kingston, Ontario: The Limestone Press, 208 pp.

Huber, L.R. 1941. Charting 26,376 Miles of Coastline, Work of U.S. Coast and Geodedic Survey for Safety of Ships and Commerce in Alaska Waters. Alaska Life Magazine (December):18-19.

Langdon, S.J., ed. 1983. Proceedings of The Alaska Marine Archaeology Workshop May 17-19, 1983, Sitka, Alaska. Fairbanks, AK: University of Alaska, Alaska Sea Grant College Program. Sea Grant Report 83-9, Sept.

1883, 239 pp.

Lethcoe, J. and N. Lethcoe. 1985. Cruising Guide to Prince William Sound, Vol. II, Eastern Part. Valdez, AK: Prince William Sound Books, 181 pp.

Malin, R.O. 1984. "Map of the Northwest Coast". Olympia, WA: Sobay Co.

Martinson, C. and D. Kuklok. 1979. Atlas of the Ketchikan Region: A Basis for Planning. Ketchikan Gateway Borough Planning Dept.

McDonald, L.S. 1984. Alaska Steam: A Pictorial History of The Alaska Steamship Company. Anchorage, AK:

Alaska Northwest Publishing Co., 144 pp.

Morrison, S.E. 1951. Aleutians, Gilberts, and Marshalls, Vol. IV, History of United States Naval Operations in World War II. Boston: Little Brown.

Nautical Archaeology Shipwreck Survey. 1986. Computer printout, Prince William Sound Community College and Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources, Office of History and Archaeology.

Newell, G., ed. 1966. The H.W. McCurdy Marine History of the Pacific Northwest, 1895-1965. Seattle: Superior Publishing Co., 707 pp.

Newel, G., ed. 1977. The H.W. McCurdy Marine History of the Pacific Northwest. 1966 to 1976. Superior Publishing.

Pierce, R.A. 1972. Alaskan Shipping, 1867-1978: Arrivals and Departures at The Port of Sitka. Kingston, Ontario: The Limestone Press, 63 pp.

Roppel, P. 1996. An Historical Guide to Revillagigedo and Gravina Islands Alaska. Farwest Research.

Roscoe, Theodore. 1953. United States Destroyer Operations in World War II. Anapolis, MD: Naval Institute.

Sanders, T. 1988. Shipwreck Map of Southeast Alaska. Juneau, AK: Southeast Graphic Media.

State of Alaska, Dept. of Natural Resources. 1985. Alaska Heritage Resources File and Location Maps. Office of History and Archaeology.

Stirling, D. 1984. Sourcebook of Alaskan Shipwrecks 1786-1932. Heritage North Publications in History No. 1, 58 pp.

Tornfelt, E.E. 1981. Bering Sea Cultural Resources. Technical Paper No. 2. Anchorage, AK: USDOI, BLM, Alaska OCS Office.

Tornfelt, E.E. 1982. Cultural Resources of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, Shelf and Shore. Technical Paper No. 6. Anchorage, AK: USDOI, BLM, Alaska OCS Office.

Townsend, C.H. 1935. The Distribution of Certain Whales as Shown by Logbook Records of American Whaleships. Zoologica XIX(1):3-50.

USDOC, NOAA. 1984. List of Vessels Totally Lost in Alaskan Waters from 1898 to 1917. Rockville, MD: USDOC, NOAA. NOAA Library.

U.S. Department of the Treasury, Customs Service. 1851-1940. Government Reports on Alaska Shipwrecks. Juneau, AK: U.S. Department of the Treasury, U.S. Customs Service.

U.S. Department of the Treasury. 1906-1994. Merchant Vessels of the United States. Washington, DC: GPO.

Walker, S. 1991. Working the Edge. St. Martin’s Press.

Webber, B. Silent Siege. 1984. Japanese Attacks Against North America in World War II. Medford, OR: Pacific Northwest Publishing Co.

Whipple, A. 1979. The Whalers. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books.

Wright, E.W., ed. 1967. Lewis and Dryden's Marine History of the Pacific Northwest. Seattle: Superior Publishing Co., 494 pp.

Alaskan Shipwreck Home Page


Content:  Mike Burwell
Alaska OCS Region
Minerals Management Service

This page last updated 08/31/2001