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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Rd.
Atlanta, GA 30333
(404) 639-3311
PHIN 2004 Stakeholders Conference Materials
Didn't have an opportunity to attend? Review the program, session presentations and presenter biographies on the 2004 conference materials page

Overview of PHIN:

Currently there are multiple systems in place that support communications for public health labs, the clinical community, and state and local health departments. Each has demonstrated the importance of being able to exchange health information. However, many of these systems operate in isolation, not capitalizing on the potential for a cross-fertilization of data exchange. A crosscutting and unifying framework is needed to better monitor these data streams for early detection of public health issues and emergencies.

Meeting the challenge
The Public Health Information Network (PHIN) is this framework. Through defined data and vocabulary standards and strong collaborative relationships, the Public Health Information Network will enable consistent exchange of response, health, and disease tracking data between public health partners. Ensuring the security of this information is also critical as is the ability of the network to work reliably in times of national crisis. PHIN is composed of five key components: detection and monitoring, data analysis, knowledge management, alerting and response:

  • Detection and Monitoring
    Focus: Disease and threat surveillance, national health status indicators

  • Analysis
    Focus: Facilitates real-time evaluation of live data feeds, turning data into information for people at all levels of public health.

  • Information Resources and Knowledge Management
    Focus: Providing intuitive access to reference materials, integrated distance learning content and decision support

  • Alerting and Communications
    Focus: Enabling emergency alerting, routine professional discussions and collaborative activities

  • Response
    Focus: Management support of recommendations, prophylaxis, vaccination, etc.

Reinforcing partnerships
Creating a strong network that continues to define shared data standards to support the exchange of key health data is critical for a more effective and response-oriented public health system. The Public Health Information Network will serve as the framework supporting this new system, a system better positioned to respond to the changing needs of public health and consequently the nation.

What's New
Draft PHIN Preparedness Requirements
Countermeasure Administration and Response
Early Event Detection
Outbreak Management
PHIN Requirements for Laboratory Systems
PHIN Web Seminars
For More Information
Phone: 1-800-532-9929 OR (770) 216-1299
Email: PHIN - Public Health Information Network (PHIN)

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<%= XLastEdit%> October 07, 2004

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