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    Quality Assurance Programs

    blue dot imageBehavior Based Safety (BBS): A method of using positive reinforcement to change at-risk employee behavior. The website includes a program overview, the BBS Charter and requirements documents, and links to BBS-related sites and points-of-contact.

    blue dot imageCorrective Action Management Program (CAMP): Outlines the purpose, background, process, requirements, and guidance for addressing/resolving findings identified during Type A Accident Investigations, conducted by EH, and assessments conducted by the Office of Independent Oversight and Performance Assurance. The website also shares information regarding the development, tracking, reporting, implementation, and effectiveness of corrective actions for these findings.

    blue dot image DOE Laboratory Accreditation Program (DOELAP): An overarching corporate resource to ensure that DOE is assessing the potential for radiological contamination of workers. The website includes information regarding Personnel Dosimetry Program Accreditation, the Radiobioassay Laboratory Accreditation Program, an online Library; DOELAP Assessors and Oversight Board listings, and DOELAP training meetings/conferences.

    blue dot imageDOE VPP: A cooperative effort of labor, management, and government, the VPP is a principal demonstration of the DOE intent to “self-regulate”, as set forth in the OSHA Act of 1970. The website includes requirements, procedures, and other guidance relating to the DOE-VPP program.

    blue dot imageHigh Efficiency Particulate Air Filters: The HEPA website provides a forum for informing and reporting department-wide activities related to filtration and ventilation issues with special reference to the High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filters' use and testing.

    blue dot imageQuality Assurance: A management systems approach to ensure that DOE products/services meet regulatory and customer requirements. The website contains information related to DOE QA policy/requirements, the DOE QA Improvement Plan, and QA training meetings/workshops.

    blue dot imageSQA: Promotes the continuous improvement, and knowledge-sharing, of SQA topics. These topics consolidate information and contain links to SQA subject matter experts, procedures, training materials, program descriptions, good practices, lessons learned, and the Central Registry Toolbox Codes. The website also provides a capability for member collaboration regarding SQA product development and threaded discussions.



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