Basic Energy Sciences - Accomplishments

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Basic Energy Sciences Home PageDecades of DiscoveryNobel Prizes from BES-Supported ResearchAnnual Highlights from BES Budget RequestsBlank PageArchival Collections of Research HighlightsBES Accomplishments Home Page
   About BES Accomplishments

The many descriptions of accomplishments resulting from BES-supported basic research that are provided here represent outcomes of the broad range of studies supported in the BES program.  The large collection of these brief accounts portrays the discovery of new knowledge, the rapidity with which such new knowledge can often be incorporated into other scientific disciplines and into the commercial sector, and the great potential of basic research for future impacts on energy production and use.

Discoveries The Office of Basic Energy Sciences has been at the forefront of scientific discovery for several decades.   BES staff and colleagues identified 28 of the more important discoveries supported by the program.
Nobel Prizes Principal investigators funded by BES win dozens of major scientific prizes and awards annually, and many have been elected to fellowship in organizations such as the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and other major scientific professional societies.  Paramount among the honors for BES-sponsored researchers were seven Nobel Prizes since 1986.
Vignettes Brief descriptions of recent research highlights for FY 1997 through FY 2003 appear in the BES portions of the President’s FY 2005 through FY 1999 Budget Requests to Congress, respectively.  The sum of these narratives over the years are a compelling summary of the relationships between the results of fundamental research and practical applications that benefit society.
Archives Archival compilations of BES research highlights and activities (FY1980 - FY1998)

The National Academy of Sciences' Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (COSEPUP) states that "the useful outcomes of basic research cannot be measured directly on an annual basis, because the usefulness of new basic knowledge is inherently too unpredictable; so the usefulness of basic research must be measured by historical reviews based on a much longer timeframe."  (Evaluating Federal Research Programs: Research and the Government Performance and Results Act, 1999)

Office of Basic Energy Sciences | SC-10/Germantown Building | U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW | Washington, DC 20585-1290 | 301/903-3081 | FAX: 301/903-6594 |