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   Recent BES Workshop and Technical Reports

Provided below is a listing of recent BES-sponsored workshop reports that address the current status and possible future directions of some important research areas.                    (Longer abstracts of same reports)

Nanoscience Research for Energy Needs

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Nanoscience Research for Energy Needs
This report is based upon a BES-cosponsored National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) Workshop held March 16–18, 2004, by the Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology (NSET) Subcommittee of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) to address the Grand Challenge in Energy Conversion and Storage set out in the NNI.  This report was released on June 24, 2004, during the Department of Energy NanoSummit.  (more)
PDF file of this report (2.0 MB)

DOE-NSF-NIH Workshop on Opportunities in THz Science

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DOE-NSF-NIH Workshop on Opportunities in THz Science
This report is based on a Workshop on Opportunities in Terahetrz (THz) Science held February 12–14, 2004, to discuss basic research problems that can be answered using THz radiation. The workshop did not focus on the wide range of potential applications of THz radiation in engineering, defense and homeland security, or the commercial and government sectors of the economy. The workshop was jointly sponsored by DOE, NSF, and NIH.  (more)
PDF file of this report (10.0 MB)

Basic Research Needs for the Hydrogen Economy

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Basic Research Needs for the Hydrogen Economy
This report is based upon the BES Workshop on Hydrogen Production, Storage, and Use, held May 13–15, 2003, to identify fundamental research needs and opportunities in hydrogen production, storage, and use, with a focus on new, emerging and scientifically challenging areas that have the potential to have significant impact in science and technologies.  (more)
PDF file of this report (7.5 MB, 2nd printing February 2004)

Theory and Modeling in Nanoscience

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Theory and Modeling in Nanoscience
This report is based upon the May 10–11, 2002, workshop conducted jointly by the Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee and the Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committees to identify challenges and opportunities for theory, modeling, and simulation in nanoscience and nanotechnology and to investigate the growing and promising role of applied mathematics and computer science in meeting those challenges.  (more)
PDF file of this report (2.3 MB)

Biomolecular Materials

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Biomolecular Materials
This report is based upon the January 13-15, 2002, workshop sponsored by the Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee to explore the potential impact of biology on the physical sciences, in particular the materials and chemical sciences.  (more)
PDF file of this report (9.1 MB)

Basic Research Needs To Assure A Secure Energy Future

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Basic Research Needs To Assure A Secure Energy Future
This report is based upon a Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee workshop that was held in October 2002 to assess the basic research needs for energy technologies to assure a reliable, economic, and environmentally sound energy supply for the future.  The workshop discussions produced a total of 37 proposed research directions.  (more)
PDF file of this report (13.3 MB)

Basic Research Needs for Countering Terrorism

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Basic Research Needs for Countering Terrorism
This report is based upon a BES workshop on basic research needs to counter terrorism that was held on February 28 and March 1, 2002, to identify connections between technology needs for countering terrorism and underlying science issues and to recommend investment strategies to increase the impact of basic research on efforts to counter terrorism.  (more)
PDF file of this report (1.8 MB)

Complex Systems: Science for the 21st Century

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Complex Systems: Science for the 21st Century
This report is based upon a BES workshop on March 5-6, 1999, which was designed to help define new scientific directions related to complex systems in order to create new understanding about the nano world and complicated, multicomponent structures.  (more)
PDF file of this report (1.9 MB)

Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Technology Research Directions

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Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Technology Research Directions
This report illustrates the wide range of research opportunities and challenges in nanoscale science, engineering and technology.  It was prepared in 1999 in connection with the interagency national research initiative on nanotechnology.  (more)
PDF file of this report (6.7 MB)

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