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U.S. Attorney Todd Graves
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U.S. Attorney Todd Graves

Computer Crimes and Child Exploitation

Incoming first graders explore computers, educational software, and safe
Incoming first graders explore computers, educational software, and safe
use of the Internet in a North Kansas City School District summer
learning enrichment clas

Attorney General John Ashcroft visits KC
to announce new initiative targeting
Internet crimes against children

U.S. Attorney Todd Graves welcomed U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft to Kansas City today to announce the launch of a new initiative that targets Internet crimes against children, such as child pornography, and other cyber crimes.

"Preventing the exploitation of children, and prosecuting those who use the Internet to prey upon them, is the highest local priority of our office," Graves said in announcing the creation of the Computer Crimes and Child Exploitation Unit. "We are committed to investing the resources necessary to imprison pedophiles and child pornographers who take advantage of modern advances in computer technology to commit their crimes. They will learn that there is no refuge from justice in cyberspace."

Ashcroft underscored that priority in his remarks, delivered before a group of students at Briarcliff Elementary School in the North Kansas City School District. Ashcroft met this morning with the FBI's Cyber Crimes Task Force then visited local students in an elementary classroom prior to the press conference.

To read the news release about this event, select "News" from the menu at left or click here.

To read examples of recent cases prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Western Distict of Missouri, select "Cases" from the menu at left or click here.

To read U.S. Attorney Todd Graves' remarks about a recent study of federal prison inmates, select "Study" from the menu at left or click here.

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This site was last updated on October 30, 2002.