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2004 News Releases

U.S. Attorney Todd Graves
Western District

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U.S. Attorney Todd Graves

Project Ceasefire

Project Ceasefire, the Project Safe Neighborhoods initiative in the Kansas City, Missouri area, is recognized nationally as being not only one of the first anti-gun violence programs, but one of the most successful. In 1999, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Missouri partnered with the Kansas City Metropolitan Crime Commission to develop and implement a strategy to reduce gun violence. Through contributions from the area business community and foundations, Project Ceasefire was launched. A large advertizing agency, Valentine Radford, played a tremendous role in negotiating advertizing on billboards, TV, and radio, designing a unique Ceasefire logo, and working with research analysts. The information provided by the research enabled Ceasefire to determine a target audience and geographic areas where the program's impact could best be evaluated.

In June 2002, Project Ceasefire was also launched in the Springfield, Missouri area in partnership with the Greene County Prosecutor's Office and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

The target population of the educational aspect of Project Ceasefire is aimed at convicted felons. State and federal authorities estimate that about 12,000 persons are currently under some form of release supervision (probation or parole) and that the total number of convicted felons in the metropolitan area may be as high as 30,000! In 2001, the research indicated that Project Ceasefire had reached over 92% of the targeted audience, felons. However, more significantly, research revealed that while the number of crimes committed with firearms had increased, the number of crimes relating to felons in possession of firearms in the target areas in Kansas City had significantly decreased.

Through the extensive media blitz using television, billboards, print ads, mailers and other sources, it is believed that many felons themselves, or under pressure from their families, have chosen not to carry a firearm. There are also one-on-one contacts with felons exiting the penal system to make them aware, through Ceasefire, of the consequences of carrying a firearm. Since it is well established that many crimes are committed by convicted repeat offenders, this program will have a major impact on the community's gun crime rate, thus making the Kansas City and Springfield areas safer places in which to live, raise families, do business and visit.

By educating these persons as to the federal laws and mandatory punishments attached to felons carrying firearms, it is expected that the entire population of the target areas will benefit in many ways. These benefits include a decrease in violent crime, fewer firearms injuries and deaths, less disruption to the families of felons due to arrests, injuries, deaths, and family violence, and a lower rate of arrests and incarcerations of convicted felons for firearms offenses.

Project Ceasefire initiative also intends to reduce violent crime by those felons who continue to choose to carry firearms or use them in the commission of crimes by educating the public, as well, on this issue. In these cases, citizens in the Kansas Ctiy area will be informed to call the existing Crime Stoppers (816) 474-TIPS Hotline, also sponsored by Ceasefire's parent organization, the Kansas City Metropolitan Crime Commission.

Project Ceasefire shares common goals with Project Safe Neighborhoods in that, if felons are dissuaded from carrying firearms, it is very likely that a high number of crimes against persons or property will not occur. It is also hoped that without the ready availability of a firearm, family violence may be avoided in the homes of these felons.

Click here to view current Project Ceasefire Statistics for the
Kansas City, Mo. metropolitan area.

Click here to view News Releases reporting on individual Project Ceasefire cases
in the Kansas City, Mo. metropolitan area.

March 11, 2004
Local children volunteer to help reduce gun crime in the community
KANSAS CITY - Todd P. Graves, United States Attorney for the Western District of Missouri, applauds the efforts of local school children in the area who have volunteered their time to promote Project Ceasefire, the district's on-going anti-crime initiative. Recently local teenagers traveled door to door passing out literature regarding the program for the Project Ceasefire Outreach program. The teenagers also are members of POSSE, another local school program that teaches kids to aviod firearm violence.
Click here for picture two.
Click here for picture three.

December 11, 2003
PSN proving effective in fighting gun crime locally, nationally
KANSAS CITY - Todd P. Graves, United States Attorney for the Western District of Missouri, today joined Attorney General John Ashcroft in applauding the record of federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and communities who are working together through Project Safe Neighborhoods to prevent and prosecute gun crime.
Read the New
s Release

Assistant U.S. Attorney Randall D. Eggert (left) receives the Outstanding Prosecutor award from Dwight Nichols, HIDTA Coordinator.Pictured from back left are Richard Cook, Kansas City Crime Commission; Darrell Moore, Green County, Mo., prosecutor; Dave Lin, ATF; Dr. Alex Holsinger, UMKC; Rudolph Rhodes, Asst. U.S. Attorney; Randy Roberts, ATF; Mark James, ATF Special Agent in Charge; Paul Becker, Asst. U.S. Attorney; Todd P. Graves, U.S. Attorney; John Ashcroft, U.S. Attorney General; Capt. Cheryl Rose, KCPD; Rebecca Tillman, with the U.S. Attorney's Office; Jan Mulkey, Valentine/Radford Advertising; and Dr. Kenneth Novak, UMKC.

Click here for high-resolution image.
Click here for MP3 audio clips from U.S. Attorney Todd P. Graves.

February 3, 2003
Local crime fighting organizations receive national recognition
KANSAS CITY - Todd P. Graves, United States Attorney for the Western District of Missouri, announced today that a team of organizations received a national award for their fight against gun crime. The Western District of Missouri’s Project Safe Neighborhoods/Project Ceasefire Team received the U.S. Department of Justice’s Outstanding Partnership or Task Force Award. The combined efforts of several local organizations helped in earning this national recognition.
Read the News Release

Related Links:

Project Safe Neighborhoods

More Department of Justice crime prevention programs and initiatives

Kansas City Metropolitan Crime Commission

Click here to review the Quick Reference to Federal Firearm Laws

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