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HOW ARE YOUR DATA EVALUATED? Scientific and technical data may be examined from three viewpoints: how well is the data generation described, how do the data follow the known physical laws, and how do the data compare to other measurements or calculations of the same phenomena. The description of data generation is crucial. The identification and control of all relevant independent variables must be addressed and demonstrated. For mature areas such as thermodynamics and atomic physics, many measurement techniques are well characterized. In these cases, the adherence to physical laws and intercomparisons predominate. For areas in which behavior is not well understood, such as corrosion, data from different experiments are not usually comparable. Consequently, documentation of control of the experimental condition is most important.

HOW OFTEN ARE YOUR DATABASES UPDATED? Our databases are typically updated every 1-2 years, after an extensive data evaluation and SRD's quality database review.

HOW MANY NEW COMPOUNDS WERE INCLUDED IN THE NEW UPDATE OF THE NIST/EPA/NIH MASS SPECTRAL LIBRARY? There are now 147,198 fully-evaluated compounds with spectra in the library. A total re-evaluation of the entire database has been performed.

WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR UPGRADING TO NEW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES SUCH AS WINDOWS AND THE WEB? NIST Standard Reference Databases are migrating to a Windows interface and Standard Reference Data has released numerous databases on the Web, with plans to do many more.

I WOULD LIKE TO INTEGRATE STANDARD REFERENCE DATABASES INTO MY PRODUCTS. HOW DO I DO THAT? Many of our data products include the source code in the package for easy inclusion into internal programs. If our data products are included into commercial packages for resale, distributor license agreements must be entered into. Contact Standard Reference Data for details.

DO YOU GIVE SPECIAL CUSTOMER DISCOUNTS? As a government agency, NIST Standard Reference Data is required to treat all customers alike. There are multiple copy discounts available. Contact Standard Reference Data.

IS SOURCE CODE INCLUDED IN THE REFPROP DATABASE? Yes, the FORTRAN source code is included for those who want to access the property routines from their own applications.

DOES NIST HAVE ANY DATABASES ON THE PROPERTIES OF METALS? NIST has had two major collaborative programs on metals data: The NIST-ASM International Alloy Phase Diagram Program and the NIST-NACE Corrosion Data Program. Databases and publications from these programs are available from our technical society partners. Contact them at:

ASM International
Materials Park, Ohio 44073-0002 USA
PHONE: 216 338 5151
FAX: 216 338 4634

For mechanical and performance properties of iron and steel, aluminum alloys and copper alloys, please contact:

ASM International
Materials Park, Ohio 44073-0002 USA
PHONE: 216 338 5151
FAX: 216 338 4634
E-mail: American Iron and Steel Institute (AISF)
(202) 452-7100

Copper Development Association (CDA)
(212) 251-7200

Aluminum Association
(202) 862-5100

DOES NIST HAVE ANY DATABASES ON POLYMERS? Several organizations have published databases on commercial polymers and polymer-matrix composites. These may be easily found by searching on the World Wide Web. In addition, virtually every commercial polymer manufacturer maintains databases of the properties of these products. Again, they can be found on the Web.

WHERE CAN I FIND STANDARD GUIDES TO BUILDING MATERIALS DATABASES? ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) has a Technical Committee - F49 on Computerization of Materials and Chemical Property Databases. For further information, contact Teresa Cendrowska, ASTM at (610)832-9718.

For more information please contact:

Standard Reference Data Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Dr., Stop 2310
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2310

(301) 975-2008 (VOICE) / (301) 926-0416 (FAX) / Contact Us (E-MAIL)

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Create Date: 6/02
Last Update: Thursday, 06-Mar-03 15:40:45
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