Department of Justice > USAM > Title 9 > Criminal Resource Manual


1-99 | 101 | 201 | 301 | 401 | 501 | 601 | 701 | 801 | 901 |
1001 | 1101 | 1201 | 1301 | 1401 | 1501 | 1601 | 1701 | 1801 | 1901 |
2001 | 2101 | 2201 | 2301 | 2401 |

  1. Indictment and Informations
  2. Obtaining an Indictment
  3. Obtaining an Information
  4. Use Of An Indictment Or Information
  5. When an Indictment is Required
  6. When an Information May be Used
  7. When Neither an Indictment Nor an Information is Required
  8. Presentments
  9. Waiver of an Indictment
  10. Waiver Procedure
  11. Prosecutorial Discretion to Allow
  12. Judicial Discretion to Set Aside
  13. Effect at New Trial
  14. Drafting Indictments and Informations
  15. Number of Counts in Indictments
  16. Caption
  17. Subscription
  18. Incorporation by Reference
  19. Citation of the Statute Violated
  20. Grammar, Spelling, and Typographical Errors
  21. Sufficiency
  22. Elements of the Offense
  23. Requirement of Specificity
  24. Plea of Former Jeopardy
  25. Charging in the Language of the Statute
  26. Negativing Statutory Exceptions
  27. Conjunctive and Disjunctive Elements
  28. Particular Allegations -- Time and Date
  29. Particular Allegations -- Place of Offense
  30. Particular Allegations -- Means
  31. Particular Allegations -- Venue
  32. Particular Allegations -- Intent
  33. Particular Allegations -- Aiding and Abetting
  34. Particular Allegations -- Forfeiture
  35. Amendment of Information
  36. Amendment of Indictments
  37. Amendment on Indictments for Offenses That Could Have Been Initiated by Information
  38. Lineups and Showups
  39. Power to Order Lineup -- Right to Counsel
  40. Lineup -- Self-Incrimination
  41. Lineup -- Due Process
  42. Lineup -- Search and Seizure
  43. Admissibility of Lineup and Showup Identifications
  44. Photographic Identification -- No Right to Counsel
  45. Photographic Identification -- Due Process
  46. Physical Evidence
  47. Hair Samples
  48. Surgical Intrusions and Blood Samples
  49. Fingerprinting -- No Right to Counsel
  50. Fingerprinting -- Self-Incrimination
  51. Fingerprinting -- Search and Seizure
  52. Handwriting Exemplars -- No Right to Counsel
  53. Handwriting Exemplars -- Self-Incrimination
  54. Handwriting Exemplars -- Search and Seizure
  55. Compelling Specific Handwriting
  56. Voice Exemplars -- Self-Incrimination
  57. Voice Exemplars -- Search and Seizure
  58. Admissibility of Spectrograms (Voice Prints)
  59. Polygraphs -- In General
  60. Polygraphs -- Technique
  61. Polygraphs -- Examination Variables
  62. Polygraphs -- Introduction at Trial
  63. Common Factual Settings Involving Subpoenas to Attorneys
  64. Form -- Request for Authorization To Issue A Subpoena To An Attorney for Information Relating To Representation of a Client
  65. Attorney Search Warrant Form
  66. International Legal Assistance
  67. Obtaining Evidence Abroad -- General Considerations
  68. Location of the Evidence
  69. Intended Use of the Evidence
  70. Type of Assistance Needed
  71. Time Required
  72. Statute of Limitations and Speedy Trial Act
  73. Cost of Obtaining Evidence
  74. Methods
  75. Letters Rogatory
  76. Treaty Requests
  77. Executive Agreements and Memoranda of Understanding on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
  78. Informal Means
  79. Subpoenas
  80. Forfeiture of Assets Located in Foreign Countries
  81. Drafting Requests for Assistance
  82. Translations
  83. Documentary Evidence
  84. Foreign Travel by Prosecutors
  85. Depositions
  86. Assisting Foreign Prosecutors
  87. Use of Hypnosis -- Purpose
  88. Admissibility at Trial
  89. Hypnosis of a Prosecution Witness
  90. Hypnosis of a Defendant
  91. Disclosure of the Use of Hypnosis
  92. Expert Witness
  93. Factors to Consider Prior to the Use of Hypnosis
  94. Additional References
  95. Criminal Division Contact
  96. -99 [RESERVED]

April 1999 Criminal Resource Manual