Department of Justice > USAM > Title 9 > Criminal Resource Manual


1-99 | 101 | 201 | 301 | 401 | 501 | 601 | 701 | 801 | 901 |
1001 | 1101 | 1201 | 1301 | 1401 | 1501 | 1601 | 1701 | 1801 | 1901 |
2001 | 2101 | 2201 | 2301 | 2401 |

  1. Access to and Disclosure of Tax Returns in a Non-Tax Criminal Case
  2. Definitions
  3. Disclosure
  4. Consent to Disclosure
  5. Access to Returns and Return Information
  6. Disclosure Under 26 U.S.C. § 6103(i)(1)
  7. Disclosure Under 26 U.S.C. § 6103(i)(2)
  8. Disclosure Under 26 U.S.C. § 6103(i)(3)
  9. Use of Certain Disclosed Returns and Return Information in Judicial or Administrative Proceedings, 26 U.S.C. § 6103(i)(4)
  10. Disclosure to Locate Fugitives from Justice Under 26 U.S.C. § 6103(i)(5)
  11. Restrictions on Disclosures, 26 U.S.C. § 6103(i)(6)
  12. Communication with IRS Personnel
  13. Utilization of IRS Personnel
  14. Sample Forms Relating to Disclosure of Confidential Tax Information
  15. Requests for Disclosure of Tax Returns and Return Information From the IRS Not Relating to Tax Administration
  16. Application for Ex Parte Order to Disclose Returns and Return Information
  17. Authorization for Application for Ex Parte Order for Disclosure of Tax Returns and Return Information
  18. Order for Disclosure of Returns and Return Information
  19. Verification for Application
  20. Application for Ex Parte Order to Disclose Returns and Return Information
  21. Authorization for Application for Ex Parte Order for Disclosure of Tax Returns and Return Information
  22. Order for Disclosure of Returns and Return Information
  23. Rule 20 Transfers of Prisoners From the District For Plea and Sentence
  24. Rule 20 Transfers -- Who is Covered
  25. Rule 20 Transfer Procedure
  26. Rule 20 Transfers -- Complaint Only Pending
  27. Rule 20 Transfers -- Juveniles
  28. Rule 20 Transfers -- Partial Pleas
  29. Rule 20 Transfers -- Use of Fed. R. Crim. P. 20 and 7 Together
  30. Rule 21 Transfers from the District for Trial
  31. Factors Determining Rule 21 Transfer
  32. Rule 21 Transfer for Prejudice in the District
  33. Transfer in Other Cases
  34. Interstate Agreement on Detainers
  35. International Extradition -- Text of 18 U.S.C. § 3184
  36. Treaty List
  37. -99 [RESERVED]

April 1999 Criminal Resource Manual