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Saralyn Mark, M.D.

Saralyn Mark, M.D.Saralyn Mark, M.D., an endocrinologist and a geriatrician, is the Senior Medical Advisor to the Office on Women's Health within the Department of Health and Human Services and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). She is also an Assistant Clinical Professor at the Yale University School of Medicine in the Departments of Internal Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Dr. Mark received her Bachelor of Arts degree with honors in biology from Barnard College of Columbia University and her medical degree from New York University School of Medicine. She completed her internship and residency in Internal Medicine at UCSF. Following private practice in Internal Medicine in San Francisco, Dr. Mark returned to UCSF where she designed and completed one of the country's first Women's Health fellowships which may now serve as a national model.

At UCSF, Dr. Mark conducted clinical research studies in the areas of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and lipids. Dr. Mark has published and given lectures internationally on menopause, osteoporosis and other critical issues in women's health. She also continues to teach medical students, residents and nurse practitioners. She has made over seventy-five television, radio and print appearances including CNN, NBC Nightly News, and the Washington Post.

Dr. Mark is a Diplomat of the National Board of Medical Examiners and is a member of numerous national advisory boards and professional organizations including the President's Interagency Council on Women, the National Institutes of Health Federal Working Group on Bone Diseases, the NASA Medical Policy Board, the National Committee for Quality Assurance Advisory Panel on Hedis Measurements for Women's Health, and the Surgeon General's Physician Advisory Committee. She has served on the United Nation's Global Commission on Women's Health and the Pan American Health Organization's Special Subcommittee on Women's Health. Dr. Mark has chaired the Subcommittee on Exogenous Hormones for the Federal Interagency Working Group on Women's Health and the Environment, the Secretary of Health and Human Service's National Task Force on Health Professional Education on Female Genital Mutilation, and the National Task Force on Mentoring in Academic Medicine.

As the Senior Medical Advisor on Women's Health, Dr. Mark is responsible for the development and analysis of initiatives and programs on women's health across the lifespan. Additionally, she fosters collaborations between health care organizations and scientific agencies to increase their focus on women's health issues.

Updated: April 2004

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