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Valerie Scardino, M.P.A.
Program Manager
National Women's Health Information Center (NWHIC)

Photo of Valerie Scardino, M.P.A.Valerie Scardino serves as the Program Manager for the National Women's Health Information Center in the Office on Women's Health in the Department of Health and Human Services, directing the contract for the information clearinghouse, 1-800 information and referral service line, and website. She oversees all marketing activities, enhancements to the toll-free service and website design, selection of new materials, evaluation activities and program expenditures. In addition, she represents the Office on Women's Health on Internet, Health Literacy, and Health Communications committees. She ensures and promotes appropriate consultation and input from the Coordinating Committee on Women's Health.

Ms. Scardino is a health communications specialist with 15 years experience with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and in the private sector. She has extensive experience designing and implementing national health campaigns. She has been responsible for developing communication strategies, designing messages for the campaigns, managing the writing and design of all collateral materials, organizing press events, generating media coverage, and overseeing the evaluation of these activities.

Ms. Scardino received her B.B.A. in Business/Marketing from the University of Massachusetts and her M.P.A. from Suffolk University in Boston, MA.

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