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EMI > Integrated Emergency Management Course

Participant Comments of the Integrated Emergency Management Course

A County Manager

"Effective management requires teamwork, communications, and working relationships that "cut up, down, and across" organizational and departmental boundaries...I highly recommend that...local officials take part in this kind of FEMA disaster simulation."
A Deputy Fire Chief
"It wasn't an accident that our emergency management system functioned as well as it did. Responding to disasters was something we had actually practiced."
A Police Chief
"This program was well put together...The staff did an outstanding job...Their collective knowledge is priceless."
A District Medical Examiner
"The course was of great value to me in better understanding the roles of my local planners. The method used was particularly effective."
A Military Support Officer
"The varied levels of government and varied duties of participants allowed for in-depth analysis and debate of subject areas. (Time) well spent."
A Utility Directory
"I would have to say the Emergency Management course is undoubtedly the most informative and professional seminar I have ever attended."


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An official web site of the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency
U.S. Fire Administration, 16825 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg, MD 21727 Voice: (301) 447-1000