"Made In U.S.A." Policy Comments
FTC File No. P894219
Comments 101 to 200

The following list provides links to the public comment documents received. The Comment Numbers are not consecutive. They run 1 through 135, 140 through 151, and 201 through 328. All public comments received are available. The numbering scheme is a result of the production schedule. The comments are available via "anonymous ftp" and are in ASCII (*.txt) format. Associated image files are in Tagged Image File Format (*.TIF). For your convenience, the respective file sizes are also listed.

#    Comment Of           Type of File       Filename         File Size
101  Assoc. of Int'l      ASCII              101.txt           17510

102  National             ASCII              102.txt           20233

103  American             ASCII              103.txt           14035  

104  Caterpillar Inc.     ASCII              104.txt            3617

105  Meeks & Sheppard     ASCII              105.txt            6505
106  Admin., U.S.         ASCII              106.txt            1412
     Gen. Services       

107  Teamsters/           ASCII              107.txt           12135
     Int'l Brotherhood    

108  The Assoc. of        ASCII              108.txt            7701
     Home Appliance       
109  Brother Int'l        ASCII              109.txt            4654

110  Joy & Clifton        ASCII              110.txt            1018

111  Samuel L.            ASCII              111.txt             475
     Barndt, Jr.          

112  Al M. Smith          ASCII              112.txt             332
113  Gloria Gonzales      ASCII              113.txt            2158

114  Worley/North         ASCII              114.txt            1261
     Attorney General 
115  Mark S. Kearney      ASCII              115.txt             460

116  K. Van Put           ASCII              116.txt             754

117  National             ASCII              117.txt           27804
     Consumers League     

118  Hon. James B.        ASCII              118.txt            2431
     Longley, U.S.        

119  Hon. Glen            ASCII              119.txt            2233
     Browder, U.S.        

120  John Kammerer        ASCII              120.txt             531

121  Sandra J.            ASCII              121.txt            2105

122  Burson/Tennessee     ASCII              122.txt            1095
     Attorney Gen.        

123  ICOM                 ASCII              123.txt             513

124  Nick Kotur           ASCII              124.txt            1083

125  Donald A.            ASCII              125.txt             210
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       125.tif           21182

126  Peiffer,             ASCII              126.txt             971
     Peter W. &           

127  Joan Tyson           ASCII              127.txt             844

128  Bill Haley &         ASCII              128.txt            1840

129  Werner Co.           ASCII              129.txt            2815

130  Hyde Athletic        ASCII              130.txt            2004
     Inc.                 .TIF (IMAGE)       130_1.tif        235422
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       130_2.tif        304928
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       130_3.tif        120202

131  National Cotton      ASCII              131.txt            2394
     Council of America   

132  Portero, Inc. and    ASCII              132.txt            2704
     The MegaSack Corp.   

133  Writing Instrument   ASCII              133.txt            9856
     Manufacturers Assn.  

134  Pennsylvania Office  ASCII              134.txt            1767
     of Attorney General  

135  Blue Skies           ASCII              135.txt             258
                          .TIF (IMAGE)       135.tif           25940

136  Thomas Puglia	  ASCII              136.txt            1229
     Carpenters Local	  
     Union 40		  

137  Lawrence A. Breeden  ASCII              137.txt           51913
     NACAA President      

138  Deborah T. Poritz	  ASCII              138.txt            1457
     Attorney General	  
     of New Jersey	  

139  Gregory T. Lawn, CPA ASCII              139.txt            4591
     Vice Pres., Finance  
     Red Devil Inc.	   6748

140  Hon. Barney Frank,   ASCII              140.txt            3966
     U.S. Congress	  

141  Soon-Sik Ju	  ASCII              141.txt            4424
     Intl Affairs Div I   
     Korea Fair Trade	  

142  Precision-Kidd	  ASCII              142.txt            1455
     Steel Co, Inc.	  

143  LaClede Steel Co.	  ASCII              143.txt            1570

144  Hon. James A.	  ASCII              144.txt            4493
     Traficant, Jr.,	  
     U.S. Congress	  

145  Centerville Lumber	  ASCII              145.txt            9416

146  Jefferson, Lewis &   ASCII              146.txt            1260
     St. Lawrence Cnties  
     146, Cntrl Trades &  
     Labor Cncl, AFL-CIO

147  Marvin Lewis	  ASCII              147.txt             644
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       147.tif           19428

148  Peter S.		  ASCII              148.txt            1651
     Vaughan, III 	  

149  Richard A. Ricardi   ASCII              149.txt            5830

150  William M. Burychka  ASCII              150.txt            3204

151  State of Wisconsin   ASCII              151.txt            1670
     Dept. of Justice	  

152  Steel		  ASCII              152.txt            1287
     Technologies, Inc.	  

153  Congreeman		  ASCII              153.txt            7982
     John Dingell	  
     Committee on Commrce 

154  Helen Lyons	  ASCII              154.txt             760

155  Conair		  ASCII              155.txt            1379

156  The Tileworks	  ASCII              156.txt            2880

157  Tompkins		  ASCII              157.txt            3355
     Co., Inc.		  

158  Joseph		  ASCII              158.txt            1489
     J. Kossuth		  

159  Joseph		  ASCII              159.txt            3205
     J. Kossuth		  

160  August Hager, III    ASCII              160.txt            4327
     Hager Hinge Co	  
161  Robert E. Daniels    ASCII              161.txt            7116
     Tile Council of	  

162  Peter C Johnson Jr   ASCII              162.txt           11764
     Summitville Tiles,	  

163  Hon. Glenn Poshard	  ASCII              163.txt            2599
     U.S. Congress	  

164  Sheldon I.  London   ASCII              164.txt            2320

165  ITT Industries       ASCII              165.txt            1589

166  Michael A.  Levitt   ASCII              166.txt            1385
     Lajuan M.  Johnson	                 
     US Dept of Commerce  

167  Processed Plastic Co ASCII              167.txt             889

168  Hon James H Quillen  ASCII              168.txt            2237
     U.S. Congress	  

169  Hon. Charles H.	  ASCII              169.txt            2749
     U.S. Congress	  

170  National		  ASCII              170.txt            2031
     Ass. of Hosiery	  

171  American Textile     ASCII              171.txt            2511
     Manufacturers Inst.  

172  Footwear Dist. and   ASCII              172.txt           12714
     Retailers of America 

173  Dynacraft Industries ASCII              173.txt           19129

174  Stephen P. Yokich    ASCII              174.txt           13822
     United Autoworkers	  

175  James A.		  ASCII              175.txt             805
     A. Lyons Jr.	  

176  Crafted With Pride   ASCII              176.txt            6734
     In U.S.A. Council	  

177  Lauren R. Howard	  ASCII              177.txt           15002
     Cncl Footware Ind.	  
     of America, Inc.	  

178  Mitchell J. Cooper   ASCII              178.txt            6723
     Rubber and Plastic	  
     Footwear Mfct Assoc. 

179  Bob Mayer, Pres.     ASCII              179.txt            5756
     Estwing Mfg. Co.	  
180  Philip A. 		  ASCII              180.txt           16497
     Hutchinson, Jr.	  

181  Citizen Action	  ASCII              181.txt            6099

182  National Electrical  ASCII              182.txt            5742

183  The Ad Hoc Group     ASCII              183.txt           39476

184  Intl. Mass Retail    ASCII              184.txt           13739

185  Jim Ryan		  ASCII              185.txt             921
     Attorney General	  
     of Illinois	  

186  American Hand Tool   ASCII              186.txt          135715

187  American Association ASCII              187.txt            9212
     of Exporters and 	  

188  Assoc. of Home	  ASCII              188.txt            4998
     Appliance Manufctrs  

189  Intl. Electronics    ASCII              189.txt           17762
     Manufacturers and 	  
     Consumers of America 

190  James J. Coulas, Sr. ASCII              190.txt            4487
     Weldbend Corp.	  

191  G. Farlin Caufield   ASCII              191.txt            6110
     Vaughan & Bushnell	  
     Mfg. Co.		  

192  Winston & Strawn	  ASCII              192.txt           79512

193  Douglas Johnson	  ASCII              193.txt           38693
     Electronic Ind.	  

194  Richard H. Abbey	  ASCII              194.txt            4167
     The Stanley Works	  

195  Collier, Shannon,    ASCII              195.txt           57743
     Rill & Scott, PLLC	- 
     Michael R. Kershow	  
     Judith L. Oldham	  .TIF (IMAGE)       195_1.tif         80624
     Brian A. Dahl	  .TIF (IMAGE)       195_2.tif        121432
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       195_3.tif        124554
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       195_4.tif        123870
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       195_5.tif         80658
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       195_6.tif        125686
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       195_7.tif        105934

196  James B. Clawson	  ASCII              196.txt           10533
     Joint Industries	  

197  New Balance Athletic ASCII              197.txt           11143
     Shoe, Inc.		  

198  James P. Palmquist   ASCII              198.txt            3707

199  Senator		  ASCII              199.txt            2855
     William Cohen	  
     of Maine		  
200  Senator		  ASCII              200.txt            1078
     Dianne Feinstein	  
     of California	  
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       200_1.tif         19378
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       200_2.tif         10826

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Please send comments to: webmaster@ftc.gov
Rev. Friday, January 17, 1997