"Made In U.S.A." Policy Comments
FTC File No. P894219
Comments 301 to 341

The following list provides links to the public comment documents received. The Comment Numbers are not consecutive. They run 1 through 135, 140 through 151, and 201 through 328. All public comments received are available. The numbering scheme is a result of the production schedule. The comments are available in three separate formats: ASCII (*.txt), Microsoft Word 6.0 (*.doc), and WordPerfect 5.1 (*.wp5). Associated image files are in Tagged Image File Format (*.TIF). For your convenience, the respective file sizes are also listed.

#    Comment Of           Type of File       Filename         File Size
301  Marlene McFall       ASCII              301.txt             197
			  WORD               301.doc            2325
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       301.tif           40430

302  Michael V.           ASCII              302.txt            1533
     Jenkins              WORD               302.doc            3349
303  Richard K.           ASCII              303.txt             872
     Hrebik               WORD               303.doc            2837
304  Tech Team, Inc.      ASCII              304.txt            4152
			  WORD               304.doc            5909
305  Impress              ASCII              305.txt             818
     Industries           WORD               305.doc            3355
     Inc.                 .TIF (IMAGE)       305_a.tif        106340  

306  Anonymous            ASCII              306.txt             137
			  WORD               306.doc            2325
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       306.tif           30448     

307  Tom Whalen           ASCII              307.txt             182
			  WORD               307.doc            2325
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       307.tif           23880

308  Harry and            ASCII              308.txt             207
     Shirley Clark        WORD               308.doc            2325
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       308.tif          216154

309  Janice L.Gay         ASCII              309.txt             217
			  WORD               309.doc            2325
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       309.tif           40662
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       309_a.tif         95294

310  John Masterjohn      ASCII              310.txt            1199
			  WORD               310.doc            8012
311  Cranston Print       ASCII              311.txt            2569
     Co.                  WORD               311.doc            6963
312  M. George            ASCII              312.txt             163
     Atanosian            WORD               312.doc            2325
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       312.tif           88368

313  Dixon Family         ASCII              313.txt             172
			  WORD               313.doc            2325
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       313.tif           39606

314  James E. Smith       ASCII              314.txt             185
			  WORD               314.doc            1433
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       314.tif           58562

315  Douglas F.           ASCII              315.txt             187
     Dunston              WORD               315.doc            2325
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       315.tif           18342

316  William J.           ASCII              316.txt            1163
     Lyness               WORD               316.doc            4916
317  Alan Steinberg       ASCII              317.txt            1516
			  WORD               317.doc            4903
318  Gerald R.            ASCII              318.txt             188
     Schultz              WORD               318.doc            2325
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       318.tif           49534

319  Mary                 ASCII              319.txt             131
			  WORD               319.doc            2325
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       319.tif           26850

320  Alfred J.            ASCII              320.txt             664
     Wilkins, Jr.         WORD               320.doc            3374
321  Johnston &           ASCII              321.txt             865
     Murphy               WORD               321.doc            3872
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       321_a.tif        124984

322  Bill Pilger          ASCII              322.txt            1014
			  WORD               322.doc            2837
323  Marion J.            ASCII              323.txt             246
     Moroz                WORD               323.doc            2325
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       323.tif           25548
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       323_a.tif        196558

324  Michael Smith        ASCII              324.txt            1964
			  WORD               324.doc            3861
325  Timothy J.           ASCII              325.txt            2525
     Hayden               WORD               325.doc            4373
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       325_a.tif        122924

326  Bruce A.             ASCII              326.txt             296
     Santeford            WORD               326.doc            2325
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       326.tif           63892

327  J. Richard           ASCII              327.txt            1679
     Gordon               WORD               327.doc            3861
328  John C. Clof         ASCII              328.txt            1276
     UWSA                 WORD               328.doc            3867



332  Senator		  ASCII              332.txt            1615
     Carl Levin of	  WORD               332.doc            4903

333  Representative	  ASCII              333.txt            1955
     Dale Kildee of	  WORD               333.doc            3861
334  Representative	  ASCII              334.txt            2525
     Donald Manzullo	  WORD               334.doc            4373
     of Illinois	  

335  International	  ASCII              335.txt            2675
     Union of		  WORD               335.doc            4373
     Operating Engineers  

336  Joseph S.		  ASCII              336.txt             743
     Kujovsky		  WORD               336.doc            3361
			  .TIF (IMAGE)       336.tif           76708

337  Representative 	  ASCII              337.txt            2196
     Jerry Kleczka of	  WORD               337.doc            5933

338  Representative 	  ASCII              338.txt            2856
     Bill Paxon of	  WORD               338.doc            6963
     New York		  

339  Representative	  ASCII              339.txt            1811
     Carlos Moorehead	  WORD               339.doc            3861
     of California	  

340  Representative	  ASCII              340.txt            3570
     Peter Deutsch	  WORD               340.doc            7987
     of Florida		  

341  Senators Paul Simon  ASCII              341.txt            4019
     and Carol		  WORD               341.doc            8499

342  Anonymous            PDF                342.pdf

343  Richard Blumenthal   PDF                343.pdf
     Attorney General     


Please send comments to: webmaster@ftc.gov
Rev. Friday, January 17, 1997