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Exploring Caves: Cave Animals

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The word TROGLO means hole. Trogloxenes are animals who sometimes choose caves as their homes. See examples below:

  • Little Brown Bat
  • Packrat
  • Raccoon


Trogolophiles are animals who like to live in caves but also can live elsewhere. Some examples are shown below:

  • Adult Cave Salamander
  • Blind Cave Beetle
  • Camel Backed Cave Cricket
  • Harvestman (or "Daddy Longlegs")


Troglobites are animals who only live in caves. They can't survive anywhere else. Below are some examples:

  • Blind Crayfish
  • Blind Flatworm
  • Blind Millipede
  • Blind Shrimp
  • Blind Texas Salamander
  • Copepod

All USGS teaching packets are based on National Education Standards.

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