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Rocks and Images Links

Introduction: Igneous Rocks | Sedimentary Rocks | Metamorphic Rocks | Links
Collecting Rocks: To Start | Where to Find Rocks | Collecting Equipment | Housing and Enlarging a Collection | Hints for Rock Collectors

USGS siteLinks with the square icon connects to USGS sites.
Non-USGS siteLinks with the globe icon connects to non-USGS sites. We are happy to provide this link for your convenience. Please be aware that we cannot guarantee the accuracy of non-USGS sites.

Featured Sites

USGS siteUSGS Geology in the Parks
Explore geological history and learn about rocks and minerals.

USGS siteFossils, Rocks, and Time
USGS publication on the Earth's geologic history.

USGS siteEarth Science Photographs
Search for images of rocks and minerals from the photo archive of the USGS.

USGS site Coal Country
This kids' education software teaches children the basics about coal. Downloadable online.

USGS site Activities to Explore Acid Rain and Building Stones
This 38-page report provides 12 activities for students to explore the effects of acid rain on building stones.

USGS site Information on Fossils and Fossil Collecting
Contains links to information about fossils.

USGS site Selected References On Rocks, Minerals, And Gemstones
A list of publications, audios, visuals, and educational materials.

USGS site Bedrock Geology and Photo Gallery
Learn about metamorphic sedimentary rocks and see photos.

USGS site Geologic Images
Contains images of rocks, fossils, sinkholes, landscapes, and maps.

USGS site Paleontology at USGS
Learn about the different types of fossils, how they lived, and how they are used to answer important questions about the world we inhabit.

USGS site Geologic Information
Geologic and mineral resource surveys and mapping for the Department of the Interior.

USGS site USGS Geology in Parks
Learn geology basics from touring the national parks.

USGS site Earth Science Photographs
Search for rocks, minerals, national parks, monuments, and other geologic images from the photo archive of the USGS.

USGS site Mineral Resources Program
Information on the occurrence, quality, quantity, and availability of mineral resources

USGS site Gemstones
An overview of production of gemstones in the U.S.

USGS site Fun Facts About Rocks and Minerals
Contains interesting information on daily use of minerals and rocks.

USGS site Acid Rain and Our Nation's Capital: A Guide to Effects on Buildings and Monuments
Defines acid rain, explains what effects it has on marble and limestone buildings, and shows through a walking tour some of the places in our Nation's capital where you can see the impact of acid precipitation.

USGS site Collecting Rocks
Learn about different types of rocks and how to identify and collect them.

USGS site Our Changing Continent
Compares the geological changes of the continent of North America through the ages.

USGS site Natural Gemstones
Basic information about gemstones.

USGS site The Interior of the Earth
Understand Earth's structure and composition.

USGS site Monitoring Active Volcanos
How scientists track volcanic movements.

USGS site The Geologic Story of the Ocoee River
The geologic story of the rocks exposed along the Ocoee River in Polk County, east Tennessee.

USGS site Gold
History and basics of gold.

USGS site Prospecting for Gold in the United States

USGS site Building Stones of Our Nation's Capital
Describes the source and appearance of many of the stones used in building Washington, D.C.

USGS site Fire and Mud: Eruptions and Lahars of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines
Know all about the eruption history, impacts of the eruption, rocks, and lahars of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines.

USGS site Cascades Volcano Observatory
Focuses on hazards, activity, history, and monitoring of volcanoes, with emphasis on volcanoes of the Western United States.

Non-USGS site American Geological Insititute Education
Produce innovative inquiry-based curriculum for K-12 earth science education.

Non-USGS site Geo Mysteries with Rex, the Dino Detective
Fun and interactive geologic site for kids.

Non-USGS site Mineralogical Society of America
Contain articles on mineralogy and activities for kids.

Non-USGS site Collector's Corner
See how and where you can collect rocks.

Non-USGS site Official State Geologic Symbols
Find out your state rock, mineral, gem, and fossil, and learn more about them.

Non-USGS site Mineralogy 4 Kids
Learn about minerals and play games.

Non-USGS site This Planet Really Rocks
Know all the basics about rocks and rock collecting.

Non-USGS site Ask-A-Mineralogist
A forum where real mineralogists answer your questions.

Non-USGS site More Than Skin Deep
A teacher's guide to caves.

Non-USGS site Museum of Paleontology
Learn about fossils and earth history through background information and collection of fossils. Contains activities for both the classroom and students.

Non-USGS site Learning From the Fossil Record
Fun education site about paleontology and earth-science.

Non-USGS site Windows to the Universe
Fun and intriguing site about the earth and space sciences.

Non-USGS site Park Geology Teacher's Features
Teaching geology with national park examples.

Non-USGS site Park Geology Tour of National Parks
Learn geology through online tour of national parks.

Non-USGS site Geologic animations
Animations include plate tectonics, gas, oil, and more.

Introduction: Igneous Rocks | Sedimentary Rocks | Metamorphic Rocks | Links
Collecting Rocks: To Start | Where to Find Rocks | Collecting Equipment | Housing and Enlarging a Collection | Hints for Rock Collectors

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