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  2001 Training Grants


[California] [Connecticut] [District of Columbia] [Idaho] [Illinois]
[Iowa] [Louisiana] [Maine] [Maryland] [Michigan]
[Minnesota] [Mississippi] [Montana[ [New Hampshire] [New Jersey]
[Pennsylvania] [Rhode Island] [South Carolina] [South Dakota] [Vermont]
[Virgin Islands] [West Virginia] [Wisconsin] [Wyoming]  

The California Department of Education, Nutrition Services Division (NSD) will be implementing two projects that focus on healthier nutrition environments for California children. The projects will focus on: 1) developing and implementing nutrition and physical activity policies in school districts; and 2) conducting a statewide training needs assessment of child care personnel in center-based Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP). Components of the projects include convening a statewide School Nutrition Policy Advisory Committee to advise NSD on implementing the grant. Six to eight local- assistance competitive grants will be funded for school districts to expand, develop, and/or implement nutrition and physical activity policies appropriate for their community. A California School Nutrition Policy Resource Manual will be developed to complement USDA's Changing the Scene action kit. Another component of the project will be to develop and implement a needs assessment plan for a healthy nutrition environment for CACFP in California.

For further information contact:
Carolyn Brown, Acting Administrator
Nutrition Services Division
Program Resources, Education, and Training Unit
560 J Street, Suite 270
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 323-8531
FAX: (916) 323-4311
Email: cbrown@cde.ca.gov

The goal of Connecticut's 2001 Team Nutrition Training Grant is to improve schools' ability to impact children's healthy eating and physical activity habits through a statewide Healthy School Nutrition Environment (HSNE) Initiative. This will be accomplished through four components: 1) a statewide summit to kickoff state initiative to educate, motivate, and train local school district teams on developing and implementing a local plan of action; 2) presentations, workshops and/or exhibits at annual and regional conferences of allied organizations and associations, focusing on school leaders, to implement the HSNE at the local level; 3) workshops for school food service directors/supervisors on implementing Changing the Scene; and 4) ongoing technical assistance to provide training, resources, and support to school districts with local HSNE implementation efforts.

For further information contact:
Susan S. Fiore, MS, RD, Coordinator
Nutrition Education/Training
Office of Child Nutrition
Connecticut State Department of Education
25 Industrial Park Road
Middletown, CT 06457-1543
Phone: (860) 807-2075
FAX: (860) 807-2084
Email: susan.fiore@po.state.ct.us

District of Columbia
The District of Columbia's grant objectives include providing intensive training and reinforcing experiences for students and their families in the classroom, home, and in the community, by focusing on creating a Healthy School Nutrition Environment (HSNE). Up to thirteen DC public schools and two DC public charter schools will be targeted. Through a collaboration with the University of the District of Columbia's Cooperative Extension Service Center for Nutrition, Diet, and Health (CNDH), instructional training, technical assistance and evaluation will be provided to the target schools. Also providing collaboration will be the DC Public Schools' Channel 28 and the Division of Health and Physical Education (DHPE). Channel 28 will assist in the production of a HSNE 4-part video series promoting nutrition and physical activity while the DHPE will assist in coordination of physical activities for the target students. The Capital Area Food Bank's Operation Front Line will provide local Chefs for the target schools to involve students in cooking activities. A variety of Team Nutrition materials will be sent home with each participating student to actively involve families.

For further information contact:
Michele Tingling-Clemmons
Special Nutrition and Commodity Programs Division
Government of the District of Columbia's State Education Office
3535 V Street, NE
Washington, DC 20018
Phone: (202) 576-7530
FAX: (202) 576-6835
Email: michele.tingling-clemmons@k12.dc.us

The major goal of Idaho's grant will be to promote the Healthy School Nutrition Environment (HSNE) in Idaho schools. This will be done by: 1) awarding eight to ten competitive mini-grants to school districts in order for the districts to conduct a school needs assessment, conduct focus groups of administrators, teachers, SFAs, and secondary audience of students and develop models of HSNE; 2) providing training to a cadre of HSNE trainers for multiple avenues of training food service professionals, teachers (in-service credit to be provided) and administrators of schools; and 3) reaching school administrators, superintendents, and school board members with HSNE messages via newsletters, and exhibition at professional meetings.

For further information contact:
SeAnne Safaii, MS, RD
Grant Coordinator
Child Nutrition Program
P.O. Box 83720
650 West State St.
Boise, Idaho 83720-0027
Phone: (208) 332-6827
FAX: (208) 332-6833
Email: sjsafaii@sde.state.id.us

The goal of the Illinois Changing the Scene project is to help school board members, school administrators, faculty and other staff, and parents take action to improve their school nutrition environment. This goal will be accomplished by collaboration with the Illinois Association of School Boards, the Illinois Parent Teacher Association, and Southern Illinois University – Carbondale. Training on the Healthy School Nutrition Environment (HSNE) will be provided to local school board members after school board focus groups assesses training needs. The second audience selected to receive training through the Illinois Changing the Scene project is parents. The activities for this segment of the project will be coordinated by the project director and the Illinois PTA – a new partner for Illinois Team Nutrition Training. Plans for this phase of the project include reproducible handouts for inclusion in mailings to all PTA presidents and a workshop at the Illinois PTA annual conference. The final audience to receive training will be the K-12 school staff via a statewide professional development conference. Attendees will receive credits applicable toward Illinois teacher certification.

For further information contact:
Mark Haller, Division Administrator
Nutrition Programs & Education Services
Illinois State Board of Education
100 North First Street, W-270
Springfield, IL 62777-0001
Phone: (217) 782-2491
FAX: (217) 524-6124
Email: mhaller@isbe.net

The Iowa 2001 Team Nutrition Grant will focus on a healthy nutrition environment for Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) participants in the state. This grant will introduce the Healthy Eating Environment Initiative and expand Iowa's Team Nutrition social marketing campaigns into childcare and preschool settings. The campaigns are Pick a Better Snack, which focuses on fruits and vegetables, and Go for the Good Stuff, which focuses on grains. This grant will utilize the Iowa Nutrition Education Network, a coalition of private and public organizations in Iowa that have a five-year history of collaboration. They will develop an Iowa Changing the Scene adaptation, entitled Setting the State: Improving the Childcare Nutrition and Physical Activity Environment. Further support will be provided in the form of a video developed by Iowa Public Television. The grant will provide training and resources for a cadre of 75 trainers to provide the training on Setting the Stage and aspects of the social marketing campaigns to Iowa CACFP.

For further information contact:
Christine Anders, Consultant
Bureau of Food and Nutrition
Iowa Department of Education
Grimes State Office Building
Des Moines, IA 50319
Phone: (515) 281-4758
FAX: (515) 281-6548
Email: christine.anders@ed.state.ia.us

Louisiana will use the 2001 TNT Grant to continue the focus on improving the Healthy School Nutrition Environment (HSNE) by expanding its interactive web-module, based on the CDC School Health Index (SHI), titled the Louisiana School Health Index (LaSHI), to include all eight components of SHI; train 160 trainers on the HSNE and on the LaSHI; and conduct a compressed video conference reaching eight regional sites training 75 school food personnel, 50 school administrators; 50 teachers and 25 parents on the HSNE initiative and LaSHI. They, in turn, will use the training and resources in conducting a HSNE assessment, decision-making and development of local action plans. Additionally, five parent-education nutrition modules for the LaSHI, for low-literate parents, will be developed to help parents assist their children with homework and to reinforce nutrition messages taught at school. Ninety Department of Education Adult Education Program Coordinators will be trained on the use of the materials, and they in turn will train 3,000 parents. Another 25 Cooperative Extension staff members will be trained via distance learning, to serve as a resource for parents and the community.

For more information contact:
Alice Carroll, MS, RD Nutrition Education Coordinator
Division of Nutrition Assistance
Louisiana Department of Education
P.O. Box 94064
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9064
Phone: (225) 342-3695
FAX: (225) 342-3305
Email: acarroll@mail.doe.state.la.us

The Maine Department of Education, in partnership with the Maine Department of Human Services, the Maine Nutrition Network, and the Maine School Food Service Association, will implement several initiatives regarding the role school environment and related policies play in implementing the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2000. The 2001 grant will be used to: 1) conduct two statewide Summits titled, Changing the Scene: Improving the School Nutrition Environment for up to 50 school district teams, consisting of school decision makers, staff, and community members; 2) provide follow-up and technical support to participants of the Summit trainings at regional meetings; 3) broaden exposure throughout the state to the Changing the Scene: Improving the School Nutrition Environment materials and concepts to meetings of administrators, teachers, parents, and the community; and 4) provide training and technical assistance for school foodservice professionals, in cooperation with the Maine School Food Service Association, by conducting three regional trainings.

For more information contact:
Mary J. Moody, Education Specialist
School Nutrition Programs
Maine Department of Education
23 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333
Phone: (207) 624-6876
FAX: (207) 624-6841
Email: mary.moody@state.me.us
< /blockquote>

Maryland will focus the 2001 TNT Grant on the Healthy School Environment (HSNE) Initiative. Projects will include: 1) develop four teams of culinary/foodservice experts to assist school food and nutrition personnel in improving food quality of school meals in 16 pilot schools in 8 local school systems; 2) provide training to 1800 school food and nutrition service personnel on the HSNE Initiative with emphasis on preparing and serving healthy meals; 3) award a maximum of 18 competitive best initiative grants (mini-grants) to local school systems in partnership with community organizations; 4) develop a partnership with the Maryland PTA to provide training and materials for support of the HSNE; provide training on the HSNE Initiative to local teams at the Coordinated School Health Programs (CSHP) annual meetings and assist these teams in implementing their local nutrition and physical activity plans; and 5) develop a partnership with the Move It Maryland Coalition and the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to support the HSNE Initiative and provide local technical support and assistance for best initiative training grant recipients and for the CSHP teams.

For further information contact:
Judith Dzimiera
Nutrition and Transportation Services Branch
Maryland State Department of Education
200 W. Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: (410) 767-0219
FAX: (410) 333-2635
Email: dzimiera@intercom.net

The Michigan Department of Education, in partnership with Michigan State University Extension, will use the 2001 TNT Grant to expand the award winning TEAMTALK, the Michigan Team Nutrition Newsletter. Currently 1,027 school food authorities, 752 Team Nutrition School Leaders, 36 Comprehensive School Health Coordinators, 76 Michigan State University Extension (MSUE) staff, 52 WIC Coordinators, 450 Life Management Education Teachers, and 28 members of the Michigan Team Nutrition Steering Committee receive this newsletter. Articles on the Healthy School Nutrition Environment (HSNE), including the CDC School Health Index, and USDA's Changing the Scene: Improving the School Nutrition Environment, have recently been featured and this grant will allow to continue to focus on this initiative with expanded mailing to Regional Curriculum Coordinators, and school administrators and superintendents of TN schools. A HSNE Coordinator will be hired to make presentations to school leaders, provide assistance to TN Schools, especially to the 25 schools who will be awarded HSNE mini-grants, and increase HSNE awareness at various state conferences and implement a statewide conference, featuring the HSNE Initiative. Michigan's successful Menu Masters, a collect of nutrition-related blurbs, tips, information and recipes consistent with TN goals, will be expanded to include HSNE information targeted to parents who receive the take-home school menus.

For more information contact:
Susan Anderson, Director
Office of School Support Services
Michigan Department of Education
P.O. Box 3008
Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: (517) 373-2374
FAX: (517) 373-4022
Email: andersonsue@state.mi.us

Minnesota will focus on the Healthy School Nutrition Environment (HSNE) with several projects. Overview information and training on Changing the Scene will be conducted through numerous state educational organizational meeting and allied health organizational meetings. A Minnesota Action Kit, with slides specific to Minnesota issues, will be developed to complement the Changing the Scene kit. Minnesota will build on the success of two Minnesota Food Expos, attracting approximately 1000 school food service personnel, school administrators, superintendents and school business officials, to present a keynote address on the HSNE. Two workshops, specifically for school food service personnel, will be conducted with training in designing healthy menus using commercially prepared foods; chef demonstration/presentations of low-fat food preparation techniques; food safety; and marketing to increase student participation. Additionally, 65 people across the state will be trained for a Trainer Network to provide training to school food service personnel on the HSNE.

For more information contact:
Alida Herling, Supervisor
Food and Nutrition Service
Minnesota Deparment of Children, Families and Learning
1500 Hwy 36 West
Roseville, MN 55113
Phone: (651) 582-8503
FAX: (651) 582-8526
Email: alida.herling@state.mn.us

Mississippi will use the 2001 TNT Grant to focus several projects on the Healthy School Nutrition Environment (HSNE). Phase one will be the implementation of five regional sessions to train district school personnel (administrators, teachers, school nurses, counselors, school foodservice supervisors/directors and managers), parents, and community leaders on Changing the Scene: Improving the School Nutrition Environment. The second phase of the project will be the award of competitive mini-grants to 50 districts/sites who attended the regional training. The mini-grants will fund implementation of Changing the Scene in these schools. The final phase will be intensive regional training of school foodservice personnel on understanding the changing student customers, how to better communicate with these customers and how to implement the HSNE in their schools.

For further information contact:
Doris J. Schneider, RD, Director
Division of Training
Office of Child Nutrition Programs
Mississippi Department of Education
P.O. Box 771
Jackson, MS 39205
Phone: (601) 354-7016
FAX: (601) 354-7595
Email: dschneider@mde.k12.ms.us

The Montana Office of Public Instruction, School Food Services will focus the 2001 TNT Grant on building support for healthy eating and physical activity by involving partners such as school decision makers, educators, student leaders, school food service managers and community partners. Project activities include six training sessions for the target audience, focusing on the adoption and implementation of school policies that foster a Healthy School Nutrition Environment (HSNE) and using the Changing the Scene kit as the primary teaching tool. An online discussion group will be developed to provide training and technical assistance to school food service personnel on effective partnering strategies to address foods sold outside the cafeteria. A new partnership with the Division of Career, Technical and Adult Education will build support for improving nutritional quality of foods sold by student stores, businesses, clubs, and organizations. Through a pilot project involving four school districts, successful strategies for marketing and selling healthy food choices through student clubs and organizations will be conducted. A training tool kit will be developed from this pilot project and be used to conduct statewide training. A “Recess Before Lunch” project will be piloted in four elementary schools and a training booklet from this project will be developed for modeling by other elementary schools. To promote physical activity in Montana schools, the grant will build upon the Lewis and Clark Fitness Challenge program, which is based on the bicentennial anniversary of the epic journey and geared toward 4th and 5th grade students.

For more information contact:
Christine Emerson, Director
School Food Services
Health Enhancement and Safety Division
Office of Public Instruction
P.O. Box 202501
Helena, MT 59620-2501
Phone: (406) 444-2501
FAX: (406) 444-2955
Email: cemerson@state.mt.us

The New Hampshire Department of Education will build upon and expand the annual Team Nutrition Summer Institute to conduct training on the USDA Changing the Scene action kit for foodservice professionals, administrators, teachers, school nurses, PTA and community members. All of the six components of the Healthy School Nutrition Environment (HSNE) will be presented at this institute. In addition, a School Food Service Professionals August Conference will be conducted. The Department of Education will partner with the New Hampshire School Food Service Association in developing the program and speakers and secure ASFSA continuing education credit for professional development for school food service professionals.

For more information contact:
Cheri White
Bureau of Nutrition Programs
New Hampshire Department of Education
101 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301-3860
Phone: (603) 271-3865
FAX: (603) 271-1953
Email: cwhite@ed.state.nh.us

New Jersey
The Bureau of Child Nutrition Programs, Department of Agriculture, State of New Jersey, will use the 2001 TNT grant to focus on three major projects: 1) develop and implement a statewide food safety and quality instruction program for school food service staff at all position levels; 2) collaborate with the Rutgers University Department of Nutritional Sciences to conduct Cooperative Extension “Train the Trainer” courses in five counties to deliver a training program to elementary school teachers for nutrition education strategies; and 3) convene and maintain a Statewide roundtable of agencies and organizations with primary interest and responsibility for child health and well being in the state to formulate and implement strategies to implement the Healthy School Nutrition Environment Initiative.

For more information contact:
Janet Renk, Assistant Coordinator
Bureau of Child Nutrition Programs
New Jersey Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 334
Trenton, NJ 08625
Phone: (609) 984-0692
FAX: (609) 984-0878
Email: janet.renk@ag.state.nj.us

The goal of the Pennsylvania 2001 TNT Grant is to facilitate the establishment of a Healthy School Nutrition Environment (HSNE) through creating and expanding links between communities and schools, focusing on parents. Previous and current Team Nutrition efforts in Pennsylvania, through Project PA, have targeted teachers, all levels of school food service personnel, administrators, and school board members. Many members of these groups are now working toward establishing HSNE. This project will recruit parents to be part of the team. Pennsylvania will develop a Parent's Guide to Healthy School Nutrition Environments kit, consisting of a video and print materials, utilizing existing USDA materials. Partnering with the Pennsylvania PTA, the Pennsylvania Department of Education will offer statewide and local workshops for parents and other interested community members to raise parents' awareness of issues, provide a foundation of appropriate nutrition information, and outline action steps for them to become involved with their schools on nutrition issues.

For more information contact:
Patricia Birkenshaw, State Director
Division of Food and Nutrition
Bureau of Budget & Fiscal Management
Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street, 4th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
Phone: (717) 787-7698
FAX: (717) 783-6566
Email: pbirkensha@state.pa.us

Rhode Island
Rhode Island will build upon the Rhode Island Team Nutrition Training Institute (TNTI) initiated in 1995, to focus the 2003 Summer Institute on “Changing the Scene: How Are We Doing? Where Do We Go From Here?” This initiative will follow-up on Changing the Scene training for training school foodservice managers at the 2001 Summer Institute. The TNT Summer Institute event will focus on self-assessment of the progress that has been made in the previous two years, using the “Ten Keys to Promoting Healthy Eating in Schools” as a guide. Johnson and Wales University kitchen and dining room laboratories will be used to allow school foodservice professionals to practice culinary and service skills for the development of quality healthy meals, a component of the HSNE. In addition, the project will implement a 2nd Year Nutrition Expo, focusing on the promotion of healthy eating, physical activity, local agriculture and gardening for children and their families. Rhode Island will expand this concept by assisting in the planing and organization of 30 community and school-based nutrition and health expos. The TNTI will work with Radio Disney to develop and air 30 after school consistent healthy eating and physical activity messages and promote after school snack recipes in the Radio Disney monthly newsletter.

For further information contact:
E. Richard Morrell, Specialist
Child Nutrition Programs
Office of Integrated Social Services, Nutrition Programs
Rhode Island Depart of Elementary and Secondary Education
255 Westminster Street
Providence, RI 02903
Phone: (401) 222-4600, Ext. 2453
FAX: (401) 222-6163
Email: ride0805@ride.ri.net

South Carolina
The South Carolina 2001 TNT Grant project, entitled “Prescription for Healthy School Nutrition Environment” includes three major components: 1) a statewide conference for school food service personnel, including agencies and organizations who can work together to improve the HSNE; 2) competitive grants awarded to 12 schools and three child care centers who will implement the “Prescription for Healthy School Nutrition Environment”; and 3) a “connections conference” in which the school districts and child care centers receiving the grants will be expected to showcase their HSNE initiatives and how they were implemented. A wide variety of stakeholders will be invited to participate in this final conference, whose theme will be connections or partnering for HSNE.

For more information contact:
Dr. Edna Page Anderson, Education Associate
Office of School Food Services and Nutrition, Room 200
South Carolina Department of Education
1429 Senate Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: (803) 734-8204
FAX: (803) 734-8061
Email: eanderso@sde.state.sc.us

South Dakota
The South Dakota 2001 TNT Grant will be used to help SD schools and their communities create a healthier school nutrition environment (HSNE), promote students' healthy eating behavior, and foster a physically active lifestyle. These goals will be achieved by several projects. Summer training will be conducted for 20 School Nutrition Improvement Teams (school administrators, teachers, students, food service staff and community partners), focusing on the CDC School Health Index to evaluate school needs, and USDA's Changing the Scene: Improving the School Nutrition Environment to develop their implementation plan. A media plan will be launched by disseminating the Reversing the Trends pamphlets with specific SD risk data; newsletters to schools and communities; and PSAs to TV and radio stations. Speakers on the HSNE will be arranged for state educational and allied organization meetings to gain support. Additionally, a mentoring program of trainers will be established for school food service operations focusing on food preparation methods to moderate fat and sodium intake and menu planning. Lastly, funding will support the development of sequential lesson plans and activities for middle and/or high school Family Consumer Science (FCS) nutrition classes.

For more information contact:
Sandra Kangas, Program Director
Child and Adult Nutrition Division
Department of Education and Cultural Affairs
800 Governors Drive
Pierre, SD 57501-2294
Phone: (605) 773-4746
FAX: (605) 773-6846
Email: sandra.kangas@state.sd.us

The Vermont Department of Education's 2001 TNT Grant project has three components. Two are designed to build on the work of the 2000 TNT Grant and one is a new project focusing on Changing the Scene. With the 2000 TNT Grant, Vermont developed a training module and manual for training school food service professionals, entitled Making Every Bite Count. Sessions were held in facilities of the New England Culinary Institute, which has allowed students the opportunity to explore a variety of cuisines, cooking methods and recipes. Vermont will formalize and institutionalize this course and make it available in other parts of the state. Vermont will also expand its bi-monthly Team Nutrition newsletter, directed to school and childcare food service staff, to address the Ten Keys to Promoting Healthy Eating in Schools. Finally, a conference specifically targeted at high school and middle school food programs, including food service managers and directors, and school administrators. The conference will be directed at the HSNE.

For more information contact:
Josephine Busha, State Director
Child Nutrition Programs
Vermont Department of Education
120 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05620
Phone: (802) 828-5154
FAX: (802) 828-0573
Email: jbusha@doe.state.vt.us

Virgin Islands
The Virgin Islands will use 2001 TNT Grant funding to provide comprehensive training for food service professionals and staff to develop attitudes and knowledge required to significantly improve the nutrition environment of schools and childcare centers in the Virgin Islands; and to implement Changing the Scene: Improving the School Nutrition Environment in seven schools and two childcare centers. This will involve the establishment of school/center teams that will evaluate the current environment at each participating school/center and develop and implement a comprehensive action plan to address all deficiencies and improve the nutrition environment of the entire school/center.

For more information contact:
Elodia Weekly, State Director
Office of Special Nutrition Programs
Virgin Islands Department of Education
#44-46 Kongens Gade
St. Thomas, Virgin Islands 00802
Phone: (340) 774-9373
FAX: (340) 774-9705
Email: specialnutrition@yahoo.com

West Virginia
West Virginia will use the 2001 TNT Grant to focus on a Healthy School Nutrition Environment (HSNE), specifically in middle schools. Each school district in the state will select one middle school team to receive a mini-grant to enable them to receive HSNE training; access their school's environment; develop a local action plan; address at least four of the six components of Changing the Scene; complete and document at least two behavior-focused activities in each selected component; develop a school nutrition policy or strengthen an active school nutrition or health council; and conduct outreach efforts to at least three groups as described in Targeting Your Audience. Another component of the project will be implementation of five regional training sessions for school food authorities on the HSNE, using Changing the Scene materials. These project plans will also be reflected in the county comprehensive nutrition plan as required by State Board Policy: Standards for School Nutrition.

For more information contact:
Mary Kay Harrison, Executive Director
Office of Child Nutrition
West Virginia Department of Education
B6, Room 248
1900 Kanawha Blvd. E.
Charleston, WV 25305
Phone: (304) 558-2709
FAX: (304) 558-1149
Email: mkharris@access.k12.wv.us

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (WDPI) Team Nutrition (TN) Training Grant 2001 project will focus exclusively on strategies to implement the six components of USDA's Healthy School Nutrition Environment (HSNE) Initiative. The six components are a commitment to nutrition and physical activity, quality school meals, other healthy food options, pleasant eating experiences, nutrition education, and marketing. The main approach of the project will be to develop best practices and models for improving the school nutrition environment. Thirty schools will be selected with the goal of significantly improving at least two (preferably four) of the six components of the HSNE Initiative by the end of the project. Targeted schools will represent a variety of demographics including urban/rural, public/private, elementary/middle/high schools, and size of schools. In addition to the work done in these targeted schools, information on the components of the HSNE Initiative will be presented at statewide conferences, published in articles in professional journals, and disseminated in the project publications on best practices and models for improving the SNE which will go to all schools in the state.

For more information contact:
Julie Allington
Team Nutrition Project Director
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
125 S. Webster Street
PO Box 7841
Madison, WI 53707-7841
Phone: (608) 267-9120
Fax: (608) 267-0363
Email: julie.allington@dpi.state.wi.us

The Wyoming Department of Education will use 2001 TNT Grant funding to accomplish four projects. First, a series of eight regional one-day training sessions will be conducted for school food service personnel on topics including the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, working with classroom teachers and other personnel in promoting the Wyoming EAT SMART. PLAY HARD theme. Second, Wyoming will develop EAT SMART.PLAY HARD health fair packages that will be used to target different groups, such as preschoolers; elementary, middle, and high school students; and adults. Additionally, six regional workshops for teams of school officials and staff members will be conducted for training in how good health, physical activity, and good nutrition are needed as learning tools in addition to healthy meals. The USDA Changing the Scene: Improving the School Nutrition Environment resource kit, the CDC School Health Index, and the Fit, Healthy, and Ready to Learn: A School Health Policy Guide publication of the National Association of State Boards of Education, will be used as training tools. Lastly, a 20-minute video and 6 to 8 PSAs, identifying the importance of the USDA school meal programs, will be developed and disseminated to allied organizations.

For further information contact:
Jeanne Puerta
Nutrition Programs Consultant
Health and Safety Unit
Wyoming Department of Education
Hathaway Building, 2nd Floor
2300 Capitol Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0050
Phone: (307) 777-6270
FAX: (307) 777-6234
Email: ipuert@educ.state.wy.us