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  Common  Evaluation  Methodology (CEM)

Foundation for Mutual Recognition

Part 2 -- Evaluation Methodology

CEM Part 2 "Evaluation Methodology", version 1.0 August 1999, is available here for download and use. This document contains methodology for evaluation of the Protection Profile (PP), Security Target (ST), and Targets of Evaluation at EALs 1 to 4. It is expected that a subsequent version of the CEM will be published that also addresses the assurance components that are not called out in the EALs (e.g., AMA class and ALC_FLR).

Part 1 -- Introduction and General Model (draft 1/11/97)

This draft version of Part 1 of the CEM document provides an introduction and describes the general model of the methodology.  It was posted in early 1997 for a review and comment period which has closed. It was determined that work could proceed on Part 2 without finalizing Part 1 and due to resource constraints that was the approach taken.

For archival purposes only, the superseded earlier draft version of CEM Part 2 (v0.6, Jan 99) is still made available here.

          Download  Superseded Draft v0.6 CEM Part 2 (PDF) in a zipfile (1067k)


Last updated: March 6, 2003
Page created: November 12, 2002

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