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Civil Rights

About the Office of Civil Rights

Mission Statement - OCR mission is to provide leadership for comprehensive protection against discrimination in Food and Nutrition Service employment practices and delivery of programs to the public.
Purpose - OCR provides direction and leadership to enforce equal opportunityfor employees, applicants and participants in FNS programs.
Objective - The overall objective is to protect the rights of employees, applicants and persons who participate in various programs in compliance with applicable civil rights laws and regulations.

Staff - The FNS Civil Rights staff includes Headquarters, seven regional offices, and field office personnel. The staff is responsible for using a variety of compliance mechanisms to prevent eligible persons from being excluded from, or denied participation in FNS programs and/or activities on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, religion, and political beliefs. (Not all bases apply to all programs.)

How to file a Program Discrimination Complaint

How to file an Employment Discrimination Complaint

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About Civil Rights (CR)   
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How to File a Program Discrimination Complaint
Employment Complaints
Civil Rights Laws, Regulations & Other Guidance  
Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to the No Fear Act  
Civil Rights Statement  
Nondiscrimination Statement  
Alternative Dispute Resolution  
"And Justice for All" Poster  
CR Organizational Chart  
Regional CR Offices  
    Accessibility | Privacy/Security | Nondiscrimination | USDA Last Modified: 01/02/2004