U.S. Geo
logical Survey

Water Resources of South Carolina

Publications of Don A. Vroblesky from the South Carolina District                                                     Where To Order

Journal Articles:

Open-File Reports:

  • Petkewich, M.D., Vroblesky, D.A., Robertson, J.F., and Bradley, P.M., 1997, Water-Quality, Water-Level, and Lake-Bottom-Sediment Data Collected from the Defense Fuel Supply Point and Adjacent Properties, Hanahan, South Carolina, 1990-96: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-488, 299 p.
  • Water Resources Investigation Reports:

    South Carolina District, USGS South Carolina Publications

    For comments or questions, Pubs Information Maintainer: SC WebTeam
    URL for this page is <http://sc.water.usgs.gov/publications/vroblesky/vroblesky_pubs.html>
    Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
    Water Resources
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