BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service



Links to related Internet resources:

U.S. Government

  • [External link]U.S. Embassy in Germany

  • [External link]Department of Commerce

  • [External link]International Trade Administration is offered by the Department of Commerce and provides info on international trade.

  • [External link] offers valuable assistance to help your business export goods and services to markets worldwide. From this site you can access a global listing of trade events, international market research, and practical tools to help with every step of the export process.

  • [External link]Trade Information Center (TIC) is a comprehensive resource for information on all U.S. Federal Government export assistance programs.

  • [External link]MyExports gives US exporters a simple way to establish contacts and conduct global business

  • [External link]Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) of the US Department of the Treasury administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions based on US foreign policy and national security goals.

  • [External link]Office of Defense Trade Control is charged with controlling the export and temporary import of defense articles and defense services covered by the United States Munitions List (USML).

  • [External link]U.S. Census Bureau The Census Bureau serves as the leading source of quality data about the US American people and economy.

  • The [External link]Council of American States in Europe (C.A.S.E.) is an organization comprised of the European representative offices of individual American state governments. The members of CASE offer confidential and professional assistance to European firms that are interested to:

    -establish or expand a business in the USA
    -establish a joint venture or strategic alliance with a US company
    -represent American manufactures in Europe, Africa or the Middle East
    -source US manufactured products

    C.A.S.E. Administrator
    Ute Vogler
    Mainzer Landstr. 176
    D - 60528 Frankfurt
    tel.: +49 (69) 97 35 8-315
    fax: +49 (69) 97 35 8-101

German Government

  • The [External link]German Federal Government's website. It informs about current politics, government policies and other pending issues.

  • The [External link]Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology provides news and updates on current developments in economic and labour policy as well as information about tasks of the ministry itself.

  • The [External link]Statistisches Bundesamt is the German equivalent to the U.S. Census Bureau and collects, processes, presents and analyses statistical information.

    Federal Statistical Office
    Statistical Information Service
    Gustav - Stresemann - Ring 11
    65189 Wiesbaden
    Tel.:+49 (0)611/75-2405
    Fax: +49 (0)611/75-3330

  • [External link]Invest-in-Germany by the Federal Commissioner for Foreign Investment in Germany offers information about the advantages of investing in Germany. You will also find specific information about each German State.

  • [External link]Industrial Investment Council (ICC) specifically focuses on the New German States in Eastern Germany.

    Charlottenstr. 57
    10117 Berlin
    Tel: +49 (0)30 20 94 56 60
    Fax: +49 (0)30 20 94 56 66

  • The [External link]Bundesagentur für Aussenwirtschaft provides information for exports to the U.S or starting a business.

    Agrippastr. 87-93
    50676 Köln
    Tel: +49 221-2057-249
    Fax: +49 221-2057-212

U.S. Organizations