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 fws_sm35.gif (1537 bytes)  U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Mountain-Prairie Region

National Wetlands Inventory


usgs.gif (2069 bytes) U.S. Geological Survey

Water Resources of the United States

Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) Data Center


COElogo2.gif (2284 bytes) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


blm2b.gif (2558 bytes)  U.S. Bureau of Land Management


doi_t_sml.gif (2082 bytes)  Department of the Interior

Training & Development



NRCSlogo.gif (1629 bytes)  Natural Resources Conservation Service

National Resources Inventory

National Weather and Climate Center

Wetland Science Institute




EPAlogo.gif (2451 bytes)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Surf Your Watershed

 BASINS version 3.0 - Watershed/Water Quality Modeling

How to delineate a watershed


noaa2.jpg (1789 bytes)  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Climate Data


nwslogo2.gif (2203 bytes)  National Weather Service

Western Region

Central Region

Office of Hydrologic Development


Miscellaneous Links

Web sites for the Water Resources Professional

U.S. Water News

Western States Water Council

The Groundwater Foundation

Report: Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States

Campbell Scientific, Inc.


GISlogo.gif (1407 bytes)  Geographic Information System Links



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