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Writing Tips

Very few people can sit down at the keyboard and dash off a great article. Even those who find it easy to communicate in speech often have a hard time putting the same thing in writing. Here are some ways to make your article come to life:

  • First, decide what you want to say. Then, map the route to your main point and list the items you have to support this main point.
  • Look for real experiences, quotes and other data that give credibility to your arguments or that can be used to illustrate your thoughts.
  • Relax. Don't worry about not sounding official. Keep your audience in mind and speak their language.
  • Include details and descriptions. Use specific and concrete words when you can; use general, abstract words only when you must.
  •  Feel free to express your opinions, but don't present them as facts. Substantiate why you feel the way you do.
  • Remember that your submission is a rough draft. As editors, our job is to make sure articles in our magazines communicate effectively to the readers. An article should teach them something or get them to think about solving problems. By editing your article, we try to make it as clear and efficient.
  • If you are sending us your article via regular mail, double-spaced pages are easiest for us to read and work with. Including a floppy disk, especially for longer submissions, is always helpful. Or e-mail it to the editor.

Along with your manuscript, remember to include your rank or rate, first name, activity or squadron, address and your office phone number (commercial and DSN).

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