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Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program Frequently Asked Questions
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FLTCIP Coverage for Federal Employees Called to Active Duty Service

Q. I've been called up for active duty. Can I keep my FLTCIP coverage?
A. Yes, you can keep your FLTCIP coverage as long as you continue to pay your premiums. There is no Government contribution towards your premiums.

Q. I'm being sent to a combat zone in a support capacity. Can I keep my FLTCIP coverage?
A. Yes, you can keep your FLTCIP coverage as long as you continue to pay your premiums. There is no Government contribution towards your premiums.

Q. If I'm called up for active duty, can my agency pay my FLTCIP premiums?
A. No. There is no provision in the law that would allow your agency to pay your FLTCIP premiums.

Q. If I'm called up for active duty, can I incur a debt for the premiums during the time I'm in a nonpay status, like I can with FEHB?
A. No, you must keep your premium payments current in order to keep your coverage. This Program is unlike FEHB in this regard since there is no Government contribution towards premiums. With FEHB, you incur a debt to your agency, which pays both your portion and the Government's portion of your premiums to the health benefits plan. Under FLTCIP, your agency does not pay any portion of your premiums and has no legal authority to pay in your stead.

Q. I didn't apply for coverage during the Open Season, but now that I'm being called up for active duty, I'd like to apply. Is it too late?
A. No, it's not too late. You can apply for coverage as long as you are in an eligible group. Most Federal civilian employees and active members of the uniformed services are eligible to apply. You will have to complete a full underwriting application, available at, which asks several questions about your health. Certain medical conditions will prevent some people from being approved for coverage. However, please be aware that it may take several weeks for Long Term Care Partners to complete the underwriting and make a decision on your application once you submit it.

Q. Now that I've been called up for active duty, can I have my premiums deducted from my active duty pay?
A. Yes, you can. If you currently have payroll deduction of premiums, contact Long Term Care Partners at 1-800-LTC-FEDS (1-800-582-3337), TTY 1-800-843-3557, and let them know that your servicing payroll location is changing. If you currently pay premiums through automatic bank withdrawal or direct bill, you will need to complete a billing change form to get premiums deducted from your pay. You can either download the form at or request a copy from the number listed above.

Q. I currently pay premiums through payroll deduction, but once I'm deployed, I would rather not have premiums deducted from my active duty pay. What are my other options?
A. You can have automatic bank withdrawal of premiums, or you can choose to be billed directly. To change your billing method, you need to complete a billing change form and mail it to Long Term Care Partners. You can either download the form from or request a copy from Long Term Care Partners at 1-800-LTC-FEDS (1-800-582-3337), TTY 1-800-843-3557. Just keep in mind that if you will be deployed overseas, it may not be feasible for you to receive and pay direct bills on a timely basis. And if you don't pay on a timely basis, your coverage may be cancelled. Payroll deduction or automatic bank withdrawal would most likely be better options for you.

Q. Would my FLTCIP coverage provide benefits should I need long term care services for a condition that resulted from my service in a war?
A. There is no war exclusion under FLTCIP. Whether you are a civilian or member of the uniformed services, benefits may be payable for conditions due to war or acts of war, declared or undeclared, or service in the armed forces or auxiliary units.

However, the FLTCIP does not pay benefits for care or treatment you would receive in a government facility, including a Department of Defense or Department of Veterans Affairs facility, unless otherwise required by law.

The Program has a Catastrophic Coverage Limitation, which may affect the benefits you receive in the event of war.

To related instructions for: Health Insurance (FEHB)   |   Life Insurance (FEGLI)  |   Military Leave

Other FAQ Topics:   Active Duty Service   |    Application Questions on Health   |    Applying for Coverage   |    Basics   |    Benefits   |    Consumer Protections   |    The Contract   |    Cost   |    Eligibility   |    FSA Program   |    Miscellaneous   |    Tax Benefits   |    Transferring with Credit

Page updated April 3, 2003