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Accutane Hearing Notice - December 11, 2002
Congressman Bart Stupak's Opening Statement


Send Congressman Bart Stupak a Message at stupak.public.accutane@mail.house.gov
Please include your name, home address, zip code and phone number.

  1. Stupak Response to FDA Advisory Panel Recommendations Regarding Mandatory Accutane Registry dated 2/27/04
  2. Stupak Statement to FDA Advisory Panel Hearing on Accutane SMART Voluntary Registry dated 2/27/04 (PDF - 8 pages)
  3. Congressman Bart Stupak's Statement
  4. Background Information
  5. FDA Memorandum dated 2/23/98
  6. FDA "MedWatch" dated 2/26/98
  7. FDA's Warning Letter to Roche dated 3/5/98
  8. (PDF - 4 pages)
  9. FDA's May 1, 2000 letter to Roche
  10. (PDF - 16 pages)
  11. Summary of Accutane Serious Adverse Events
  12. (PDF - 21 pages 35KB)
  13. Accutane Adverse Events Report
  14. Roche Delivers Different Labeling In Same Box
  15. Recommendations
  16. Detailed Chronology
  17. File an Adverse Event Report with FDA or call FDA @ 800-FDA-1088
  18. Correspondence
  19. Revised Informed Consent/Patient Agreement
  20. (PDF - 3 pages 144KB)
  21. Accutane Medication Guide
  22. (PDF - 6 pages 792KB)
  23. Other Accutane Links
  24. Accutane Safety and Risk Management Act

Send Congressman Bart Stupak a Message at stupak.public.accutane@mail.house.gov
Please include your name, home address, zip code and phone number.


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This is an official Web site of the United States House of Representatives.

Representative Bart Stupak, Michigan 1st district
2352 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225 4735   Fax: (202) 225 4744

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