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Domestic Training
Tactical Training

photo - tactical trainingThe Tactical Safety and Survival Unit is responsible for providing physical fitness and defensive tactics training to all Basic Agent trainees. While defensive tactics provide the trainees with realistic self-defense skills and proper arrest and control procedures, physical training is designed to build strength, agility, stamina, and the mental conditioning needed to overcome both armed and unarmed attacks. In addition, in-service Special Agents and Group Supervisors are trained in planning, organizing, and executing drug-oriented raids. All Basic Agent trainees, in-service Special Agents and Group Supervisors receive training in the appropriate techniques and strategies for conducting felony vehicle stops and vehicle-involved arrests.

photo - tactical trainingThe Tactical Safety and Survival Unit is also responsible for conducting critical incident management and operational planning for DEA Group Supervisors during the agency's Group Supervisor Institute. A comprehensive review of all DEA-related critical incidents provides Group Supervisors with relevant and up-to-date instruction in risk management and risk avoidance.

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