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Domestic Training
Firearms Training

photo - firearms trainingThe Firearms Training Unit provides firearms instruction to Basic Agent trainees and in-service classes. The unit conducts Firearms Instructor certification and the training for all firearms instructors in the field. It is also responsible for the testing and evaluation of all firearms, ammunition, ballistic protection, gear, and firearms-related equipment.

Basic Agent trainees receive 120 hours of firearms training including basic marksmanship, combat shooting skills, and tactics. Each student receives individual instruction and practice in using shoulder-fired weapons, firing while using a ballistic shield, and firing in low-light environments.

photo - firearms trainingDeadly force scenarios are simulated using the Firearms Automated Training System (FATS). This computer simulator tests decision making and reaction time by employing drills that hone combat shooting skills. These drills emphasize respect for human life and the importance of the proper use of deadly force.

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