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Domestic Training
Legal Training

photo - court room trainingThe Legal Instruction Section (CCT) of the Office of Chief Counsel provides comprehensive legal training for DEA, state, local, and other federal law enforcement employees. The instruction is specifically tailored to the changing needs of DEA employees and the dynamic environment in which they work. While attorneys with particular expertise from the Office of Chief Counsel at DEA Headquarters conduct a considerable amount of training regarding specific matters, the majority of the instruction given to new DEA employees is provided by attorneys assigned to CCT at the DEA Training Academy.

CCT is responsible for both coordinating and providing legal training at the DEA Training Academy. Attorneys within the Section instruct in Basic Agent, Basic Intelligence Research Specialist, Basic Diversion Investigator, Basic Forensic Science, Advanced Intelligence Training, Advanced Agent, Group Supervisor schools, and numerous other courses conducted at the Academy. In addition to teaching law to DEA Special Agents and other core series employees, CCT attorneys research and write a variety of materials on issues of importance to DEA operations. Materials produced by CCT attorneys are valued references for law enforcement personnel and prosecutors around the world.

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