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U.S. Department of Transportation Bureau of Transportation Statistics
The Intermodal Transportation Database Sunday, October 31, 2004
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ICAOInternational Civil Aviation Organization. ( Aviation Accidents Database and Synopses )
ICCInterstate Commerce Commission ( Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Census File )
ITCInternational Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships (ITC) is a set of standarized methods used to measure the size, weight, and capacity of waterborne vessels. ( Marine Casualty and Pollution Database )
Ice StrengthenedRefers to any ship with a hull build to withstand a colder climate and to sustain some contact with ice without damage. Also known as ice-classed. Ice strengthened ships are not necessarily strong enough to be used as ice-breaking ships, which are classed separately. ( National Ferry Database )
ImputedFor each crash, some details may be unknown or improperly documented. This term is used to denote that "unknown" data have been replaced with an estimated value through statistical imputation. ( General Estimates System (NASS/GES) )
In-Flight TimeThe total time an aircraft is in the air between an origin-destination airport pair, i.e. from wheels-off at the origin airport to wheels-down at the destination airport. ( Airline On-Time Performance Data )
In-Vehicle SigningA system that provides in-vehicle displays of non-commercial routing, warning, regulatory, and advisory information that is currently depicted on external roadway signs. ( Highway Perfomance Monitoring System )
Incident DetectionA system that monitors vehicle traffic for non-recurrent causes of delay and congestion, such as vehicle crashes or roadway debris. ( Highway Perfomance Monitoring System )
Inclined PlaneA transit mode that is a railway operating over exclusive right-of-way on steep grades with powerless vehicles propelled by moving cables attached to the vehicles and powered by engines or motors at a central location not on board the vehicle. ( National Transit Database )
Indirect Business Tax and Nontax LiabilityIndirect business taxes and nontax liabilities (IBT) consist of tax liabilities, such as general sales and property taxes, that are chargeable to business expense in the calculation of profit-type incomes and of certain other non-tax liabilities to government agencies (except government enterprises) that are treated like taxes - regulatory and inspection fees, special assessments, fines and forfeitures, rents and royalties, and donations. IBT is the sum of State and Local IBT, which mainly comprise nonpersonal property taxes, licenses, nontax liabilities, and sales and gross receipts taxes, and Federal IBT, which comprises nontax liabilities and excise taxes on goods and services. ( Gross State Product )
IndustryA group of establishments that produce similar products or provide similar services. ( Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates )
A group of establishments that produce similar products or provide similar services. Establishments are classified in an industry on the basis of their principal product or activity in accordance with the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification Manual. ( State and Area Employment, Hours, and Earnings )
Initial ImpactThe first impact that produced property damage or personal injury, regardless of First or Most Harmful Event. ( Fatality Analysis Reporting System, Trucks Involved Fatal Accidents )
Initial Impact PointThe first impact point that produced personal injury or property damage, regardless of First or Most Harmful Event. ( Fatality Analysis Reporting System )
InjuryHarm to a person resulting from a single event, activity, occurrence, or exposure of short duration. ( Railroad Accident/Incident Reporting System )
Injury CrashA police-reported crash that involves a motor vehicle in transport on a trafficway in which no one died but at least one person was reported to have: (1) an incapacitating injury; (2) a visible but not incapacitating injury; (3) a possible, not visible injury; or (4) an injury of unknown severity. ( Fatality Analysis Reporting System )
Injury SeverityThe police-reported injury severity of the person (i.e., occupant, pedestrian, or pedalcyclist). ( Fatality Analysis Reporting System )
Intact StabilityThe international maritime standards for the stability of passenger and cargo ships. Stability is the force that holds a ship upright or returns it to an upright position if keeled over. This standard is defined in Chapter II of SOLAS, the international convention for the Safety of Life at Sea. ( Marine Casualty and Pollution Database )
IntegerAny of the natural (or whole) numbers. ( Hazardous Material Incident Reporting System (HMIRS) )
IntercityTransportation between two cities. ( National Ferry Database )
Intermodal ContainerA freight container designed and constructed to permit it to be used interchangeably in two or more modes of transport. ( Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Census File )
InterstateA divided arterial highway for through traffic with full or partial control of access and grade separations at major intersections. ( Vehicle Miles Traveled )
Connecting between two or more states. ( Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Census File, National Ferry Database )
Interstate HighwayA divided arterial highway for through traffic with full or partial control of access and grade separations at major intersections. ( General Estimates System (NASS/GES) )
Interstate Highway, Freeway, or ExpresswayA divided arterial highway for through traffic with full or partial control of access and grade separations at major intersections. ( Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey )
InterstatesLimited access divided facilities of at least four lanes designated by the Federal Highway Administration as part of the Interstate System. ( Fatality Analysis Reporting System )
IntrastateConnecting within a state. ( Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Census File, National Ferry Database )
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