Working for America: Office of Personnel Management and General Services Administration
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Telework: A Management Priority
A Guide for Managers, Supervisors, and Telework Coordinators

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VI.  Conclusions

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management is committed to providing agencies, managers, supervisors, and employees with current guidance and support to facilitate the use of telework in the Federal sector. Attention to several key factors will lead to success.

Strong leadership on the issue of telework is essential. Federal policy makers, managers, supervisors, employees, and employee representatives must work together and invest their efforts in the success of this program.

Communication is critical. It must be clear, frequent, and positive among all parties. Flexibility is essential to achieve success in telework arrangements. There are often initial roadblocks and challenges to be overcome. As with any new idea or concept, success comes if the challenges are met.

We have provided you with guidance on the essential elements of the telework arrangement. We remain available to assist you in your planning, implementation, and continuing efforts to expand telework in the Federal Government.

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OPM and GSA Working for America
Page updated August 20, 2003